
The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

In the recent poetry world, the most powerful person in the limelight is Yu Xiuhua. However, since Yu Xiuhua was excavated by "Han Poetry", "Poetry Journal" and "Yangtze River Literature and Art" in 2014, it has actually been hot. Her popularity does not rely on poetry works, but on various topics to attract people's attention.

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

The image comes from the Internet

Yu Xiuhua is physically disabled, but she is clear in her heart and knows what topics can cause heated discussion. Take the recent example, her begging for peace and love has attracted many people. And Yu Xiuhua is most "talked about" is her story with three "male gods".

The first is Li Jian, the "male god of the song world". Yu Xiuhua wrote a lot of poems to Li Jian, which made Li Jian cry and laugh a little. "I like you, Li Jian", "You from afar", "Why do we love this absurd human world", "I want to fall in love with you on crutches", it is said that Yu Xiuhua is ready to write 10 poems for Li Jian.

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

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Li Jian had to come out to respond, that is, 16 words: "Yu Xiuhua is writing poetry in the clouds and living in the dirt." Is this sentence positive or negative? It is estimated that different people will have different understandings. Only Li Jian himself knew in his heart what he meant.

The second is li bo, the "male god of poetry". As a poet, Yu Xiuhua actually has no intersection with Li Bo. But when Li Bo attracted criticism for writing poetry, Yu Xiuhua stood up and said a word for Li Bo. "You lifted them up, they're not worms, they're worm shit!"

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

The image comes from the Internet

It is estimated that Li Bo, who was in a state of confusion, felt that he had met Zhiyin, and actually replied: "You are a real poet!" Your poems will not waste the rivers and rivers of eternity! Li Bo's reply is positive or negative? I'm afraid that only Li Bo himself knows it.

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

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The third is Yu Minhong, the "male god of the business world". Yu Minhong was once an idol for many people and a symbol of success. But lately, he's been a bit downcast. However, he invited Yu Xiuhua, and the two of them opened a live broadcast together, and it is said that they sold more than 10,000 books.

Yu Xiuhua's relationship with these three "male gods" has made many people who support her extremely excited. When commenting on Yu Xiuhua, it was also reckless, and what "surrealist poets", "great poets", "epoch-making poets" and so on came. Those who don't know think they are evaluating Du Fu, Li Bai and Li Qingzhao are not enough, because they are not "true."

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

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Li Jian, the "male god of the singing world", is estimated to be "dumb and eating yellow and even suffering can't say it", and he doesn't know what to say. Li Bo, the "male god of poetry", is estimated to be in a hurry, and now he is afraid that he will regret it too much. Yu Minhong, the "male god of the business world", is estimated to just want to sell books, and the rest can be ignored.

Yu Xiuhua staggered all the way, and even had some relationship with the "male gods" from all walks of life, like the "male god harvester", which was indeed somewhat unexpected. Who will be the next "male god"? We'll see. I am afraid that the last thing people want now is to be called a "male god", and they are afraid to avoid it.

The story of the "surrealist poet" Yu Xiuhua and the three "male gods"

The image comes from the Internet

Yu Xiuhua said that "the people who like me are all high-level, and the people who hate me are all low-level", obviously, these three "male gods" should be the high-level one, but do they like Yu Xiuhua? Not necessarily. Besides, how is this "high-" and "low-level" distinguished? And Yu Xiuhua himself is "high-" or "low-level"?

Yu Xiuhua, who is known as the "surrealist poet", does not know whether the poem is surreal or not, but her relationship with the "male god" is "surreal", that is, her imagination is too far from reality.

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