
Grilled crucian carp with green onions, teach you a Cantonese specialty dish, the method is simple and nutritious, fresh and delicious

author:Nine kinds of food

Jiuxiang'er food sharing: the people take food as the sky, since ancient times, no matter which ethnic group has its own food culture,

From the famous Manchu banquet, the famous feast; to the well-known snacks in the city; from the desserts in Shanghai to the butter tea in Qinghai- tibet; from the roast duck in Beijing to the small roll powder in Yunnan Hekou; from steaks to pies, all of them exude their own unique charm.

I've always wanted to be able to travel the world and appreciate different customs, but I prefer different cuisines. From the food of a place, we can appreciate the customs and customs of a place, humanistic beliefs, living customs, understand the geographical conditions, vegetation characteristics, the blooming of taste buds, the aroma absorbed, fill the brain, let people blossom in their hearts. As described in the movie "Food Story", delicious things make people see a different world, like being in a gentle dream; it can also allow us to retrieve the good memories of the past, to retrieve those lost things, and the bloom of the heart begins with the dance of the taste buds

Grilled crucian carp with green onions

Grilled crucian carp with green onions, teach you a Cantonese specialty dish, the method is simple and nutritious, fresh and delicious

Ingredients: crucian carp, chives, ginger, rice wine, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, sesame oil

Directions:1. Scrape the scales of crucian carp, remove the gills, break the belly and rinse off the intestines, spread the fish body evenly with salt, marinate in yellow wine for a while, cut the chives into sections, and cut the ginger into strips

2. Heat the frying pan, fry the crucian carp until golden brown on both sides, leave the oil in the pan, add the shallots, sauté the ginger shreds, add the crucian carp, release the soy sauce, sugar, add the appropriate amount of water and heat for about 8 minutes, put the fish on the plate and leave the soup

3. Add vinegar, sesame oil and the remaining shallots, collect the broth on high heat and pour over the fish

Grilled crucian carp with green onions, teach you a Cantonese specialty dish, the method is simple and nutritious, fresh and delicious

Sauce roasted chicken meatballs

Ingredients: Chicken meatballs 250 g pepper 1 onion 1 pixian bean paste 1 teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons green onion 1 piece garlic 3 cloves tempeh 1 teaspoon light soy sauce 1 teaspoon;


1. Prepare the ingredients;

2. Cut the pepper onion into pieces, and chop the garlic, green onion and tempeh separately;

3. Put cooking oil in the pot, add green onion, garlic and tempeh and stir-fry until fragrant;

4. Stir-fry the red oil with watercress sauce after stir-frying;

5. After the watercress sauce is fried in red oil, add the chicken meatballs;

6. Stir-fry evenly and add soy sauce;

7. Add sugar;

8. Add a small half bowl of soup;

9. After boiling, cover the lid and simmer to make the chicken meatballs taste good;

10. After the soup is reduced, add green pepper and onion and stir-fry;

11. Stir-fry until the pepper and onion are broken, and the soup is basically wrapped in the ingredients to turn off the heat and put it out;

Grilled crucian carp with green onions, teach you a Cantonese specialty dish, the method is simple and nutritious, fresh and delicious

Bacon lettuce

Ingredients: 100 g bacon, 1/2 lettuce, 10 dried chili peppers, 3 slices of ginger, 1 garlic, 10 g vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Scrape off the dirt and wash it with warm water, steam it in the basket drawer for 15 minutes, let it cool and cut into thin slices

2. Peel off the lettuce, wash and slice, sprinkle with fine salt and marinate for 10 minutes, wash the red pepper and cut into long pieces, slice the ginger and cut into garlic sections

3. Pour oil into a pan, add red pepper and ginger and heat over high heat

4. Add the sliced bacon and garlic and stir-fry over high heat until the bacon is slightly curled and the grease is partially transparent

5. Decant the lettuce out of the marinated water and pour it into the pot, stir-fry on high heat to taste

Grilled crucian carp with green onions, teach you a Cantonese specialty dish, the method is simple and nutritious, fresh and delicious

Chicken nuggets with potato sauce

Ingredients: 1 chicken thigh 1 potato, 2 tbsp salt 1 tsp cooking oil 2 tbsp cooking wine;

1. Wash the chicken thighs and chop them into chicken nuggets. Peel the potatoes. Cut into cubes. Wash it and soak it in water for about 10 minutes to remove excess starch.

2. Heat a wok and pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, add the green onion and pour in the chicken nuggets and stir-fry. Stir-fry in two tablespoons of soybean sauce until the chicken thighs are tightened. Pour in the potato cubes and stir-fry together.

3. Add 2 tablespoons of cooking wine to an appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil on high heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Just collect the juice.

Jiuxianger food sharing ends, like friends can like and forward to pay attention to it, do not know what to eat every day, you can come to turn me, welcome to point out the problem, learn from each other, remember to leave a message Oh

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