
Home version of the pepper hemp chicken slice preparation

author:Food warriors
Home version of the pepper hemp chicken slice preparation

Pepper chicken slices

Ingredients: About 500 g of bone-in chicken breast.

Accessories: green shoots (lettuce) 100 grams, cold chicken juice (soup) 75 grams, pepper paste 20 grams, ginger 10 grams, green onion 15 grams, cooking wine 5 grams, refined salt 3 grams, monosodium glutamate 2 grams, sesame oil 10 grams.


1, the bone chicken breast, soak in water to remove the blood, clean, put into a pot of boiling water blanched, fish out, set aside.

2, add an appropriate amount of water to the wok and heat it, add green onion, ginger and chicken breast, keep the soup noodles slightly boiling after boiling, cook nine mature away from the heat, after the temperature is reduced, fish out the chicken, let it cool, and set aside.

3: Peel and cut the green shoots into diamond-shaped slices, add a little fine salt to marinate the taste, remove the chicken breast bone, cut it into even thin slices, and set aside.

4. Put green shoots into the bottom of the plate, and the chicken slices are loaded into a windmill shape or a three-fold water type.

5: Take a clean bowl, mix 20 grams of pepper paste with 75 grams of cold chicken juice (the original soup of boiled chicken), add 3 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of sesame oil to mix into pepper and sesame juice, evenly drizzle on the chicken slices.

Note: According to personal taste, add a little soy sauce, or red oil, coriander, green and red pepper.

Pepper paste, also known as shallot paste, is the main spice of pepper and pepper, with the spicy flavor of green onion and peppercorns.

Ingredients: 250 grams of green onion, 30 grams of fine peppercorns, 100 grams of cooked vegetable oil, 5 grams of refined salt, 50 grams of sesame oil.

Note: Pepper paste preparation

Select the best peppercorns to remove the stems and seeds, rinse and drain, then cut the green onion into fine spring onions, repeatedly chop them together with the fine salt, put them into a porcelain jar, add 80 ° C ~ 100 ° C oil temperature cooked vegetable oil and sesame oil to mix well into a paste; you can also make other cold vegetables to use.

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