
Pepper Chicken Slices [Sichuan Cuisine]

author:Good recipes

Pepper chicken slices

Ingredients: 1 open rooster (weighs about 1000 grams), sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, soup, peppercorns, green onion leaves.

・Special color: tender and refreshing, with the aroma of green onion and pepper.

Operation: 1, put the chicken into the pot, add water to cook, fish into the original soup or boiling water to soak, to cool, fish out to dry the surface water, smeared with sesame oil.

2: Mix the green onion, salt and peppercorns together with a knife to form a fine puree (a few drops of sesame oil when chopping) and put it in a bowl, add soy sauce, sesame oil, MONOS glutamate and soup to form a juice.

3, the chicken boneless, with a diagonal blade into a slope blade, neatly stacked in the dish, poured on the good juice, mix well when eating.

≮ Cooking Key≯

After the chicken is cooked, it should be soaked in the original soup or boiling water, and the sesame oil should be fished out to avoid the chicken slices from drying out and affecting the taste.

Nutritional value: - Has the effect of warming and nourishing qi, replenishing essence and adding essence, and supplementing deficiency and nootropics. The Shennong Materia Medica says that eating often can understand the gods; most of the doctors in later generations recognize...

·Cuisine: Sichuan cuisine

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