
"Uncle buys a house and lacks money, hand over your premarital property", daughter-in-law: I would rather divorce than help the poor

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Gorky: "If people don't have a conscience, even if they have great wisdom, they can't live." ”

The so-called "conscience" refers to the code of conduct and value standards that are generally recognized by the real society and recognized by themselves, and are the prominent embodiment of personal self-discipline.

Although many people have never understood the definition of conscience, they are able to follow the corresponding standard of values. Only a few people neither understand the definition of conscience nor follow the rules, which is often referred to as "people without conscience".

Gorky said that he could not live without conscience, which meant that he could not live, but that he could not live as a normal person should be, and could not get the happiness that normal people could get.

These principles apply to all individuals in a group society, men and women, young and old. If someone is clever enough to think that they can break the rules, they will be punished, sooner or later.

For example, after becoming a mother-in-law, some people only want to calculate their daughter-in-law, which is a manifestation of no conscience. If they calculate that their daughter-in-law is first, but after being rejected, they bite back and say that the daughter-in-law has no conscience, it will only make them appear even more unconscionable.

The mother-in-law of the woman below belongs to this kind of person, let's take a look at what is going on.

"Uncle buys a house and lacks money, hand over your premarital property", daughter-in-law: I would rather divorce than help the poor

Hello Mr. Donglin:

As soon as my husband and I got married, my mother-in-law began to calculate me, claiming that my uncle was short of money to buy a house and demanding that I hand over my premarital property.

I said I'd rather get a divorce than help the poor, and she said, "Don't talk to me about what you have, I'll let you do what you want, you should do it, because I'm your mother-in-law." Since the day you married my son, your people, including your money, have belonged to your in-laws, and they must be handed over and used by their in-laws. ”

I can't talk to her, just like my husband asked for help. My husband, like me, did not agree with her request, but she said, "I asked your daughter-in-law to hand over her premarital property for your own good. Women have money in their hands, it is a scourge, will not be sincere with you, if one day divorced, you will not get a penny. Let her hand over the money, she has no money, will obediently stay with you. In addition, take her money to buy a house for your brother, help your brother get married, your brother will think of your good for a lifetime, even if you are divorced, your brother will not treat you badly. ”

My husband replied to her with four words: "Nonsense! ”

It is indeed nonsense, and if I had not heard her say those words with my own ears, I would never have imagined that there would be such a fallacious heresy.

From her perspective, her words may make sense. But how can marriage be seen only from the man's point of view? Should the woman sacrifice herself? Does the woman have to think of herself as a low-ranking member of her in-laws' family? Does the daughter-in-law have to be used as a cash cow by the mother-in-law?

Even though my husband did not obey her orders, she still did not forgive, telling him that "I would not listen to the old man's words and suffer losses in front of me", saying that I must give me my premarital property, and even threatened me with divorce.

We had no way to take her, and after discussion, we decided to sell the marriage house and start over, away from the mother-in-law.

She said we had no conscience, that we were not filial, that we were all white-eyed wolves, that I had brought her son badly. All the good words and bad words were left alone, as if her words were the truth. People are doing, the sky is watching, who has no conscience, time will give the answer.

She thought it had nothing to do with our two sons, and thought she could count on her young son. But in my opinion, if she is obsessed and does not make changes, when her youngest son is married, she will also fall out with the two of them. Do you think it's possible?

"Uncle buys a house and lacks money, hand over your premarital property", daughter-in-law: I would rather divorce than help the poor

Donglin Xiting Emotional Advice:

People without conscience, it is difficult to find conscience under normal circumstances. When nothing bad happens, when there is no punishment, they will firmly believe that they are not wrong, and that whoever has a bad relationship with them is the fault of whom.

If such a person is an elder, it is even more difficult to make changes under normal circumstances, because the people around them are either peers or juniors, and without the elders to teach them, if they want to change, they can only rely on external forces. External forces are often punishments for them.

Take the woman's mother-in-law, for example, who does not think she is wrong in calculating her daughter-in-law; her son and daughter-in-law have moved away, and she does not think that their behavior has anything to do with herself, and she says that they have no conscience. Based on her practices, she deduced that she would still have the same attitude towards her youngest son and couple, and when both sons could not be counted on, her punishment would come.

This is the meaning of Gorky's sentence "If people have no conscience, no matter how smart they are, they can't live", because the wisdom of people without conscience is only clever, and the end will only be clever but mistaken by cleverness, lifting a stone and dropping it on their own feet.

If such a person tells you that "if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer losses in front of you", it will certainly not be acceptable. If you do not listen to the fallacies and heresies of such people, you will not suffer a great loss, and if you listen to it, you will suffer a great loss.

At first glance, children do not listen to their parents, as if they are a bit rebellious. But if you think about it, your parents' requests are not good for you, why should you listen? It is not a bad thing to let them taste a lesson properly, because by doing so, they are cultivating their conscience, and only with conscience will they have a good life.

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