
Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

author:Niuhua Net

I believe that many parents of newborns have a doubt: do small babies need outdoor activities? The answer is undoubtedly undoubted, small moon-old babies also need outdoor activities, according to the actual physical development needs, short and rare.

Outdoor activities for young babies are mainly due to the following needs:

1. Jaundice

It is said that "nine out of ten children are yellow", and most newborns are accompanied by jaundice at birth, both physiological and pathological, and jaundice is the first lesson of parenting for many novice parents. Most babies are physiological jaundice, generally by basking in the sun to eat more and excrete to naturally recede, the other way is to take blue light in the hospital, but the baby was born alone in the hospital, which is a mental injury for the baby and the mother who has just given birth, so in a very serious case, it is recommended to choose home care to recede naturally.

Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

(Baby jaundice symptoms - the picture comes from the Internet, such as invasion and deletion)

For home care, it is generally recommended to push out in a stroller at 9-11 a.m. and 3-4 p.m., when there is plenty of sunlight and relatively mild light, and the skin will not be sunburned. The ultraviolet rays in the sun can combine with bilirubin in your child's blood to form a water-soluble substance, which lowers the concentration of bilirubin in the serum, which is what we call jaundice.

2. Promote calcium absorption

Small month-old babies have a developmental need for outdoor activities is "basking in the sun to supplement calcium", generally small babies are not recommended to supplement calcium too early, but the baby is born with a faster body development, sun exposure can promote calcium absorption, greater digestion of calcium components in breast milk/milk powder.

3. Adapt to the natural environment

Adapting to the natural living environment is the first lesson after every baby is born, appropriate outdoor activities help the baby's body and senses to imperceptibly perceive the sunshine and rain in the natural environment, and more importantly, pediatricians will remind parents that appropriate outdoor activities will also help enhance the baby's resistance.

But in actual family life, parents will have some anxiety: how can the baby be so young, how to carry out outdoor activities? In addition to eating, the little moon baby sleeps, and taking it out does not toss him but affects sleep? The baby's body is so delicate, the brain tissue and spine and cervical spine are not fully developed, so how to prevent the hidden danger of injury in outdoor activities?

In fact, choosing a reliable stroller can solve most of the outdoor activity anxiety, but how to choose a reliable stroller is a headache for parents, the stroller on the market looks similar, it is difficult for novices to distinguish the functional advantages and disadvantages of a stroller, now we will focus on it: small babies must pay attention to the following points when buying a stroller:

First of all, the suspension function should be good. Since the body of a small baby is delicate and the development of vital organs is not yet complete, a baby stroller with good shock absorption function is particularly important. Now most of the strollers on the market only use springs to cushion shocks, but scientifically speaking, the spring itself does not have the effect of shock absorption, it plays a role in storing energy and releasing vibration energy through rebound to cushion, and the real shock absorption is still to choose a baby stroller with a real shock absorber. In the frame design of the Burgt suspension stroller, the cross-border application of the multi-link suspension technology principle in the field of high-end automobiles, and the development of the unique multi-link suspension suspension system of the Burgt stroller, so that the first car after the baby is born has the comfort of luxury car.

Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

Emphasizing the good shock absorption function is not only for comfort, for the baby, the shock suspension solves the safety problem. Just imagine, when the baby is driven outdoors in the stroller, the bumpy road conditions encountered such as cobblestone roads, speed bumps, blind roads, park grass, etc., the Buggett shock absorber stroller is flexibly connected with the frame and seat pocket through the multi-link (5) link structure, and the impact force generated by the road surface when bumpy is first transmitted to the hydraulic shock absorber through the multi-link structure, and then absorbs energy through the spring and damper movement of the shock absorber to achieve the shock absorption effect in the real sense, so as to truly and effectively protect the baby's head, cervical vertebrae, lumbar spine, Healthy growth of the spine and other parts.

Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

Secondly, the cockpit environment should be good. Why emphasize the cockpit environment, because this is the place where the baby is in close contact, especially the small month old baby's body is in the stage of rapid development, and the cockpit environment directly affects the baby's development and health. For newborns, it is recommended to choose a bassinet and a seat pocket to replace the stroller, so that in the newborn period, the baby can use the bassinet to go out for outdoor activities, the bassinet of the Buggett stroller with a strong sense of wrapping, with its unique multi-link shock suspension system, even if the baby falls asleep will not wake up because of the bumps and cry. In addition, in addition to the bassinet, the seat pocket of the Bugt shock-absorbing stroller is also made of double-layer injection molded hard backrest, scientific spine protection, and the waist will not get tired after sitting for a long time.

Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

Finally, the overall quality should be good. The structure of the stroller is more complex and diverse, and the quality of this standard can only rely on the consciousness and conscience of the business, but it is still recommended that you choose a reliable domestic brand, after all, many high-end brands in the world are Chinese enterprises, and the strength and reputation of Made in China are also trustworthy.

Why is the Buggett shock stroller called a "newborn travel companion"?

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