
Featured cuisine: Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers, boiled fish fillets, toon mixed with fish fillets, tomato fillets

author:Jingjie kitchen

In the world, only love and food can not be disappointed, love has been disappointed too much, food can no longer be disappointed.

As the saying goes, "the people take food as the sky", and I am very much in favor of this sentence. I can call myself a "little foodie" because I've done a lot of research on the cuisine. Just the name of the dish, I can talk about hundreds of kinds. Roast duck in Beijing, small fat sheep in Inner Mongolia, lamb steamed bun in Xi'an, knife-cut noodles in Shanxi...

I often hear a lot of people say in life, "I can't cook." "In fact, the easiest thing to learn is to cook, unless you don't want to learn, of course, to do well, you must be careful." I remember when my son was cooking in junior high school, he said a very funny and incisive sentence: Cooking is easy! It is to put the seasonings of oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar into the ingredients in order! hehe! Think about it!

Returning to the truth, if a qualified housewife wants to do a good job of home cooking, she must be diligent and serious, and second, she must learn more, see more, think more, practice more, and innovate more. Table eating is a science, related to the health and happiness of the whole family, and the meals made with heart must be the best! Let me introduce you to some home-cooked methods.

Tomato fillet

Featured cuisine: Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers, boiled fish fillets, toon mixed with fish fillets, tomato fillets

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 100 grams of fish fillets, 1 box of tofu, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 3 slices of ginger, garlic, green onion to taste, 2 teaspoons of cooking wine, 1 teaspoon of starch, a small amount of pepper, salt to taste, oil.


1. Blanch the tomatoes in advance with boiling water, remove the outer skin and cut into pieces.

2. Fish fillets are marinated with cooking wine, starch and a small amount of pepper and salt. Heat the pan, add 2 tablespoons (30ml) of oil, add ginger slices and minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, add tomato cubes and sauté until fragrant, add tomato sauce and sauté together.

3. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water to boil, cut the tofu into slices, put in the boil, put in the fish fillets to cook and change color, add salt to taste.

Toon tossed with fish fillets

Featured cuisine: Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers, boiled fish fillets, toon mixed with fish fillets, tomato fillets

Ingredients: 100 grams of fresh toon sprouts, 150 grams of enoki mushrooms, 300 grams of net grass carp meat, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of garlic paste, 15 grams of starch, 5 grams of ground wild peppers, 1 egg white, 50 grams of homemade sauce, 50 grams of salad oil.

Homemade sauce: Stir 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of sugar, 2 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of ginger juice, 15 grams of soy sauce, and 15 grams of balsamic vinegar.

1. Toon sprouts chopped into water and set aside, fish slices into thin slices with salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, egg whites, starch stirred to sizing and set aside.

2. After the mushrooms are boiled in water, the fish fillets are left to be poured on the mushrooms and poured into the homemade sauce, sprinkled with garlic paste, wild pepper crushed, toon crushed and drizzled with 60% hot salad oil.

Vegetable reminder: Toon must be watered, can remove bitterness, the color is not easy to blacken.

Boiled fish fillets

Featured cuisine: Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers, boiled fish fillets, toon mixed with fish fillets, tomato fillets

Ingredients: 1 grass carp, 250 grams of soybean sprouts, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, garlic slices, ginger slices, 10 grams of cooking wine, 500 grams of fresh soup, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of chicken essence.

1. The fish is de-visceral, gill-chopped, scaled and washed. Cut the head open, remove two pieces of fish meat with a knife, cut the fish bones into pieces, change the fish meat into thin slices with a diagonal knife and put them into a bowl, add salt, monosodium glutamate, and cooking wine and marinate for half an hour.

2. Put the pot on the high heat, heat a little oil, stir-fry the bean sprouts slightly, add the fresh soup, add the fish head, fish bones, salt, chicken essence, and simmer until the soup is boiling.

3. Use a colander to scoop up the bean sprouts, etc., put them in a large basin and set aside.

4. Add egg whites and bean flour to the fillets and catch well. Place the fillets in the pot one by one, turn off the heat after about 1 minute, quickly use a colander to scoop the fillets into the pot and cover the bean sprouts.

5. Start another pot, pour in the salad oil, cook until it is 40% or 50% hot, then add chili, peppercorns, garlic slices, ginger slices, fry out the aroma and add it to the pot containing fish fillets.

Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers

Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 250 g of lean meat, 300 g of Korean spicy cabbage; Ingredients: 1 egg, ginger, green onion, corn starch, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper;

Featured cuisine: Korean spicy cabbage pot stickers, boiled fish fillets, toon mixed with fish fillets, tomato fillets

One. Japanese noodles: 1. First add an appropriate amount of boiling water to the flour, stir it into a pimple shape with chopsticks, then add a little cold water, knead by hand until the dough is smooth, cover with plastic wrap and wake up for 20 minutes

Two. Filling:

1. Mince the lean meat into minced meat, add an appropriate amount of corn starch to grasp well, then add the appropriate amount of salt, pepper, soy sauce, sesame oil, beat an egg and mix well in one direction, marinate for 20 minutes;

2. Chopped Korean spicy cabbage, chopped green onion, chopped ginger;

3. Add minced ginger, green onion and spicy cabbage to the marinated lean meat, mix well in one direction and set aside;

Three. Pot stickers:

1. Knead the waking dough well and roll into long strips

2. Divide into small and uniformly divided seeds

3. Knead the small agent and place it on a plate sprinkled with a layer of flour and press it flat by hand

4. Roll it out into a dough with a rolling pin

5. Take an appropriate amount of marinated filling and put it in the center of the dough

6. First fold the dough in half, pinch the middle tightly, and then pinch the four corners in turn, and the pot will be ready to paste the raw blank

Four. Frying pan sticker:

1. Put the oil in the pan, put the pan paste the raw blank (to be compact), and fry it for about a minute on low heat

2. Add a little flour to the bowl, pour in a little water and stir into flour water

3. Pour the flour water into the pan, about one-third of the pan paste, cover the pot and fry it over low heat

4. Cover a plate over the fried pan and turn the pan over, so that the fragrant pan sticker is completely on the plate

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