
What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Look, why is that guy so weird, with his ass against the tree?" Li Hao pointed to a middle-aged man in the park who was doing a back-hitting tree exercise and asked curiously. On this day, Li Hao was taking a walk in the park and happened to encounter this scene.

Li Hao, a 57-year-old general accountant, has been sitting in the office for a long time on weekdays, and his back often feels uncomfortable. His curiosity was piqued, and he stepped forward and asked the man who was exercising, "Is there any benefit to this?" "Oh, this one is said to improve blood circulation in the lower back and strengthen muscle strength." The man explained unhurriedly as he bumped into it.

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

These words moved Li Hao's heart. He thought, "Since there are so many benefits, I'll give it a try too." From that day on, Li Hao also began to work out the tree every night.

A few months passed, and one day, his wife, Li Hua, accidentally fell and injured her wrist. Li Hao accompanied her to the hospital. By the way, he also wanted to take the opportunity to check the effect of his tree hitting exercise in the past few months.

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

At the hospital, he met his old friend, Dr. Zhu, who was interested in Li Hao's way of exercising. "Do you know, Li Hao, although your exercise method sounds very non-mainstream, in fact, you have inadvertently adopted an ancient Chinese medicine massage method, which has also been applied in modern medical research." Dr. Zhu explained as he reviewed the results of Li's examination.

Dr. Zhu showed Li a set of data: "According to a recent study, regular mild but frequent back shocks like yours can promote microcirculation in the back muscles and enhance muscle and bone endurance. ”

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

"So, I feel right." Li Hao was quite relieved after hearing this. He did feel that his back was much more comfortable than before.

Dr Chu continued, "However, we should also be aware that while there is a positive side, this exercise can have a negative impact on the stability of the spine if the intensity is not properly controlled. I recommend doing some matching stretching and core strengthening exercises to balance your workout. ”

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

Li Hao nodded, expressing understanding and approval. A few weeks later, with a new workout program and a healthier body, Li felt like a new look.

At a party, a friend asked curiously, "Li Hao, you said that you do this kind of tree-hitting exercise every night, is it really effective?" I see that you are in good spirits now, and even your skin is much better. ”

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

Dr. Zhu happened to be there, and he took over the topic with a smile: "Yes, Li Hao's condition has indeed improved a lot. However, I would like to emphasize that everyone's constitution and situation are different, and it is best to consult a doctor before taking this type of exercise, especially for people with spinal problems. ”

The atmosphere of the party was very warm, and everyone talked about Li Hao's new way of exercising. Towards the end of the meeting, Li Hua suddenly asked, "Doctor Zhu, I noticed that during this time, in addition to feeling better in his lower back, his sleep quality also seemed to improve. ”

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

Dr. Zhu nodded and replied with a smile: "Indeed, according to Li Hao's condition and the medical records he provided, by improving the blood circulation and muscle state of the back, it may have indirectly promoted the overall relaxation, thereby improving the quality of sleep." This is a very good side effect. ”

At Dr. Chu's suggestion, Li started a new series of exercises, including special exercises for the core muscles. He insisted on doing at least 20 minutes of core muscle training every day after hitting the tree on his back.

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

A few months later, Li Hao felt a significant change in his body. Not only is his back no longer sore, but he also found that his physical strength has also improved significantly. He began to wonder if this kind of comprehensive exercise was really effective.

So, at the next follow-up visit to the hospital, he asked Dr. Zhu: "Dr. Zhu, after I joined the core training, I feel energetic. Is this change due to the strengthening of the core muscles? ”

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

Dr. Chu explains, "The core muscles are the body's central source of strength, not only supporting your spine and back, but also helping to maintain stability throughout your body. Your combination of training, especially with the addition of core muscles, significantly improves your physical performance. ”

After listening to Dr. Zhu's explanation, Li Hao became even more convinced of the correctness of his choice of this exercise method. He decided to make this integrative exercise routine his long-term health plan.

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?

In Li Hao's story, we can see that a small curiosity and attempt may change a person's life. From a medical point of view, it has also been confirmed that moderate and comprehensive exercise, especially the training of core muscles, has a non-negligible effect on improving physical health.

What do you think about backhitting the tree? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

What changes have the 57-year-old man's body changed after hitting his back against a tree every night and persisting for 7 months?