
Home cooking recommendations: grilled crucian carp with green onion, diced chicken with ginkgo biloba, scrambled eggs with fungus, fried rice with curry egg

author:Raise your head three feet to the moon

Diet, as the material basis for human survival, we are all inseparable from it, China since ancient times there is a "people to eat for the sky" saying, enough to see how much Chinese for diet, for China's traditional diet, I think everyone is not unfamiliar, Xiaobian as a typical "foodie" is also very researched on food, with the continuous improvement of living standards, our food is no longer only satisfied with eating, but to eat well. So good ingredients, we immediately think of good taste, if there is no good taste, even the best ingredients are wasted. Today I will bring you some delicious dishes, and I hope you can support me!

Home cooking recommendations: grilled crucian carp with green onion, diced chicken with ginkgo biloba, scrambled eggs with fungus, fried rice with curry egg

Grilled crucian carp with green onions

Ingredients: Crucian carp, chives, ginger, rice wine, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, sesame oil


1. Treat the crucian carp cleanly, spread the fish body evenly with salt, and marinate in yellow wine for a while;

2、Cut the chives into small pieces and cut the ginger into strips;

3: Heat the frying pan and fry the crucian carp until golden brown on both sides;

4, leave the bottom oil in the pot, put in the shallots, ginger shredded incense, add crucian carp, release raw soy sauce, sugar, add an appropriate amount of water and burn for about 8 minutes, put the fish on the plate and leave the soup;

5: Add vinegar, sesame oil and the remaining shallots, collect the soup on high heat and pour it on the fish.

Home cooking recommendations: grilled crucian carp with green onion, diced chicken with ginkgo biloba, scrambled eggs with fungus, fried rice with curry egg

Ginkgo stir-fried diced chicken

Ingredients: 250g chicken breast, 100g white fruit, oil, salt, cooking wine, corn starch, black peppercorns, green onion, garlic slices, ginger slices

1, the chicken breast washed, the chicken breast surface white film removed and then diced, put into a bowl to add cooking wine, salt and corn starch to grasp the salt for one hour;

2、 Prepare green onion, garlic slices and ginger slices;

3, when marinating chicken, first process the white fruit, the white fruit is first poured into the pot and cooked for 20 minutes on medium heat, and the boiled white fruit is added to the water and soaked for half an hour after fishing;

4, heat the pan under the warm oil into the chicken glaced oil until the color changes, leave the bottom oil under the ginger slices and garlic slices stir-fry;

5: Sauté the white fruit to bring out the aroma and add salt, then pour the diced chicken into the sauté evenly, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

Home cooking recommendations: grilled crucian carp with green onion, diced chicken with ginkgo biloba, scrambled eggs with fungus, fried rice with curry egg

Scrambled eggs with fungus

Ingredients: 1 handful of dried fungus, 3 eggs, 1 carrot, 1 green onion, oil and salt

1, the fungus in advance with warm water to soak well, wash the green onion, cut the green onion in half, cut into sections in an oblique knife, and cut the carrot into slices;

2, the egg into the bowl, beat evenly, the pot is added to heat, put in the egg liquid, spread out, wait for the egg liquid to fry and solidify, stir-fry into a block, put out and set aside;

3, add a little oil to the pot, add the green onion and stir-fry, be sure to pay attention to the green onion to cook out the aroma;

4: Stir-fry the fungus and carrot slices for 1-2 minutes, add the egg pieces, salt, stir-fry evenly over high heat, let the various ingredients fuse the taste, turn off the heat, and put it on the plate.

Home cooking recommendations: grilled crucian carp with green onion, diced chicken with ginkgo biloba, scrambled eggs with fungus, fried rice with curry egg

Fried rice with curry egg

Ingredients: Rice, eggs, mixed vegetables, carrots, ham, curry powder, salt

1, miscellaneous vegetables blanched water control dry standby, eggs scattered and set aside;

2, boil oil in the pot, scramble eggs, eggs out;

3: Turn off the oil of the scrambled eggs and add the curry to the low heat and stir-fry until the curry and oil are mixed;

4, pour in the miscellaneous vegetables, stir-fry the raw;

5: Pour in the rice, sauté loosely, add salt, pour in the eggs and stir-fry evenly.

Well, today's recommendation is here! I hope that friends who like me can pay attention to me, support me more, and also look forward to everyone's likes, comments and favorites, see you tomorrow!

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