
Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Text/Ye Feifei yff

Figure/Originated from the network

I am Ye Feifei yff, a non-famous emotional teacher, writing emotional texts that take the heart, hoping to use warm words to bring you some spiritual comfort.

Stal said: "Love is the history of a woman's life, but only an episode in a man's life." ”

Indeed, some men are very casual about feelings, and treat the pursuit of women as an episode in love, which hurts many women.

Such men, usually have no sense of responsibility, regard feelings as child's play, and are not worth paying for women.

When a woman interacts with a man, she must see his true heart clearly, and if she does not have enough understanding, she must not easily pay herself.

After all, many men are very careful, they are difficult to end up with feelings, if you rush to contact, it is likely to be hurt.

In fact, to know whether a man is emotionally casual, without temptation, just observe his usual behavior is clear.

Because, such a man will have obvious performance, and it cannot be hidden at all.

Generally speaking, men with "flower hearts" will have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance:

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

First, pursue women, only to see whether the appearance is beautiful

When some men pursue women, they don't look at each other's character at all, and they don't care whether the two sides are compatible or not, they want to catch up.

They usually only look at the woman's appearance, as long as the woman is beautiful, they will take the initiative to pursue, and try to catch up.

Moreover, after this kind of man chases a woman, he will not pay his heart, but covet the beauty of the other party and enjoy the joy brought by love.

Therefore, women are pursued by men, we must pay more attention, if he only likes your beauty, and does not pay sincerity, do not easily accept.

If you blindly fall in love with such a man, not only will you not get happiness, but you are likely to be disappointed and eventually hurt.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

In fact, a man with a heart, he will not spend time on a woman at all, but indulge in all kinds of women.

They will pursue different women, as long as they are high-looking and feel good-looking, they will take the initiative to pursue.

This kind of man, often around beautiful women, tries his best to please women, and eventually makes women lose their defenses.

Once they catch up with women, after the novelty of love, they will gradually give up and turn around to pursue other women.

Such a woman, the character is not good, there is no sense of responsibility, if a woman encounters, must stay away, do not consume yourself.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Second, like to go to the place where there are many beautiful women, waiting for the opportunity to stir

If a man is very casual about feelings and is particularly careful, they will often haunt places with many beautiful women.

And, once they have the opportunity, they will wait for the opportunity to pry, so as to get the opportunity to pursue.

Such men, basically the quality is not good, they chase women not out of liking, usually are a scene.

In front of women, they are also very means, know a lot of skills to please women, and it is easy to get the favor of women.

If a woman is slightly incipient, she may fall into the vortex of feelings and end up being hurt by such a man.

This reminds women that they must keep an extra eye when men are pursuing, and know how to protect themselves in order to avoid encountering unladylike people.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Men with really good character, they are very responsible for their feelings, never go in and out of places where there are many women, and know how to keep a distance from the opposite sex.

Such men are what women should cherish, and once they are with you, they will not be half-hearted and will give you the best sense of security.

Only those men who spend their hearts will like to go to places where there are many women, and often mingle with women, without any boundaries.

Moreover, their mobile phones are likely to be all the contact information of the opposite sex, and the content of the chat is also ambiguous.

If a man has this kind of performance, the woman must put it down no matter how much she loves, so as not to make a mistake in feelings.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Third, when you meet a beautiful woman, you add friends, and there is no character

Some men, no matter where they are, as long as they meet beautiful women, they want to add friends, which seems to be very unsealable.

Whether women want to or not, they have to add friends, and they have been chasing women, which is very disgusting.

In the final analysis, this kind of man is casual about feelings, they add women everywhere as friends, in fact, they want to play ambiguous, and they will not pay sincerity at all.

This kind of man, even if he has feelings, will not accept it, but likes to maintain close contact with the opposite sex, and the interaction is very frequent.

If you are a little more careful, you will find that they add almost all beautiful women as friends at work and chat with the opposite sex every day.

Once they have the opportunity, they will ask the woman out, under the pretext of being in love, and when they get the woman, they will leave desperately.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Therefore, if a man meets a woman and adds friends, and when he sees a beautiful woman, he is moved, and he must go to pluck, this kind of man must be very careful.

When a woman encounters such a man, she must flee in time to avoid being hurt. No matter how sincere they show and how affectionate they feel to you, don't believe it lightly.

Many times, women can only avoid being hurt by such men if they actively refuse to be prodded by men and refuse to add each other as friends.

No matter when, women must have basic principles and bottom lines, and always know how to protect themselves, so that they will not be hurt in their feelings.

In short, when you find that men see beautiful women and add friends, but also entangled, you must stay away in time, this kind of man has no character, do not touch.

Men with "flower hearts" generally have the following three manifestations, which can be known at a glance

Ye Feifei yff emotional message:

Balzac said: "In fact, pretend love is more perfect than real love, which is why many women are deceived." ”

Indeed, some men are very good at disguise, superficially talking to women about love, but in fact with bad intentions.

Once they catch up, they will leave soon, and they will not cherish women at all.

In the final analysis, this kind of flower-hearted man will often have these three obvious manifestations, which will be known at a glance.

They pursue women, only to see whether the appearance is beautiful; like to go to places with many beautiful women, waiting for opportunities to stir; when they meet beautiful women, they add friends, no character.

When women meet such men, they must stay away as soon as possible, do not give them any chance, and avoid being hurt.

This kind of man, casual to feelings, especially irresponsible, will not have a sincere heart at all, not worth associating.

Women should leave love to the real right person, the person who loves and cherishes you, so that she can get the happiness she wants.


Author: Ye Feifei yff, focus on the field of emotion creation and sharing, with emotions to communicate with you and my heart, but I hope you and I know each other here, like please pay attention to me.

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