
Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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Zhang Ming is a taxi driver, and today is an unusual day, because he is accompanying his wife, Wang Li, who has a bad stomach, to the hospital. They were waiting in the waiting area, but Zhang Ming was thinking about a conversation he heard while playing mahjong last night, saying that eating eggs can induce liver disease. So, he decided to take this opportunity to ask the doctor.

Finally, it was their turn, and the doctor was an experienced old doctor named Zhao Jun. After Dr. Zhao patiently examined Wang Li, Zhang Ming couldn't wait to ask the question in his heart: "Dr. Zhao, I heard that eating eggs can cause liver disease, is this true?" ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

Dr. Zhao smiled, and then began his explanation: "Mr. Zhang, this question is actually full of misunderstandings. First, let's talk about the eggs themselves. Eggs are a very high-quality source of protein that contains all nine essential amino acids and is an integral part of our daily diet. But an overdose on anything can cause problems, including eggs. ”

"Let's take a closer look at the function of the liver. The liver is the body's 'chemical factory', responsible for breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in food, as well as being a key organ for detoxification and storing nutrients. When we consume too many high-fat, high-cholesterol foods, the liver has to work overtime, which may lead to fatty liver disease and even more serious liver disease in the long run. ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

Zhang Ming listened with relish, and asked: "Then why do some people say that eating eggs is not good?" ”

Dr. Zhao continues, "This is often due to the tendency of people to perceive a single food as 'good' or 'bad' and ignore the overall balance of the diet. Indeed, if a person already has high cholesterol or liver disease, a doctor may advise them to limit foods that contain high cholesterol, including egg yolks. But for most healthy people, it's perfectly fine to consume eggs in moderation. ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

"It's important that we don't just focus on the eggs, but the whole diet."

Zhang Ming was very satisfied, and he understood that eggs themselves are not the "inducing agent" of liver disease, but the key is excessive and unbalanced eating habits. Wang Li's treatment was also coming to an end, and after Dr. Zhao prescribed the medicine, Zhang Ming suddenly thought of another question: "Dr. Zhao, my wife is sick to her stomach now, and she usually likes to eat eggs, could this be related to her current situation?" ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

Dr. Zhao reviewed Wang Li's medical records in detail and said, "Judging from her symptoms, this is more like an ordinary food poisoning, and it has nothing to do with the eggs she usually eats." However, if she usually eats too simplely, I still recommend adding more vegetables and fruits to ensure a balanced nutrition. ”

Seeing that Zhang Ming and Wang Li seemed to be more concerned and questioning about the link between diet and health, Dr. Zhao went on to explain, "Now let's take a deeper look at the relationship between food and liver health. Many people have an excessive fear or preference for certain foods, but in fact, a balanced diet is the key. ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

"In addition to eggs, there are many foods that are misunderstood or over-exaggerated. For example, many people think that beef is a burden on the liver because of its high fat content, but eating high-quality beef in moderation is rich in iron and protein, which is good for health. ”

Dr. Zhao went on to make an important point: "Many people ignore the health effects of food handling and cooking. For example, even healthy eggs and vegetables can be transformed into foods that are not good for liver health if they are fried in large quantities. ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

Dr. Zhao highlights a few key points for maintaining liver health: "Maintain a variety of diets and don't rely too much on a single food or nutrient. Pay attention to the freshness and safety of your food and avoid excessive intake of additives and preservatives, which can cause additional stress on the liver. ”

He also added some specific advice: "For example, increase fiber-rich foods such as oats and whole-grain bread, which can help lower cholesterol and reduce the burden on the liver." At the same time, eat more antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, broccoli, and citrus fruits, which help protect the liver from free radical damage. ”

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

Dr. Zhao's answer was very educational, and they thanked Dr. Zhao for his patient answer, and decided to pay more attention to their family's eating habits in the future and try to adopt healthier cooking methods to maintain the health of the whole family.

What do you think about eggs and liver disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Are eggs a "trigger" of liver disease? Doctor: If you want to have a healthy liver, you can't eat these things if you can

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