
Babies with well-developed brains usually have these "interesting reactions"

Before the age of 2, the baby's expression ability is very poor, and there is little memory, many parents think that at this stage the child only has "eating and drinking Lasa", and will say "the child is too young to understand anything" and such words.

But in fact, children at this stage can make strong reactions to changes in the outside world, and these reactions are manifestations of brain development.

Babies with well-developed brains usually have these "interesting reactions"

At the first birthday, many parents will hold a birthday party for their children, and this birthday party is inseparable from the most important process, that is: casting lots.

Many parents will arrange a series of items such as banknotes, pens, books, toys and so on prepared in advance, and display them in front of their children to see which item the child will choose, which means their future development direction.

When Xiaomei is still walking unsteadily, she likes to listen to music and twist her body, sometimes hearing the cheerful music on TV, and actually spitting out her tongue on the sofa and waving her hands, everyone is stunned, and a few months old child can react like this.

And when her mother picked up the video on her mobile phone and tried to tease her to make her "active" again, she was reluctant.

Babies with well-developed brains usually have these "interesting reactions"

Babies with well-developed brains will have some interesting reactions on their own, such as:

Swallowing reflex, babies will consciously take the initiative to suck their fingers or bottles regularly;

Head-up reflex, gently pull up the baby's forearm, the waist and neck will slowly straighten up, the baby can maintain a few seconds of head-up posture;

Grasp the reflex, put a small object in the palm of the baby's hand, his small hand will close, unconsciously grasping;

Foraging reflexes, gently scratching one side of the baby's body, they will turn their heads, like a clever kitten; there are also stepping reflexes, elongation reflexes, etc.

The better the brain develops, the more "interesting" responses your baby will have, the smarter it will be.

How can parents effectively promote infant brain development?

Pay attention to verbal communication with your child

In the stage of a child's language development, speech communication is conducive to brain development. Even a newborn baby makes a babbling sound, and when others tease him, he responds with his eyes and keeps opening his mouth.

Babies with well-developed brains usually have these "interesting reactions"

Most of the 2-3-year-old babies already have basic language skills and will begin to express their thoughts.

Parents can communicate with them through simple, lively language, while giving children a certain amount of reaction time, attracting their attention, improving their desire to communicate, stimulating neurons in the baby's brain through good interaction, and producing mental images.

Create a good environment and pay attention to physical communication

No matter how much work is, parents should also take enough time to accompany their children and create a good family atmosphere for their children to feel loved and loved.

Parents can increase their sense of intimacy with each other through physical communication in the process of accompanying their children.

For example: slapping exercises, peek-a-boo, exaggerated expressions, etc., let children absorb nutrients in a relaxed, pleasant and loving environment, and better promote brain development.

Maintain a positive parenting attitude

No matter how much dissatisfaction parents have in their working life, they must not bring this negative emotion into the child's educational environment.

Although the child is small, but can also perceive the emotional changes and environmental changes of others, the child's sense of security comes from the parents to a large extent, parents should accompany and educate the child with a positive and optimistic attitude, and help the child establish a sense of value.

You know, any sound, expression, action, reaction of parents can stimulate the child's brain and prompt them to respond accordingly.

Babies with well-developed brains usually have these "interesting reactions"

The intellectual development of infants is inseparable from the parents' education methods and educational processes, and every parent plays an important role in the development of children.

Taking more reasonable and effective ways to promote children's physical and mental development is a compulsory course for every parent.

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