
Thai chili chicken, pickled pepper cuttlefish, fried fish balls, hand-torn cabbage preparation

author:Happy kitchen happy

Thai chili chicken

Thai chili chicken, pickled pepper cuttlefish, fried fish balls, hand-torn cabbage preparation

Ingredients: chicken thigh, green onion, ginger, garlic, millet pepper, coriander, black pepper, lime, yellow lemon, soy sauce, sugar, peppercorns, corn starch;


1. Deboned chicken thighs, sprinkled with a little salt and black pepper and marinated. Finely chop the garlic, ginger, millet pepper, spring onion and coriander separately and set aside. There is no yellow lemon at home, so use yellow lemon juice instead.

2. Squeeze yellow lemon juice and lime juice into a bowl, add soy sauce, sugar, a little water and black pepper and mix well. Pat cornstarch on the surface of the marinated chicken and set aside.

3. In a saucepan, fry the chicken skin on low heat and turn over until golden brown. When the chicken is 7-8 ripe, add a little butter and pour over the chicken with a spoon. Remove and suck off excess oil and cut into strips.

4. Cut the tomatoes in pairs, slice the cucumbers, add sugar and salt and mix well. Fruits and vegetables are laid on the base and the chicken thighs are diced. Sprinkle the peppercorn powder in the sauce, drizzle over the chicken and garnish with coriander leaves.

Pickled pepper cuttlefish

Thai chili chicken, pickled pepper cuttlefish, fried fish balls, hand-torn cabbage preparation

Ingredients: 400 grams of cuttlefish 250 grams of green shoots 50 grams of green onion knots, celery knots Salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, mash, sugar, cooking wine, pickled ginger rice, garlic rice, pickled pepper, bullet red pickled pepper, water bean powder, salad oil each appropriate amount

Chef's Guide:

1. Wash the cuttlefish and put them in a pot of water with cooking wine; cut the green shoots into pieces obliquely and cook them in the water pot until they are almost cooked.

2. Heat the pan with oil, soak ginger rice, garlic rice, minced pickled pepper, mash and bullet red pickled pepper, and fry until fragrant.

3. Add cuttlefish and green shoots into the pot, add cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate and chicken essence and stir-fry until flavorful, then add green onion and celery knots to thin the mustard. Can.

Fried fish balls

Thai chili chicken, pickled pepper cuttlefish, fried fish balls, hand-torn cabbage preparation

Raw materials; grass carp; carrot; broccoli; ginger; green onion; garlic;

Seasonings; salt; chicken essence; oil; sugar; oyster sauce; water starch;


1: Peel the grass carp, cut into cubes, put them in the water, remove the drainage; put the diced fish into the blender, add ginger to beat into minced fish, put the minced fish into a bowl, add chives and chicken essence, and stir the salt clockwise.

2: Squeeze the minced fish into about 10g of fish balls, heat the oil in the pan to 60%, put in the fish balls and fry for 2 minutes; take out the fish balls and control the oil and set aside.

3, tips: 1, in the whipping of the minced fish can also add an egg white, take out the minced fish stirring must be fully stirred into the air. 2. Fish balls can also be made with a spoon. Here I used about 280g of fish and made more than 20 fish balls.

4, carrots with vegetables cut out of the flower type, broccoli into small flowers washed, blanched, drain the water and set aside; heat the oil in the pot, put the green onion and garlic into the stir-fry;

5: Add carrots and broccoli and stir-fry; stir-fry the fish balls, add salt, sugar, chicken essence, oyster sauce to taste before the pot, and pour in the water starch to outline the thin mustard.

Tear up cabbage

Thai chili chicken, pickled pepper cuttlefish, fried fish balls, hand-torn cabbage preparation

Prepare a cabbage, a few cloves of garlic, 10-15 dried chili peppers, about 10 peppercorns, a little aged vinegar, a little soy sauce, a little sugar, a little salt, and a little chicken essence

Hand tearing cabbage, of course, is torn by hand, this link can let children help Oh! Cut the dried peppers into small pieces and slice the garlic. When the oil is hot in the pan, turn off the heat, add the garlic slices and sauté until fragrant, then add the peppercorns and dried peppers. After stir-frying the aroma, add the cabbage, fry until it changes color slightly, add aged vinegar, old soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, put a little sugar to freshen, add a little salt, chicken essence to taste.

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