
Food sharing: pea sprouts fried shrimp slices, pea sprouts fried bacon, egg scrambled pea sprouts recipe pea sprouts fried shrimp slices pea sprouts fried bacon eggs scrambled pea sprouts

author:Healthy food

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fried shrimp slices with pea sprouts</h1>

Food sharing: pea sprouts fried shrimp slices, pea sprouts fried bacon, egg scrambled pea sprouts recipe pea sprouts fried shrimp slices pea sprouts fried bacon eggs scrambled pea sprouts

1, raw materials: pea sprouts, prawns, salt, sugar, pepper, chicken essence, green onion, ginger, garlic.

2, fresh shrimp to buy and soak in water.

3. Clean the pea seedlings.

4: Remove the head leaves from the pea seedlings and cut them into inch segments.

5: Wrap the prawns into shrimp.

6: Cut the shrimp into thin slices, add soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper and egg white syrup.

7: Put 60% of the heat in the oil pan and slide the shrimp slices and then set aside.

8: Stir-fry shallots, ginger and garlic in another pot.

9: Stir-fry the pea seedlings.

10: After the pea sprouts are broken, put in the smooth shrimp slices, pour in the mixed juice {salt, sugar, chicken essence, a little water starch) and stir-fry evenly.


1: Cut the shrimp slices as thinly as possible.

2, shrimp slices slip and fry speed should be fast, otherwise it will be old.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > fried bacon with pea seedlings</h1>

Food sharing: pea sprouts fried shrimp slices, pea sprouts fried bacon, egg scrambled pea sprouts recipe pea sprouts fried shrimp slices pea sprouts fried bacon eggs scrambled pea sprouts

1, raw materials: pea seedlings, bacon, garlic, salt, chicken essence.

2: Cut the bacon into cubes and slice the garlic.

3: Wash and drain the pea seedlings and set aside.

4: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan, heat over high heat, add garlic slices and sauté to bring out the new flavor.

5: Add bacon and fry until slightly charred on both sides.

6: Add the pea seedlings and stir-fry.

7: Sauté until the pea seedlings are out of life, add salt and chicken essence, stir-fry well and turn off the heat.

8, out of the pot and plate can enjoy it!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > egg scrambled pea seedlings</h1>

Food sharing: pea sprouts fried shrimp slices, pea sprouts fried bacon, egg scrambled pea sprouts recipe pea sprouts fried shrimp slices pea sprouts fried bacon eggs scrambled pea sprouts

1, raw materials: eggs, bean sprouts, peanut oil, salt, sesame oil.

2: Prepare eggs and pea seedlings.

3: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add some salt and peanut oil and stir well.

4: Wash the bean sprouts, bring water to a boil in the pot, add the right amount of salt, and blanch the bean sprouts into the pot.

5: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add an appropriate amount of salt, and blanch the bean sprouts in the pot.

6: Heat the pot over high heat, add the appropriate amount of peanut oil and pour the eggs into the pot.

7: Quickly scramble the eggs and add the bean sprouts to the pot.

8: Scramble the bean sprouts and eggs well, sprinkle with salt to taste, and drizzle with a few drops of sesame oil.

9, simple and delicious egg scrambled bean sprouts can be.

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