
For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

Before the age of three, I think it's more important to be accompanied. What's more, after giving birth, women do not live in the confinement center for only one month to fully recover, it takes at least a year to adjust.

0-3 years old is an important stage of infant growth, 80% of the brain has been developed, the formation of good personality and behavioral habits.

For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

At the critical stage of the development of infants and young children aged 0-3 years, the mother's companionship plays a pivotal role in their healthy personality development. Parents are the first teachers of children, and the family is the first school of children, and no one can replace their care and education for their children.

After the baby is born, it is best to be cared for by the mother, because the mother is the closest person to the baby.

The mother's love makes the child feel safe and healthier. The mother's care for the child is very meticulous, and many subtle changes in the child's body can be seen, and once the child has something uncomfortable, she will be the first to perceive it.

Many conditions have clear symptoms at an early stage, and if the mother can detect it in time, it can be treated in time.

When the child has any bad habits, the mother will guide and adjust in time. Moreover, under the careful teaching of the mother, the emotional bond between the baby and the mother is very good, and as the child grows, the education of the child will become more and more relaxed in the future.

For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

At this point, we seem to be ignoring another important member of the family, that is, the father. In fact, the root cause of many mothers to raise this question is that fathers have not done enough.

Dad's company is very important for our children.

The results show that in the infancy of boys, without the company of their fathers, their behavior is more feminine and has a certain impact on their gender identity.

The father is the girl's first opposite sex, which is key to forming a healthy gender concept. In the absence of a father in childhood, girls become more cowardly and more nervous when interacting with the opposite sex.

For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

When the baby is weaned, talking, learning to walk, etc., dad should accompany the child more. Because the mother's emotions are more sensitive, she prefers to communicate with her children in the most understandable language.

The father is more rational, he likes to use some unfamiliar words, or some longer sentences to stimulate the child's emotions. The range of motion of the body is also larger and more diverse. The father's broad chest and heavy breathing will also give the child a different sense of security than the mother.

Babies with fathers around will make it easier to get through this critical period!

For children, is it important to have the mother's company or is it important to earn money to support the family?

As the saying goes, "Good medicine is good for the sick, and good advice is good for the ear." ”

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[Author of this article]: Director Li of Orangutan Village

[Original Statement]: Some of the content of the article is excerpted from the Network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to correct and delete.

[Column Introduction]:

"Orangutan Ball Has Something to Say" is a parent-child education column of the new media channel under "Orangutan Ball Village". We aim to help more families improve their parent-child relationship and let the flowers of the motherland have a good childhood.

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