
Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

In the hearts of most parents, they believe that the middle school entrance examination and the college entrance examination are crucial battles for the growth of their children, and they are also resolutely unable to lose.

In order to enable children to win in the middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination, and have a flatter and brighter future, most parents will not hesitate to buy various tutoring courses for their children, only hoping that their grades will be more competitive and they can be admitted to prestigious universities.

In the hearts of parents, they believe that after entering a prestigious university, their children's future path will be smoother, and they will have more choices, and they will be able to choose a job that is satisfactory.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this idea, whether it is the children of ordinary people or star families, even education experts, in the face of children's learning, still maintain a state of great headache.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

As we all know, Yu Minhong has an irreplaceable position in the learning career of each student.

On many occasions in public, Yu Minhong said that as a father, he has a daughter who is a junior and a son who is in his second year of junior high school.

His son is in a state of distress and, like most parents, hopes that his son will be admitted to a prestigious school.

However, in the process of accompanying children to read, Yu Minhong said: Compared with entering a prestigious university, the cultivation of these abilities is the foundation of children's standing, so that they can have stronger energy in their future reading careers.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

[These abilities are more important than entering prestigious universities]

1. The courage to encounter difficulties and not to retreat easily

Compared with the cultivation of children into students of prestigious universities, for parents, we must pay attention to the cultivation of children's courage from an early age, and the more difficulties they encounter, the more they should have the courage to move forward.

Nothing is smooth sailing, only with strong courage, can we have the courage to break the boat, can we persist to the end, and achieve the success that our parents expect.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

2. Encounter rules, know how to avoid and abide by the consciousness

Instead of raising children to become students graduating from prestigious universities, it is better to equip children with outstanding abilities.

Nowadays, most children are irreplaceable treasures in the hearts of their parents.

If the child does anything wrong, the parents will try their best to pay for it and save it, so it also makes the child develop no rules, which is not beneficial to the child's growth.

Therefore, from an early age, it is necessary to cultivate a certain sense of rules in children.

From an early age, we must establish a certain sense of rules and order for children, which is a very key and necessary code of conduct.

To some extent, it can avoid children from taking fewer detours in the future, can hit less walls, and make their behavior in a state of social acceptance, which is also a valuable asset given to their children by parents.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

3. When encountering problems, have the ability to control emotions and self-control

Children grow up in a state of extreme freedom under the love of their parents, which is a happy childhood given to their children by parents.

This also causes many children to have no way to control their emotions, no matter on any occasion, as long as they do not achieve their children's wishes and requirements, they will even threaten their parents by crying, rolling and so on.

This is not beneficial to the growth of children, rather than reluctantly sending children to prestigious universities, it is better to let children have certain emotions, self-control so that they can control their emotional changes.

Basic self-control ability can enable them to control their behavior and emotions in the future, avoid adding unnecessary burdens to others, and also make their lives smoother.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

4, the curiosity about life and knowledge, can not ignore the desire to learn

When parents continue to add bricks and tiles to their children's examination path in a cramming way, it is better to focus their attention on the cultivation of children's curiosity and curiosity.

Most children's IQs are the same, there is not much difference, and as they age, students who fall into a state of exhaustion will lose interest in learning and their curiosity will gradually decrease.

This is also an important reason why their grades have not been more prominent, however, curiosity and curiosity are the root cause of all the improvement of grades.

Therefore, in the process of children's education and growth, as a parent, we must retain the child's curiosity and curiosity as much as possible.

No matter in what way, in short, can let the child have these two characteristics, the future whether in life, or on the road to learning, will have a strong competitiveness.

Yu Minhong: Don't always ask your child to take the famous brand, it is more important to have these points

【Author's Message】

Yan Zhenqing once said that three more lights and five more chickens are exactly when the boy is reading.

Famous universities, whether for parents or for children, have a strong glitter, cold window hard study for more than ten years, just to fight for this goal and work hard.

However, the future life is far more than a dozen years, compared to the tools of reading, the above ability, is the key to the real talent.

This is also the truth that parents must understand, only with the above abilities, can the soft power of children in learning and future life continue to increase, in order to avoid the situation of "high education, low ability".

Today's topic sharing: Do you think: Compared with the monthly examination of famous universities, what abilities are the basis for future competitiveness in life? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences below.

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