
Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

Hello everyone, I'm Star Brother! Welcome everyone to pay attention to, forward and collect, today mainly share with you about: postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement, don't blame the failure to sit on the confinement! 3 factors during pregnancy will also lead to, pregnant mothers should pay attention!

"Low back pain" seems to be a big problem that plagues women's health. Many women have the same feeling, feeling that they are getting older, their physical condition is not as good as before, and every time they are slightly careless, overdosed or during special periods, their waist will be very sore. Of course, the performance of postpartum women is more pronounced. Pregnancy is not an easy thing, the body will bear a lot of load, if the confinement is not sitting well after childbirth, it will also fall into many diseases. Some women will have more obvious postpartum low back pain, always thinking that it is the cause of confinement.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

In fact, it is not, so today Brother Xing will share with you about postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement, don't blame the confinement! 3 factors during pregnancy will also lead to, pregnant mothers should pay attention! These three factors are standing, sitting and lying posture, if not not noticed during pregnancy, it is likely to cause damage to the waist muscles, and low back pain will always accompany women.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

1. Standing posture

"Pelvic forward leaning" is the pain that mothers will experience after pregnancy, and pelvic forward leaning will not only make a woman's figure out of shape, but also cause physical discomfort, especially the waist, which will often feel sore. Because the pregnant mother's belly becomes larger day by day, the pressure on the footsteps and waist will gradually become larger, at this time, if the standing posture is not correct, affecting the thoracic and cervical vertebrae, it will also make the waist feel uncomfortable. Therefore, pregnant mothers should have a scientific and correct standing posture, with their feet straight and the opening angle less than their shoulders. Do not stand for a long time, move appropriately, reduce waist pressure.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

2. Sitting posture

After pregnancy, the mother's body weight is heavier, sitting on the sofa is always how comfortable how to come, many times will lie lazily on the sofa, or sit obliquely on the sofa, so that the pregnant mother's waist will feel tired. Therefore, even during pregnancy, pregnant mothers should keep their bodies upright when sitting to reduce the discomfort of the waist.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

3. Recumbent position

Lying down is also one of the reasons why pregnant mothers need to pay attention, lying on the bed should also pay attention to posture, if the posture is not scientific, it will also cause harm to the waist. Healthy sleeping methods are generally lying on the left side, protecting the baby at the same time, but also a good protection of the waist. Some delicate pregnant mothers will buy a waist pillow to make the lying position more comfortable.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

Waist pain is a "small disease" that many women often hang on their lips, which seems to be a small problem, but it is very uncomfortable. Therefore, pregnant mothers should protect their waists during pregnancy, and they should also maintain them well when confinement, so that "waist pain" is completely away from themselves.

After having a baby, the mother will be very hard, feeding, with the child, washing and cooking, the mother is like a superwoman, although "for the mother is just", but it is inevitable to tire the body, especially the waist, to pay more attention to protection, more change of posture, exercise and rest combined, to give the waist a buffer opportunity. Of course, the small family is two people, the husband should also be considerate of the wife, take the initiative to help the wife share the housework, take care of the children, reduce the burden of the wife, and the two people work together to run the family.

Postpartum low back pain, don't throw the pot to the confinement! There are 3 factors during pregnancy that can also lead to pregnant mothers to care

In addition, after childbirth, Bao Ma's body is very weak, and she should eat more nutritious food to supplement. Bao Mom should not be greedy and not eat cold food. Go out to wear a little thicker, do not blow cold wind, resulting in joint pain, do not dip cold water, especially during the confinement period, be sure to protect yourself, do not fall into the root of the disease, the pain is unbearable.

Having said all this, pregnant mothers must pay attention! The above three points should be noted, standing posture, sitting posture, lying down should also be considered for the child and themselves, have a strong physique.

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