
Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

author:Kageshi Qiji
Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

With the development of the times, the world has entered a civilized society, and there is a zero-tolerance attitude towards crime, especially human trafficking, which is a kind of forced resistance for China.

Of course, buying and selling human beings is an intolerable thing for most countries, but for some relatively backward countries, human trafficking has become an industrial chain, and due to the connivance and openness of the state, buying and selling human beings has become a "legal" behavior.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

In Nigeria, Africa, there is an industrial chain of human trafficking, and criminals are rampant. There are even people who organize the forced transformation of women into "reproductive machines" for the sake of huge profits, and because of the huge profits and relatively lax control, these women who are forced to become pregnant have become a tool for criminals to make money. Living in a dark room every day, constantly conceiving and giving birth.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Baby Factory of Horror

Poverty and backwardness are synonymous with the bottom society. Sickness, hunger, and riots are common here. In Yenilia, Africa, there is a factory that specializes in "baby trafficking".

Perhaps many people will think that this is an impossible thing, after all, it is now a civilized society, and people's qualities and ideas have gradually matured. There is no such thing at all, but there are still countries in the world that are suffering from poverty, and there are not a few people who take risks for the sake of great profits.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

In the crime factory of Nigeria in Africa, women have no place at all, and their only role is to give birth to babies and sell them for money.

The woman in this factory is like a "fertility worker", and the man is a "seeding machine", one man will have sex with multiple women, so that the woman will keep getting pregnant and giving birth.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

The children born will be sold by criminals to the black market for money, even if many people are sent to destroy the factory, but with such a huge industrial chain, criminals will immediately rebuild a new factory. And such a black industry chain has been formed for a long time, and if anyone dares to exterminate it, criminals will desperately resist.

The most sinful are the women who gave birth to the babies, and because of the huge profits, these women will not be allowed to run away at all. And the food we eat every day is only to meet the most basic nutrients.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

The living environment can be described as extremely bad, and in the face of this situation, criminals do not care about the physical condition of women at all, as long as the children born are healthy. After all, women are useless after giving birth, and the final result can only be abandonment.

But it is not said that all children are healthy, and there are certainly some babies who are physically weak and congenitally disabled. For such babies, criminals will certainly not spend a lot of money on treatment, but will simply be disposed of as "waste".

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

If a baby is born very healthy, there is also a risk that it will not be sold, which is a common thing. Criminals don't let these babies get a better place, and men are treated like animals, free labor. And the girl will wait until the menstrual period comes, become a tool for childbearing, and the cycle repeats. It's as if the fate of these babies has been decided from birth and they simply can't live the life they want.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Of course, some people will ask, why are so many women willing to have children in the "baby factory"? In fact, because of poverty, I was abducted or deceived into this "baby factory".

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

The nightmare of an African teenage girl

In Africa, due to poverty, many people have problems even surviving, and hunger is a common thing. And many families simply do not have enough conditions to send their children to school, and because of this situation, children will go directly to work when they grow up.

And criminals have also seized on this and brought young girls into the "baby factory" to become a reproductive tool through kidnapping, deception, etc., in order to seek huge profits.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

In Nigeria, Africa, many 17-18-year-old girls have no choice but to go out to find a way to survive due to difficult family conditions, and end up in this hell from which they will never recover. And if you don't obey in the "baby factory", you will be subjected to violence and intimidation, and in the end you can only become obedient puppets.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

According to statistics, in 2015, more than 3,000 such girls were led astray and abducted into this "baby factory". Due to the very low status of local women in Nigeria in Africa, no one cares about the life and death of women at all, and if they can generate profits, it shows that Nigerian women still have a little use.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

There have been people who have visited rescued women before, some say they were tricked here, and some of them came here voluntarily to work. If you want to ask why you came here voluntarily, in fact, it is because of poverty, and after being introduced, you can make money quickly, so naturally some people go to the "baby factory".

