
Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?

Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?

The Ford Ford Forures is a compact sedan owned by Ford Motor Co., Ltd., which is positioned for comfort and spatial performance, and uses a unified platform architecture with the Focus. Before 2018, ford forees were selling very well, but now ford fores are only selling 4,100 vehicles a month. What exactly is causing this?

The new model still adheres to the three-cylinder

After the four-cylinder engine was replaced by a three-cylinder engine, ford forros experienced a sharp decline in sales. Many expectant consumers are waiting for the 21 new Forres to return to the four-cylinder engine, but the new Forres released in May this year is still a three-cylinder engine. Ford seems to be sticking to the three-cylinder engine, which has also made consumers lose confidence.

Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?

Ford's focus has long been on SUVs

In fact, Ford's focus has long been on suVs, and in May 2018, Ford announced the suspension of most of the car models in the North American market, basically withdrawing from the North American car market. The reason is that the Ford car in North America has not competed with the Japanese car, not only ford, but also the American General Buick car is also on the verge of danger, and now it all depends on the domestic market to survive. Therefore, most of the domestic Ford cars are actually domestic special models, and the speed of replacement has also slowed down. Compared with SUV models, Ford's sedan models have long been ignored.

Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?

The old Forres material workmanship is not bad

The old Ford Forrest is actually not bad in domestic popularity, and before the release of the three-cylinder engine model, the sales of ford Ford Forres were not low. Monthly sales are often more than 15,000 units, and occasionally 20,000 units. The old Ford Forros has the characteristics of American car materials, such as: laser welded roof, larger wheelbase in the same class, integrated boron steel body and so on. It is still difficult to compete with Japanese cars, and finally with the shift of Ford's center of gravity and the failure of the three-cylinder model in China, the good reputation of the Ford Ford Forres has also fallen to the bottom.

Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?

The three cylinders are not bad, but there are still hard wounds

In fact, with the development of technology, the jitter of the three-cylinder engine is actually not much of a problem. But old drivers still don't like models that drive three-cylinder engines. One is that when the three-cylinder engine accelerates sharply, there will be a noticeable shake when it reaches the critical point, although it will be a while. Second, although the power parameters of the three-cylinder engine are OK, when the throttle is accelerated, there is no continuous feeling of power, but there is a feeling of hoarse exhaustion. Although the speed can also go up, but it is very uncomfortable to drive.

Because of the sharp decline in sales of three cylinders, why does FordForrex still have to die of three cylinders?


Although the main problem of the Ford Ford Forris is because of the three-cylinder engine, the deep reason is because the American sedan was defeated by the Japanese sedan, which forced Ford to shift its focus to the SUV model. The new Ford Ford Forres model still insists on using a three-cylinder engine in the case of poor sales, which may be related to the domestic environmental protection policy.

Under the double credit policy, if there is no new energy vehicle to earn points, the lower the model that does not meet the displacement standard, the better it sells, the more it loses. The traditional Car companies in the United States are very weak in terms of new energy, if you change back to the four-cylinder engine Ford Ford Forrris may suffer losses in displacement, the more you sell the more you lose, so you can only grit your teeth and continue to use a three-cylinder engine on the new model.

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