
Is postpartum low back pain caused by painless childbirth?

It is not an exaggeration to say that painless childbirth is called "the light of mankind" by mothers, saving mothers in the depths of childbirth pain, and also allowing women to have dignity in giving birth to children.

However, many elders are worried that beating painless will be bad for the baby, and will also lead to postpartum low back pain? Li Jian, the director of the anesthesiology department, the male god of tens of thousands of mothers, couldn't help but come out to refute the rumors and listen to what he said.

Draw the point

● Painless childbirth will not affect your child's brain and body

● Postpartum low back pain is not caused by painless childbirth

Attention new parents!

Anesthetics for painless delivery are safe and in very small amounts, almost 1/5 of cesarean sections.

After the anesthetic is injected, it will be mainly metabolized through the liver and kidneys, and the amount of it reaches the child can be said to be minimal.

Painless childbirth is to help women feel less about pain, and generally does not affect the power of childbirth.

Is postpartum low back pain caused by painless childbirth?

If the mother is too painful during childbirth, a substance called catecholamines will be produced, which will affect the oxygen supply of the newborn's blood and make the baby have certain dangers

What causes low back pain after childbirth?

● There are many causes of postpartum low back pain, such as increased waist burden on the abdomen during pregnancy, ligament relaxation, lumbar muscle strain, and poor postpartum rest. There are currently no clinical data on the association with the implementation of labour analgesia.

● Most of the main reasons are because holding the child for too long is too tired, or lying down for a long time.

Therefore, if a mother wants to fight painlessly, as long as it is evaluated by an anesthesiologist, it will not have a significant impact on the baby or mother.

I hope that all new parents believe in science

Source: U.S.-China Yihe

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