Among them, there are also women who have been introduced to the "baby factory" by relatives, and many of them are outspoken about the fact that this factory can bring you a good life, and that the work is easy, and it can completely alleviate your current living conditions.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Hearing such conditions is a huge temptation for young girls who have just come of age, after all, the poverty of life makes it impossible for these girls to think much about it.

The young girl who has just arrived here starts talking about her job as taking care of pregnant women. Looking at the many pregnant women in front of them, these girls didn't think much about it. Compared with the high-intensity work outside, it is much easier to just take care of the daily life of pregnant women here.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

But the reality is not so beautiful, and the girl will be arranged in a hut that night, thinking that his life will change completely. But on the same day, a man broke into the room, and the two had sex in the girl's resistance.

If you don't get pregnant for the first time, the criminals of the "baby factory" will rape many times until the teenage girl becomes pregnant, and this is something that every girl who is deceived into going to the "baby factory" has to go through.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

After pregnancy, the vigilance of criminals will slowly relax, and some of them want to escape, and the result of being caught is to be severely beaten, and the management will be stricter.

And the criminals in the "baby factory" are also controlling the minds of these girls step by step, wanting to fundamentally cut off the idea of escaping, and many girls have become obedient from the beginning of resistance, which is also the horror of this "baby factory".

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

The fact of poverty cannot be changed

Some people will ask why the black industry chain of "baby factory" cannot be completely eradicated or eliminated. In fact, the most fundamental reason is because of poverty, in Africa, Nigeria still adheres to the old idea of male superiority and inferiority of women, and the status of women is already very low, even if there is no criminal industry chain such as "baby factory".

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Women in ordinary families will also suffer from unequal treatment, so in order to survive, many women easily listen to the bewitchment of others, thinking that they can exchange for a better life with their own efforts, but they did not expect to enter a dark hell.

In order to survive, some girls will choose to sell their bodies to improve their family conditions, which is also a common situation in this area. There are also criminals who are eyeing this and using women to create greater benefits for themselves.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Once these women have a baby, a healthy child is able to earn a few hundred dollars. The reason why he dares to be so arrogant is because of the support of the government behind him.

Nigeria in Africa has a large population, and in order to alleviate the pressure on the government, the local government has also adopted non-coercive and non-blocking actions to support this behavior in disguise.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

On the other hand, those babies that are sold out will be turned into free labor if they are boys, and they will be sold to Fengyue places if they are women, thus bringing greater profits. And some of these disabled or weak babies, in addition to being discarded as "waste", will also be raised and sold for money.

It can be said that the birth of the "baby factory" also implies the inaction of the government, coupled with the backwardness and poverty of the local area. Let the "baby factory" engage in criminal transactions with impunity.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

If the Nigerian government can guide the people correctly, the demographic dividend can create an industry that belongs to Nigeria. But it was the government's inaction that led to the tragedy, and the "baby factory" has been around for longer and longer.

The existence of the "baby factory" in Nigeria not only affects the fate of countless women and babies, but also has a serious impact on society, and the instability of economic and social development will be directly related to the future and development of the country. If you want to solve this problem completely, you still have to solve it at the source.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

This is mainly due to the very low level of education in the region, which leads to a very high level of stigma regarding unwanted pregnancies and pregnancies of adolescents. Many pregnant teenage girls give birth to a child and the first thing that comes to mind is to sell it privately.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

Such a thought is very scary, and if everyone is like this, it will not do any good for the development of society. The government can strengthen the education of the people, and as a government, it needs to stabilize the internal structure of society and completely eliminate the breeding of criminal activities.

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

The crime of the "baby factory" in Nigeria is not unique, there are different crimes in various countries around the world, and the criminals are very rampant. If we want to completely prevent such a situation from happening, we should still look for the causes from within society and strictly eliminate all kinds of crimes.


Overseas Network:

"A 'baby factory' in Nigeria was destroyed to sell babies specifically to get victims pregnant"


Nigeria's 'Baby Factory' Demystified: Pregnant Women Sell Their Children on the Black Market

Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money
Nigeria's "baby factories" have been dismantled, forcing girls to become pregnant and newborns being sold for money

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