
Super delicious delicious home cooking recommended: leek moss screw meat, stir-fried chicken gizzard, minced meat fried peas

author:Orange-flavored rose tarts

Introduction: No one is born to cook, but life makes us have to learn this skill, perennial outside can not eat the meal made at home, and do not want to eat takeaway, you can only try to do it yourself, and then slowly learn, but in fact, sometimes, what to eat is not important, the important thing is that they enjoy the process of cooking this time.

In addition, when I occasionally feel that I am alone in eating alone, I will call a few relatives and friends to come to the house and get together to enjoy the happiness brought by food!

Hello, everyone hello ~ today to share with you a few dishes praised by many people home-cooked food, balanced and delicious, very under the rice, the method is particularly simple, the ingredients are also common in our daily life, even the kitchen xiaobai to do it without pressure, like to do hands-on cooking friends let's try it together ~

Super delicious delicious home cooking recommended: leek moss screw meat, stir-fried chicken gizzard, minced meat fried peas

【Stir-fried screw meat with leek moss】

-Ingredients and seasonings: screw meat, leek moss, ginger, garlic, red pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, chicken essence.

-Cooking process:

1: Add salt and alkali to the screw meat, rub out the sand and rinse well; cut the leek moss into small pieces, chop the red pepper, chop the ginger and garlic.

2: Pour oil into the pot, add ginger and garlic to stir-fry, then add screw meat and stir-fry for a while, add salt, a little cooking wine, and soy sauce to remove the fishy freshness.

3, two minutes before the pot, put leek moss, red pepper stir-fry evenly, put pepper, chicken essence, stir-fry well, you can get out of the pot!

- Cooking tip: don't put a drop of water the whole time! Screw meat will be fried out of the water!

Leek moss fried screw meat is done, super rice! And it's easy to do, you can do it in five minutes! Fragrant and nutritious and delicious! Bowl after bowl can't stop! Make it for your family with your favorite friends!

Super delicious delicious home cooking recommended: leek moss screw meat, stir-fried chicken gizzard, minced meat fried peas

【Stir-fried chicken gizzard】

-Ingredients and seasonings: chicken gizzards, millet pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, cumin, pretzel.

1: Slice the chicken gizzard, add cooking wine and soy sauce and marinate for half an hour, so that it does not go in and is still fishy.

2: Cut the shallots into small pieces, slice the ginger part into strips, slice the garlic cloves, and cut the millet pepper into small pieces.

3: Bring ginger slices to a boil in a pot, blanch the chicken gizzards, rinse with water and drain.

4: Heat the pan with cold oil, shredded ginger, garlic slices, green onion and millet pepper together to stir-fry the aroma, add the chicken gizzard and stir-fry.

5: Add cumin and pepper salt to the pan.

-Cooking tip: Add salt without pretzels.

A plate of stir-fried chicken gizzards that are super flavorful and under the rice is ready, don't hide from everyone that I ate three bowls of rice! Stir-fried chicken gizzard, a simple and fast dish for super rice, chicken gizzard is a magical ingredient, and it feels good to cut it casually

Super delicious delicious home cooking recommended: leek moss screw meat, stir-fried chicken gizzard, minced meat fried peas

【Stir-fried peas with minced meat】

-Preparation of ingredients and seasonings: peas, lean meat, garlic cloves, millet spicy, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, water starch.

1: Peel and wash the peas, cut the lean meat into minced meat, mince the garlic cloves, and dice the millet spicy.

2: Boil water in a pot, pour green beans into blanched water after boiling, boil green beans to change color to fish out the controlled dry water.

3: Heat the oil, pour in the minced meat, add a little cooking wine, soy sauce and stir-fry quickly, fry until it changes color and then put it on the plate and set aside.

4: Add a little oil, sauté minced pesto, millet spicy, pour in turn minced meat, green beans, add salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly.

5: Finally, pour in the water starch and cook until the soup is thick and ready to come out!

Delicious and delicious super rice minced meat fried peas are ready to do, peas taste delicious, rich in nutrition, as well as spleen and stomach, cleansing the intestines, reducing cholesterol effect, the elderly and children love to eat.

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