
A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

author:Lili Food World

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

Summer is coming, and the children are getting more and more active. As parents, we always want them to eat healthy and delicious. Today, I'm going to share a simple and easy-to-make home-cooked dish – broccoli risotto and Thai shrimp curry. This dish is not only delicious in terms of color and flavor, but also rich in nutrients, so that children can enjoy the joy of food while falling in love with vegetables.

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

First of all

We need to prepare some fresh broccoli and rice. Cut the broccoli into small pieces and mix well in the rice. This allows broccoli to be better integrated into the rice, adding taste and nutritional value. Next, put the stirred broccoli and rice in the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook the rice the same way you normally cook. After about 45 minutes, the fragrant broccoli stew is ready.

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

Next, let's make Thai shrimp curry

First, heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions until fragrant. Next, add the potatoes and carrots and stir-fry until raw. At this point, you can add the shrimp and broccoli and continue stir-frying. Then, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water and add the Thai curry cubes. The curry cubes here are the key, and it determines the taste of the whole dish. I've tried several brands of curry cubes, and in the end, I think this one has the strongest flavor and the most authentic flavor. The curry cubes contain coconut flour, which makes the whole dish even more fragrant and delicious. In addition, the fatty acid content of curry cubes is very low, so the elderly and children can eat it with confidence.

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

Put the curry cubes in a pot and cook for 10 minutes to thicken the soup.

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

At this time, the broccoli stew is also cooked. Place the rice in a bowl and pour over the boiled prawns. A delicious summer home-cooked meal is complete! This dish is not only delicious in terms of color and flavor, but also rich in nutrients, so that children can enjoy the joy of food while falling in love with vegetables.

A must-eat in summer! The perfect accompaniment to broccoli risotto and Thai prawn curry!

Broccoli risotto and Thai shrimp curry is a simple and easy-to-make home-cooked dish that is suitable for summer. Through this recipe, we can help children enjoy the food while also getting enough nutrients. Let's make more delicious and healthy home-cooked meals for the family together!

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