
Private dishes to share: stir-fried garlic yellow, pickled pepper cuttlefish, grilled crucian carp with green onion

author:Sunny Kitchen
Private dishes to share: stir-fried garlic yellow, pickled pepper cuttlefish, grilled crucian carp with green onion

Stir-fry garlic yellow


Garlic yellow, garlic cloves, salt, chicken powder, oil


1. After washing the garlic yellow, cut the garlic stem and the garlic leaf separately into long pieces, peel the garlic cloves and chop them.

2. Pour cooking oil into the pot, burn the oil to 70% heat, first add the garlic stem part and fry first, because the garlic stem is more difficult to cook than the garlic leaf, so it is best to fry first.

3. Stir-fry the garlic stalks on high heat for about 2 minutes, add the garlic yellow leaves and sauté.

4. After stir-frying a few times, add a small amount of salt to taste.

5. Stir-fry until the garlic leaves are tender, add a little chicken powder to taste.

Pickled pepper cuttlefish

Private dishes to share: stir-fried garlic yellow, pickled pepper cuttlefish, grilled crucian carp with green onion


The materials are ready

Add water to a pot and simmer until bubbles in cuttlefish, salt, cooking wine, shredded ginger.

The edges of the water begin to bubble up in pure white bubbles, out of the pot, this step is completed within 1 minute in conjunction with the previous step.

Heat the oil in a pan and add shredded ginger, white part of green onion, pickled pepper and dried chili pepper and simmer (low heat).

Under celery, quickly mix well (high heat).

Add cuttlefish, white pepper, soy sauce and chicken essence.

Mix quickly over high heat, add the green part and turn off the heat.

Private dishes to share: stir-fried garlic yellow, pickled pepper cuttlefish, grilled crucian carp with green onion

Grilled crucian carp with green onions

Ingredients: crucian carp, chives, ginger, rice wine, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, sesame oil

Directions:1. Scrape the scales of crucian carp, remove the gills, break the belly and rinse off the intestines, spread the fish body evenly with salt, marinate in yellow wine for a while, cut the chives into sections, and cut the ginger into strips

2. Heat the frying pan, fry the crucian carp until golden brown on both sides, leave the oil in the pan, add the shallots, sauté the ginger shreds, add the crucian carp, release the soy sauce, sugar, add the appropriate amount of water and heat for about 8 minutes, put the fish on the plate and leave the soup

3. Add vinegar, sesame oil and the remaining shallots, collect the broth on high heat and pour over the fish

Private dishes to share: stir-fried garlic yellow, pickled pepper cuttlefish, grilled crucian carp with green onion

Dry pot fish balls

Ingredients: fish balls, pork belly, celery, onion, carrot, green pepper, enoki mushroom, dried tofu, coriander, green onion, ginger, garlic, bean paste, salt, chicken essence, cumin, sugar

1. Wash and cut all the ingredients, one plate of green onion, ginger and garlic, one plate of pork belly and fish balls, one plate of carrots and onions, green peppers, dried tofu, celery, enoki mushrooms, 1 plate of coriander

2. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, let the oil warm into the pork belly, fry the pork belly until it is white, pour in the fish balls, fry until the fish balls change color slightly, become soft, pour out and plate for later

3. Add a little oil to the pot, warm up and add green onion, ginger and garlic to stir-fry the aroma, add watercress sauce, sauté the red oil, pour in pork belly and fish balls

4. Pour in all the green vegetable plates, add salt, chicken essence, cumin, sugar, add the coriander segments, stir-fry evenly, and put on the plate

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