
Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

author:Chengdu micro-viewpoint
Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

Initial processing of chicken:

1, choose about 4 pounds of native chicken slaughter and clean, soak off the blood water, fish out and drain, put into the pot of cold water, add the right amount of green onion, ginger slices, salt, cooking wine, boil on high heat and then turn to low heat to cook for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 15 minutes until just mature, take out the ice water to cool, put it under the running water for 2 minutes, then put in ice water to continue soaking for 5 minutes, then rinse again, ice cold. At this time the chicken skin is already very crisp, hanging to blow dry the surface moisture, so that the meat skin tightens.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

2: Remove the chicken that has dried, cut off the head, claws and neck, remove the bones, and change the chicken into slices.

Cooking process:

Put 100 grams of lettuce slices on the bottom of the plate, spread 200 grams of chicken slices on top, pay attention to the part with chicken skin should be placed on the top, and pour 40 grams of pepper and sesame sauce to go to the dish.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

1: Chop 250g chives, sprinkle 20g of salt, add 30g of dried peppercorns and chop together to make peppercorns.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

Chives, peppercorns and a pinch of salt and chop into peppercorns.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

Chopped peppercorns.

2: Add 350 grams of chicken soup, 150 grams of sesame oil, 35 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 30 grams of pepper noodles, 15 grams of balsamic vinegar and monosodium glutamate, and then add an appropriate amount of salt to supplement the taste.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

Place the peppercorns in a basin and add the chicken broth.

Home-cooked dish making series no. 2: Pepper Chicken Slices

Stir in spicy fresh sauce, sesame oil, pepper noodles, etc. to form a pepper sauce.

Production key:

Boiled chicken pays attention to "cold water into the pot", it is slowly soaked, so that the meat is tender; after cooking, it is necessary to make the chicken skin crisp by two times too cold and three times iced; finally, it is hung up to blow the wind, which is called "sweat collection" in Sichuan terminology, which can remove the water vapor and make it easier to slice.

"Pepper hemp" is a small and fresh flavor type in Sichuan cuisine, which combines the aroma of peppercorns, the spice of green onions, and the rich aroma of sesame oil, integrating incense, hemp, saltiness, and freshness.

When making the peppercorns, use unsweed dried peppercorns and fresh turquoise chives, and add a little salt to the chopping. Why? This allows the flavors of chives, peppercorns, and salt to fully penetrate and fuse, which is much better than the effect of adding salt in the later period.

Chopped pepper and sesame mushrooms should be mixed with fresh soup and spices before use. In the traditional practice, white soy sauce is used to season the pepper and ma chicken to avoid "dyeing" too much and destroying the green. But now with the change of raw materials such as soybeans, white soy sauce is no longer the original taste, so it is changed to the more popular spice spicy fresh dew in recent years, its color is lighter, the umami taste is sufficient, and with a little spicy taste, it is very suitable for mixing "pepper and pepper"; in addition, when mixing, a little pepper noodles are added, which is made of stir-fried Da Hong Pao, the aroma is stronger, and the dried peppercorns with a slight taste can complement each other's advantages.

Transferred from: Celebrity Chef Exchange

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