
If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

Fie Bailey said: "The sweetest is love, and the most bitter is also love." ”

Men want to have a long-term relationship with women, or they have to spend more thoughts, only by carefully maintaining feelings can they make each other's relationship more stable and long-lasting.

If you ignore women's feelings, can't take care of their small emotions, so that they don't have the feeling of love, maybe love will become very unsmooth, or even fall apart.

In fact, once women enter into a relationship with you, they will be particularly sensitive, often worried about gain and loss, and when they are skeptical of love, it is naturally difficult to pay the truth.

Therefore, if a man wants to maintain a long-term love with a woman, he must learn to please the woman and take care of her heart, so that she will let go of her concerns.

Some men do not know how to maintain feelings, get the wrong direction, just blindly pay, but do not master a certain method, such an effect is definitely not good.

In the process of interacting with women, men should be careful and use some means to stir women's hearts in order to make her continue to be attracted to you.

Generally speaking, the prerequisite for long-term love with women is to be careful and care, and spend money appropriately. A man may wish to do both of these things and believe that she will not be able to do without you.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

First, take care of it

Marx said: "It seems to me that true love is manifested in the implicit, humble and even shy attitude of the lover towards his idol, and by no means in the casual expression of enthusiasm and premature intimacy. ”

If men want to get a woman's sincerity, they must understand the principle of step-by-step and never be hasty.

Women are eager to get the love and care of men in their feelings, they need to be hurt and coaxed, and this feeling of love is very important.

Therefore, men should learn to take care of women carefully, and when she has small emotions, they must coax her affectionately and give her the best sense of security.

When she is happy, you have to laugh with her, and when she is sad, you must also accompany her in time to give her comforting care.

Women are more sensitive, and if you can't take care of her emotions and don't take care of her, she may feel that you don't love her.

Many times, women's minds are like this, men must not reason with women, even if she is really wrong, you must first care for and care for her, and then find an opportunity to explain the situation to her.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

Her friend Xiaomu Girl is like this, she and her boyfriend have been in love for more than a year, and she has always felt that her boyfriend does not love her enough, and she has become less determined about this love.

The reason is that the boyfriend always can't take care of her, and when she feels lonely and sad, the boyfriend can't always come to accompany her, which makes her feel particularly disappointed.

Once, she made a mistake at work and was scolded by her boss, and her heart was particularly uncomfortable.

After work, she cried at home for a long time, sent a lot of messages to her boyfriend, and called him to come and stay with her.

The boyfriend told her that he was very busy now and would accompany her when he was free, but the little wooden girl was very angry and quarreled with her boyfriend at that time.

The boyfriend found out that she was not in the right mood, and then took a leave of absence and asked her what was wrong? She probably said it, and then she vented all her grievances on her boyfriend.

The boyfriend thinks it's no big deal and says she's a mistake in her job, and her boss is right to criticize it. Unexpectedly, the little wooden girl listened to her boyfriend's words and became even more angry, and even proposed to break up in a fit of anger.

So, men should understand that no matter what happens to a woman, she is not used to talking directly about the matter itself, but cares more about your attitude.

If you tell her to judge things directly, it may make her even more angry, and she cares about your ability to care for her and comfort her, not to reason with her.

Women's minds are more delicate, they need to be cared for by you, in order to be at ease in the relationship, if you ignore her feelings, she will naturally feel that you do not love her.

Therefore, if a man wants to have a long-term relationship with a woman, it is best to know how to take care of her, carefully take care of her emotions, and let her experience a sense of security in love.

Only when she feels valued by you can she truly give her heart to you and follow you into a better future.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

Second, spend money appropriately

No matter what kind of feelings, you can't avoid spending money, after all, love without material foundation often can't withstand the test of life.

When a woman talks to you about a relationship, although they won't let you spend money all the time, you can't help but show an attitude of being willing to spend money for her.

In fact, a man who does not pull out a dime is difficult to get the favor of women, which is not to say that women are material, but the reality of love is like this.

And, in a woman's opinion, if men don't pay for them, not even the attitude of loving her, they may be very suspicious of your sincerity.

Of course, men do not have to blindly spend money on women, but learn to spend money selectively. In other words, the money that should be spent is spent, and the money that should not be spent does not have to be forced.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

So, when is it best to spend money on women?

There are a few moments when a man can spend money generously for a woman, and it is easier to capture her heart.

For example, on the day of a woman's birthday, this is a day that women attach great importance to in their hearts, and if a man wants to have an affair with her for a long time, he needs to take the initiative to pay at this time.

Send her a red envelope to express her heart, not too much, of course, not too little, just be appropriate. Prepare a sweet gift carefully, and when a woman receives your heart, she will definitely favor you more.

For example, on Valentine's Day or anniversary, men should also take the initiative to pay and take her out to consume once, so as to express their love and care for her.

In short, the man's money should be spent in real places, and the woman should be impressed with you, so that she will continue to be emotional about you.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

Just like Miss Qian, a colleague of the company, she and her boyfriend have been in love for three years, the relationship has always been very sweet, and she plans to get married at the end of the year.

The boyfriend is usually very generous to her, and if it comes to a more important day, he will pay her money with special care to let her experience a romantic feeling.

The boyfriend will send her a red envelope of 520 yuan, buy roses, love to eat small snacks, and send her favorite books to read.

For the future, the boyfriend also made plans, buying a house, getting engaged, getting married, etc. are very clear, which makes Miss Qian feel very solid.

Therefore, her and her boyfriend's feelings are particularly firm, they both have the idea of marriage, and work together for the future.

Therefore, men should learn to spend money on women appropriately, so as to reflect your sincerity and love.

When a woman sees your sincerity and sincerity, she will let go of all her worries and be willing to give her life to you.

If you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman, a man may wish to do the following two things, and she will be inseparable from you

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Marlinsky said: "Inexperienced first love is fascinating, but love that stands the test is priceless. ”

Men want to have a long-term relationship with women, may wish to do the above two points, careful care, appropriate spending money.

Only by letting women feel your sincerity can you really win their favor, and the love for you will naturally be more lasting and stable.

In reality, love is often very warm at the beginning, but then it gradually becomes cold. Most of the time, it's that men don't take care of women's emotions, so much so that they become suspicious of their feelings.

Therefore, men must understand the prerequisites for long-term love with women, and when you can meet their emotional needs and the sense of ritual of life, she must be dead set on you.

The love that is heartwarming is beautiful, but the love that has really been done for a long time can make the relationship always change.

I hope that both men and women can maintain their feelings with their hearts and have a happy future when they get along.

Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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