
"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

Every family pays the most attention to the child, but the way to love the child is different, it will make the child's personality very different.

If the man is a "phoenix man" and the woman is a "peacock woman", organized into a family, a ridiculous farce will be staged.

The so-called phoenix man is that the family puts all the resources on the child, in an attempt to make the child come out of the poor and backward place and become a person with a good reputation.

When he grows up, he will be more cautious and selfish, and he will feel that his parents and brothers are his benefactors and should give back to them everything he has now.

The peacock woman, who grew up from a favorable environment, has not suffered a little grievance, suffered a little hardship, will be attracted by the spirit of the phoenix man's hard work and enterprising, and is willing to form a new small family with him.

Two people together will produce a lot of conflicts in life.

Women don't understand why men are so selfish, always disregarding their own little family and giving everything that is best to their family.

If a man is good to his parents, it means that he is filial, but he is responsive to his brothers and sisters, even distant relatives.

Even if you will be under more pressure on yourself, you will not hesitate. He does not have a heart for his wife, but asks her to give everything for his family, just like him.

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

If the wife shows an unwilling attitude, then the husband will say that the wife is not virtuous, does not know how to respect the in-laws, and cannot love brothers and sisters.

In short, men will be very demanding of women, and when women reach the limit of what they can bear, they will choose to give up the relationship.

Shu Hua and Zhuang Juan are married, and there are many bumps in life after marriage. Zhuang Juan at first thought that what she picked up was a "treasure", at least a "potential stock", but she did not think that her husband was actually a "bottomless pit".

I chose the wrong husband, and life became more and more difficult.

I think when I was in love with Shu Hua, I thought he was good anywhere.

Good personality, willing to work hard, outstanding looks, not pretentious, without a little bit of the bad temper of the brother. Tobacco and alcohol are not sticky, and they will also cook.

From a very early age, Zhuang Juan thought about how to "fool" his heart into his hand, and the two of them lived a small life of grace and love.

Finally, the two people talked about love, about half a year, Zhuang Juan made a request for marriage.

Shu Hua looked embarrassed and said that his family was poor and could not afford the bride price and the house. Zhuang Juan felt that for someone like Shu Hua, it was sooner or later that he developed, and he couldn't wait for him to become successful, and then if he wanted to marry, it would be too late.

So he went out of the house by himself, did not want a bride price, and quickly consummated his marriage with him.

At the beginning, everyone also praised the two people for their talented women, golden boys and jade girls, and many people envied such an excellent young man who became Zhuang Juan's husband.

This made Zhuang Juan very satisfied, and she felt that the decision she made was very wise.

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

However, not long after getting married, she didn't think so. Because she found that although Shuhua had been working for 3 years and had a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan, she really did not have a penny of savings.

He didn't have any bad hobbies, he hadn't been in love before, and the money had been sent back to his hometown and given to his in-laws.

Later, she calculated again, the in-laws and mother-in-law are honest rural people, at home they will also plant some land, usually there is not so much expense, how can shuhua be so poor.

And Shu Hua went back to her hometown once, and she understood it all. Shuhua not only sends money and gifts to his parents, but also takes care of the lives of his younger siblings.

Shu Hua's eldest brother Shu Qiang, the marriage room and dowry money for marriage are given by the brother, and now that the sister-in-law is pregnant, she has long greeted her brother, and when she gives birth, the brother will give ten thousand yuan.

There are also two younger sisters and a younger brother, both studying, and slowly their tuition and living expenses are also supported by their brothers.

Even if the cousin's family builds a house and the cousin gets married, he must ask him for some money.

The reason is also ridiculous, that is, he can earn, and the more he earns, he should help these people in his hometown. Zhuang Juan calculated that it was really ridiculous that he had to support the family of 16 people, large and small, with the strength of one person.

And Shu Hua also said solemnly: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, these are the things I should do." Zhuang Juan was speechless and persuaded Shu Hua many times:

It is your duty and duty to support your parents as a son, even if it is to help your younger brothers and sisters to study, it is also a part of your heart to be a big brother. But for cousins, as well as brothers who have reached adulthood, everything must be managed, so what should we do with our own family?

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

Wife, don't we still have you in our family?

Shu Hua hugged his wife and said, "

Wife, don't we still have you in our family, you earn money to support our family. You were so gentle and kind, when you first married me, you didn't just leave the house, and you didn't ask for a bride price. I know you don't care about money, and in the future, I will have to let you help a lot


Zhuang Juan was bitter and couldn't say it, and what she didn't expect was that Shu Hua said this and really did it. Without even saying hello, he took out the 50,000 yuan that Zhuang Juan had married and sent it to Shu Qiang. He said:

Shu Qiang's daughter-in-law is going to give birth, in the hospital, I am afraid that they will lack money, and then delay the right thing, the money I will send them first, and the rest will be said later

This made Zhuang Juan angry, and there was only this little money left in the family to respond to the emergency, he was good, and he took it. Zhuang Juanqiang suppressed his anger and said, "

You don't need so much money to have a child, you take it all at once, what can we do in case we encounter something!

Shuhua said: "

Giving birth to a child, confinement, about 20,000, this is not with the child's full moon, the rest should be given to the child with a meet and greet gift. Our family does not matter, is not there you, really encounter any urgent things, you can also borrow from your father-in-law and mother-in-law

This practice of her husband made Zhuang Juan angry. She made up her mind this time that she must resist, otherwise she would have been squeezed so hard that she would not be able to live.

This kind of "poverty alleviation" type of marriage should not be left alone.

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

So she resigned decisively, and then grabbed Shu Hua's salary card in her hand. After Shu Hua knew that Zhuang Juan had resigned, he said with a split face:

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people." Zhuang Juan said: "16 families are raised, and I don't have more than one."

Shu Hua then said:

Don't make a fuss, you're a highly educated person, unlike my relatives in my family. They face the loess with their backs to the sky to make some hard money, not knowing how tired. You can do well, go to work, help me, help my family, I will be good to you for the rest of my life, grateful to you

Zhuang Juan said: "If you are really good to me, then divorce me, I don't want to help you fill the bottomless pit anymore, I also have my own life, I also want my own children, I hope that the father of the child can love him wholeheartedly and love our family." Obviously, you can't do it, let's get together and disperse."

The two people eventually divorced, Zhuang Juan could not understand, obviously a "potential stock", but also read so many books, how can it be such an unreasonable person.

After her divorce, she did not dare to find a boyfriend for a long time, and there was a state of fear of well rope after being bitten by a snake for ten years.

And Shu Hua quickly remarried, found an older, and bloated woman together, that woman is the boss of the company, rich and powerful, and perhaps willing to fill the bottomless pit for him...

"Wife, you resigned, why do I raise so many people" "16 families are raised, more than one of me is not much"

The nature of men.

Men have many faces, there are self-motivated, brave, hard-working, not afraid of hardship, grateful and filial piety, there may also be many character defects.

Fed up with a poor life, they will lower their standards of life for the sake of material life. It will not take feelings very seriously, but will take interests as the highest ideal.

There were some stubborn and rotten thoughts in his heart that were deeply rooted, and he felt that women were subordinate to men.

As long as a woman marries and is her own person, she should work with herself to revitalize the entire big family.

Therefore, he feels that women should be like him, no matter how much they give, they are willing, because love should be selflessly dedicated.

Men will regard the family, relatives, and parents as the most important people, and when necessary, the first to sacrifice is their wives. Men's personality, want to change is not an overnight thing.

Today's Topic:

When you meet the Phoenix Man, will you try to change him?

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