
The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

People are made of two sides, from childhood can be seen, some children face their families, acquaintances will be very arrogant, in the face of strangers or stronger than themselves, will admit it, which makes many parents feel worried. In fact, the main reason for this phenomenon lies in parents, as long as parents can correct the mistakes in the educational process, they can solve this problem

What behaviors of parents will cause children to "nest in the nest and instigate outside"?

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

1. Parents are too weak in personality

In this era, "strict wife management" is a common phenomenon, and now women's social status is constantly rising, their status in the family is also constantly improving, and men's status in the family is decreasing, reflecting the continuous progress of society in terms of equality between men and women.

However, it has an adverse impact on the education of children, some fathers are too weak in life, causing dissatisfaction of wives, and some wives will accuse in front of their children and scold their husbands, such words and deeds will gradually change the mentality of children, and they will not respect their fathers at home, and they will be very arrogant in the face of their fathers.

The reverse is true of this situation, some fathers encounter dissatisfaction in work and life, lose their temper with their wives and children, face leaders who cannot be offended, and face strangers like a bag, which will also make children more and more disrespectful to their parents and afraid of outsiders.

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

2, the child does not go out for a long time

The word "home" has gradually become the daily life of many young people, in fact, the seeds of "home" have been sown at a young age. Some parents in the child, often due to busy work, trifles and so on, and can not be around the child to educate the child, they will give the child to others to bring, or let the child alone in the home, if the child is young, will lock them up, do not let the child go out.

It is precisely because they have been alone since they were young, so that these children are not willing to go out when they grow up, unwilling to socialize, and are very dependent on some idle items, such as mobile phones, computers, for a long time, the child's social skills have not been developed, the words and deeds when treating people and things are inappropriate, and they are not willing to correct them, and they will not be afraid to face strangers.

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

3. Parents are overly doting

In the past, when the second child was not opened, there were more only children, there was one child in the family, and the comfort of doting on the child was very common, not only the parents, but also the grandparents, the grandparents, the focus of the family of six people was all on a child, which would spoil the child.

Parents who spoil their children too much, obey their children,children have long been accustomed to this environment, they will be very arrogant to their families, as long as they do not satisfy their own desires, they will lose their temper with their families. And when he comes into contact with strangers from the outside, outsiders will not spoil the child like the family, so the child will feel afraid and behave very provocatively.

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

Should parents do this to eliminate the child's "home horizontal, outside instigation" mentality?

1. Parents should correct their words and deeds

Parents should pay attention to their own words and deeds, especially in the face of children, even if they are dissatisfied with each other and want to lose their temper, but look at the child's face, they still have to converge, suppress, and wait until the child leaves, or away from the child. Children's tenderness is not innate, and parents need to teach them gentleness and kindness.

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

Therefore, parents should lead by example, whether they are facing their families or outsiders, they must be gentle, treat them equally, and do not discriminate, so that children will remain gentle with both their families and outsiders. In addition, parents should constantly encourage their children to go out in life, encourage children to communicate with others, exercise children's eloquence, and cultivate children's courage.

2, parents should not spoil their children too much

Doting has no benefit to the growth of children, it will only paralyze the brains of parents and children, and the spoiled children will endlessly ask their parents for everything, they think everything is taken for granted, and they will not thank their parents.

The child's "nest is horizontal, outside instigated" because the parents have made these 3 mistakes, and it is not too late to change it

And parents still hope that the child can know the gratitude, and in the end will often be disappointed, so parents should abandon the education method of doting on the child, let the child face the problems they need to face alone, let the child suffer more losses, and in the loss of loss, let the child continue to learn independence and continuous growth.

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