
"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

In China, only about 10% of women are willing to choose painless childbirth.

Nowadays, the pace of life has become faster, everyone is pursuing speed and efficiency, and even the matter of having a baby cannot escape. If two people start waiting for delivery together, the person who is slow will be anxious, anxious, but powerless.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the date of giving birth to the baby is one day apart

After giving birth to a small candy, Sugar Mom met two pregnant women in the hospital. At that time, they lived together, and the state was "open finger". The two counted the time, thinking that they might go into the delivery room together, and if the child could be born on the same day of the same month in the same year, it must be a special fate.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

But the ending was different from what they imagined, the thin pregnant woman, who came to give birth in the morning, gave birth at more than 10 o'clock that night, and harvested a male treasure. The pregnant woman who seemed to have a better physique waited until the next morning to enter the delivery room, and after giving birth to a baby for nearly 3 hours, she succeeded in harvesting a cute little cotton jacket.

Everyone did not expect that the birthdays of the two babies would be one day apart when they were running together for delivery. The families of both sides saw that the male treasure was older than the female treasure, and jokingly said: "Set a doll kiss"!

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

After the hilarity, the two families also had doubts. The same is the birth of a child, why is there such a big gap in the length of time? Is it related to the fat and thin nature of the mother? Sugar Mom wants to say that it doesn't have much to do with her body.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

Two pregnant women waiting to give birth together, why is the time to give birth to a baby longer and shorter?

For women who have a normal birth, there is more than one factor that affects the length of time of having a baby, and these reasons are often ignored.

The size of the force does not directly determine the speed of the baby: the size of the force may affect the speed of the second stage of labor, but brute force does not help the birth substantially, and may also injure yourself.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

The point of exertion during normal delivery is very critical, and it needs to be guided by a doctor and slowly explored. The maternal strength is not as good as the force, and the time to give birth to the baby with the right strength is shorter, on the contrary, it is exhausted and cannot see the baby's head.

It is related to the condition of the mother and the fetus itself: not only must the child have strength, but the physical condition of the mother and the condition of the fetus will also affect the length of delivery.

Maternal pelvic and obstetric conditions are poor, and there are many difficulties encountered in the second stage of labor, which is naturally longer. When the fetus is too large, it is more difficult to pass through the pelvis and birth canal, which can also lead to excessive delivery.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

Women who have delivered more than they were due to give birth, or who have not yet reached the expected date of delivery and need to induce labour, will be significantly slower in the first stage of labour. On the one hand, the body is not ready, on the other hand, after the expected birth, the bones of the fetus harden, the longer they grow, the fatter they get, and the birth becomes difficult.

Genetics also has an impact on women's childbirth: typically, menstruating women take less time to give birth than the first-time woman as a whole. But some women give birth for the first time, not only is each birth fast, but the pain is also mild.

Sugar mother is most envious of this physique, not by exercise can be exercised, often innate physical advantages, and this physique is inherited from the mother, grandmother, can also be inherited to their daughters.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

In addition to the genetic advantages, other conditions of delivery have been improved. It is not easy to choose a woman who has a normal birth, and in order to improve her delivery speed to a certain extent, you can be prepared in these aspects.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

Be in labor at the same time as others and remember to do so if you want to complete the delivery as soon as possible

Strictly speaking, normal labor is divided into stages. From the beginning of the regular contractions with signs of initiation, to the "opening of ten fingers" into the delivery room, this is the first stage of labor.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

The second stage of labor is the process of the mother delivering the baby out of the delivery room; but this is not the end, the baby needs to successfully deliver the placenta after birth, which is the third stage of delivery.

After the end of the above several labor processes, the mother will generally go through an observation period of about 2 hours, and each labor process affects the final birth time. If you want to become a person who has a baby quickly, you must make the following preparations.

1) Don't forget to do various prenatal examinations

Expectant mothers have a weekly check-up in the last month of their due date. In addition to observing the physical condition of the expectant mother and fetus, it is also to eliminate hidden dangers for childbirth. If you find that you are not suitable for a vaginal birth during the obstetric examination, then you still have to listen to the doctor's advice, blindly having a vaginal birth is not brave but a risk.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

2) Playing "painless" can save physical strength and mental strength

Compared with the formal delivery after entering the delivery room, the "open finger" process of the second stage of labor is longer. Some first-time mothers may wait more than 10 hours, consuming a lot of physical and mental energy. In the past, women could only survive by perseverance, but now having "no pain" will not be too guilty.

When women open their fingers for about 2 to 3 centimeters, the pain of contractions becomes more and more obvious, and the pain can be reduced or even disappeared when there is no pain. In this way, the energy and strength are saved before the formal delivery, and the second labor process is smoother.

3) Cooperate with the doctor during childbirth

When Sugar Mom gave birth to small candy, she heard that a pregnant woman had to "turn the section" because she did not cooperate with the doctor, and the situation was particularly critical at that time.

"Order a doll kiss"! The two pregnant women are waiting to give birth at the same time, but the birthdays of the two babies are one day apart

Therefore, it should be clear that even if there is a childbirth experience, the specific situation of each fetus is different. Relaxing your mood and cooperating with your doctor will be safer and smoother. Don't rely on your feelings, push hard or yell.

Don't be anxious when you are about to give birth, and it is not a bad thing to have a baby slower

Those women who take only a few tens of minutes from launching to giving birth to a baby are after all a minority, and they are more dangerous "emergency deliveries". Everyone is waiting for delivery at the same time as another mother-to-be, slower than each other and do not have to worry, as long as it is within the normal time frame.

The first stage of labor is the longest, the first mother takes about 11 to 12 hours to complete the opening finger, the menstrual mother takes about 6 to 8 hours, and a small number of women can complete it in about 4 hours, which is normal in this time frame.

After entering the delivery room, some women can deliver the baby in a few minutes, which is more common in 1 to 2 hours. It is also relatively safe to complete the delivery within 3 hours, so don't be anxious in the delivery bed.

Candy Mother's Heart:

It is not a bad thing to have a baby slower, the whole process is too urgent, the preparation time for women and their families is not enough, it is easy to give birth to the baby on the road, and it is dangerous for the mother to "tear" and bleed, and the fetus also has the possibility of being choked by amniotic fluid.

Understand the precautions mentioned by sugar mothers above, make physical and psychological preparations, and give birth is not so terrible.

【Today's topic】How long did it take for everyone to go from opening their fingers to successfully giving birth?

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