
How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

According to 2021 data, the total consumption of a family on children is about 5262 yuan per month, accounting for 20% to 30% of the family income.

People who do not have babies usually only see the cute side of the little one, and only after they really raise a baby do they know that the child is a "four-legged gold-devouring beast".

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Literally, we can see the parents' evaluation of their children: "Other abilities may not be very strong, but the ability to swallow gold is superior." It seems that there are not many things needed, but unconsciously, the parents' pockets are empty.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

How much did it cost to have a baby? The amount of money makes some people "afraid of life"

I was playing with the little candy on the couch, and sugar dad came out with his mobile phone, so that I could quickly calculate the account and see how much money the two "gold-devouring beasts" in the family had spent?

It turned out that he saw a hot search on the Internet - how much money was spent after giving birth? Click on the bills posted by the parents, the amount is unexpected.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Bao Dad and Bao Mom spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. For families with high costs, the amount of bills has exceeded one million before the child is 5 years old, and this does not include the fragmentary expenses of life.

Many people who are not yet married, or who are married and ready to have a baby, see the ability of the four-horned gold-devouring beast, have said that they are a little "afraid of life".

In fact, the money spent on the child is not only after he is born, but also during pregnancy, doing various tests, buying nutritional products and quasi-other baby products, which is already a big expense.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Some people sigh after seeing the bill that their current monthly salary may not be enough for their children. I deeply feel that the name of the child's "four-legged gold devouring beast" did not come out of thin air.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

How much money can a baby spend? The four-legged gold-devouring beast is not a waste of time

In the Easter egg of "The Richest Man in Xihong", a large line has been said on the side, and it costs a lot of money to raise a child.

After the birth of the child may ask for a sister-in-law, followed by "milk powder bottle diapers", a variety of snacks to supplement food, after school to learn a variety of skills of the make-up tuition fee, each of which adds up to become a lot of money.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Especially now that the two-child and three-child policy is relaxed, the cost of raising children is doubled, and no matter how many tier cities they live in, it is an invisible pressure.

Exclude some celebrity families, or families that are "not bad for money" themselves, and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for their children every month. Ordinary class families, the cost of children is not much.

From the data of 2021, it can be seen that the first-tier city households are about 6,000 yuan or more per month, and the cost of the third line and below is about 3700 yuan.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Under this premise, if you want to maintain the family life with the remaining money, it may be easier to earn more than 10,000 yuan a month steadily.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

There is a "four-legged gold-devouring beast" in the family, and the couple must learn to relieve stress

Sugar Mom understands that parents want to give their children the best life possible. But living at home, the money that should be spent can be spent. In the process of raising, some money is not necessary to spend, and parents must combine their own actual situation.

Sugar Mom often chats with Bao Mom in the group, and finds that when everyone raises a baby, it is inevitable that there will be some comparison psychology.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Other people's children deserve very expensive items, and they must also let their children enjoy the same treatment. But what children use, the most expensive does not mean that it is the best.

Take the stroller in this case, some families will not hesitate to buy a stroller for their children for 6,000 yuan, but for most families, a stroller of about 1,000 yuan is already very good.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

The same is true of other brands of clothing and supplies. Choose items that suit your spending power so that you don't have unnecessary pressure to raise a baby.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

There is no clear boundary between "poor farming" and "rich farming", and there is no panic in the family of "four-legged gold-devouring beasts"

After having children, the couple will have more motivation to make money, although raising a baby will cost a lot of money, but as long as the husband and wife are properly arranged, there is no need to panic.

Sugar Mom usually writes down some big expenses, and while she has a number in mind, she is also reflecting on what money is not necessary to spend.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

Ordinary kindergartens, 1000 to 3000 per month are enough, and those kindergartens with more than 100,000 childcare costs per year are not suitable for every family.

On this point of how to raise children, there is a saying that is very reasonable: "The poor are poor, and the rich are rich."

Each couple's earning power is different, not to buy a good and expensive child from an early age, so that he can grow up healthy and happy. Be able to strive to be the best in the current living conditions.

How much does it cost to have a baby? After seeing the bill: "Four-legged gold devouring beast" is not a waste of time

If the conditions at home are really good, there is no need to deliberately raise children poorly. If the family conditions are average, there is no need to follow the trend of "enriching" children like online. Having a certain economic foundation and having a baby after a stable job will reduce the pressure.

What's more, the real wealth is not only economic conditions, but also lies in spiritual and family education, otherwise no matter how much money is spent, it may just be a water drift.

Candy Mother's Heart:

How much does it cost to have children? Every family has different standards, but there is no need to be "afraid" of life because of this matter.

【Today's topic】How much do you spend on your baby every month?

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