
Zeng Guofan: Accumulating money is not as good as godson, and sitting idly is not as good as reading books

Zeng Guofan: Accumulating money is not as good as godson, and sitting idly is not as good as reading books

Throughout the ages, children have been treasures in the eyes of their parents. Parents always want to leave the best things for their children, but some parents give them gold mountains and silver mountains.

In fact, good family education is the most valuable asset left to children.

It's not as good as building up money as a godson

The old saying goes: It is better to give it a fish than to teach it to fish.

It is better to give children more wealth than to teach children the ability to improve themselves and be self-reliant.

In the early days of the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, rewarded all the meritorious men, and Xiao He was indispensable to create a stable rear for the Han Dynasty, so Liu Bang gave him a lot of fertile land.

But Xiao He resolutely refused to accept it, but instead wanted a barren sub-field.

Liu Bang was very confused, he said: "Poor land can urge children and grandchildren to work hard and know how to be frugal." But with a fertile fiefdom, children are prone to become lazy and lazy, and in the long run, the family will decline. ”

Sure enough, after a hundred years, most of the families of the original more than a hundred heroes had declined, but the Xiao He family was still thriving.

Zeng Guofan said that if a child does not suffer, he cannot become a child.

Zeng Guofan: Accumulating money is not as good as godson, and sitting idly is not as good as reading books

Parents must teach their children to let him experience ups and downs and hardships, rather than giving him various favorable conditions.

Zeng Guofan said in his family training: "Poor" is the way of "good body".

In the family letter to the eldest son Zeng Jize, it is said: "All the children of the family, the food, clothing, and living are the same as the Han shi, and the few can become great instruments." ”

Tell us that the more the children of officials and eunuchs and the children of rich families, the more they must be diligent and thrifty, self-disciplined and independent, just like the poor people maintain in their daily lives, food, shelter and transportation, such children will eventually become great instruments.

In addition to reading, it is a very good thing for children and nephews to sweep the house, wipe the tables and stools, collect dung, and hoe the grass, and they must not be detrimental to the shelf.

- Zeng Guofan

To give a child the best education, it is better to let him feel the hardships of the adult world.

Today's parents, in the moment of extreme material abundance, give the best to their children, which is actually harming the children. If you don't love your son properly, you are actually killing your son.

In the process of growing up, the richer the material, the more the child will not know how to be grateful, eat well and be lazy, and become a "nibbling old man" by reaching out and eating to open his mouth.

Give children the correct education, so that children understand "hardships and hardships Yuru Yucheng".

Guiding children to learn to be diligent and hardworking is the deepest gift to children.

Zeng Guofan: Accumulating money is not as good as godson, and sitting idly is not as good as reading books

It is better to sit idly than to read a book

Reading can change destiny.

Through reading, you can increase your own wisdom, learn from the experience of others, life will be less detours, but also find shortcuts to success.

From ancient times to the present, all the famous teachers who have achieved achievements in learning and industry are all people who love to read.

When Che Yin was a child, his family was poor and had no money to buy lamp oil to read, so he put glowing fireflies into his bag, and used this "lamp" to learn to read hard, and eventually became a generation of famous courtiers.

Kuang Heng was born into a peasant family, worked as a hired worker for others during the day to make a living, read at night, could not afford to light a poor lamp, and chiseled a hole in the wall of the neighbor's house, so as to borrow light to read and become a generation of bright faces.

Zeng Guofan spent half his life on horseback, and no matter how busy he was on the march, he would take time out to study.

Reading can change temperament.

When I read Confucianism in my youth, I realized that "to reach the world is to help the world, and to be poor is to be good at myself"; in middle age, I read Taoism in the hope of prolonging my life; in my later years, I read Buddhism, and the prosperity of this world is meaningless, and it is clear where the soul is going.

It is necessary to read good books so that you can "have a good heart, speak well, learn well, and do good deeds."

For a family, reading is the best habit, and it is the enduring motivation and source of a family.

During his years as an official, Zeng Guofan constantly wrote letters to his family and urged several younger brothers to study.

Even let them turn in their homework on time and exchange reading feelings.

He would also take excerpts from his notes for his younger brothers to circulate.

When Zeng Guofan became a patriarch, he was even more strict, determined the study schedule, and urged the children to learn.

Because of this, the Zeng Guofan family has been rich in talent and prosperity for hundreds of years, which is inseparable from Zeng Guofan's emphasis on education.

Zeng Guofan said: "The temperament of people, because of their nature, is difficult to change, but reading can change their temperament." Gu Zhi was good at the Fa, and said that reading books can change the bone phase. ”

Reading can change a person's temperament, and even change a person's bone appearance.

As Yao Wentian of the Qing Dynasty said: "Hundreds of years of old homes in the world are nothing but accumulation of virtue, and the first good thing in the world is to read." ”

Reading is the best habit of a family and the best education for children.

The best asset for a child is not wealth, but education. Diligently shaping character, reading to enhance the soul, down-to-earth, looking up at the stars, children will have a brilliant and beautiful life.

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