
In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed

In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed


There is a saying in the Analects: "The afterlife is terrible, but do you know that those who come are not now?" Forty or fifty and no one is known, and Si is not afraid of it. ”

Young people in their twenties and thirties are worthy of awe, at least they have plenty of physical strength and a future that can be changed. And people in their forties and fifties, if they still don't achieve fame and fame, then they are not worthy of awe.

Even Liu Bang and Liu Bei were 47 years old to get rich and fight the world, why does the Analects say "ten or fifty and unheard of, and Si is not afraid enough"?

In fact, what we see is "survivor bias". That is to say, taking Liu Bang and Liu Bei as an example, there is no universality.

What is "survivor bias"? From a socioeconomics point of view, the ideas that people are exposed to are actually spoken by a very small number of successful people. That said, there are still 99% of ordinary people who have failed, and we don't know.

Take Huawei's founder, Ren Zhengfei founded Huawei after he was in his forties. But is everyone right and wrong? The success of 0.1% of people is only rare, while the misfortune of 99.9% of people is real.

You know, at most to 50 years old, the fate of ordinary people, it is basically difficult to change.

In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed


Forty or fifty years old, many people will go downhill.

There is a boss in the circle, who is still making money before the age of 45, and he has made a lot of money anyway. However, he has a characteristic, only earn the money he can do, not the money outside of his ability.

In the past three years, the environment is not very good, so he has also stopped many projects, and even disbanded several small teams under him, leaving only a dozen backbones to maintain the daily operation of the enterprise.

Once, his friend asked him, you are not even fifty years old this year, and you are worth tens of millions, why don't you give it a fight and make more money?

The boss said only one sentence: "To make a lot of money, that needs opportunities." Now that I am old and unable to afford to lose, I can only choose to act conservatively in an uncertain business environment and avoid being affected by the environment. ”

If you are a person who has done business, then they will understand that after people reach middle age, it is not that they have no enterprising spirit, but if they are not careful, they will hurt their bones and bones, and no one will pity you.

Moreover, for ordinary people, the problem is similar. With little salary in hand and the risk of unemployment, how could they dare to take the risk? There is no way, choosing a safe and stable life is the choice of ordinary people.

When you're young, you can afford to lose. After middle age, you can't afford to lose. This is the root cause of people's decline in middle age.

In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed


When people reach fifty, everything is a foregone conclusion.

The ancients often said that fifty and know the destiny.

What exactly is "knowing the Destiny"? It's not that complicated, it's just about knowing your life's mission and accepting your current life.

If they could have been bosses, they would have achieved something before the age of 40. However, if he has not been able to rise, and he does not have the thinking and luck of being a boss, then he can only "see steps" in this life.

They could have become workers, but they spent their whole lives working for others and could not rise. No way, people's resources, connections and background determine what kind of "height" he can reach.

What kind of attitude should we choose for this different fate?

If A few years ago, I would have absolutely chosen to resist, or even criticize these people for not being positive enough. But today, a few years later, I slowly found that I didn't believe it, which doesn't mean that reality won't happen.

The best attitude to be a person should be to live naturally and accept this life that has become a foregone conclusion with a flat attitude.

There is a saying that says it well, accept the ordinariness of parents, accept the ordinariness of oneself, and accept the ordinariness of one's children.

Just think, we can't even accept ourselves, how can we talk about the rest of our beautiful and beautiful lives?

In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed


People do not know until they reach fifty that life, after all, is an unchangeable trajectory.

Su Shi said that looking back at the place where he has always been, returning, there is no wind or rain or sunshine.

We may wish to think back to the first half of our lives, this life trajectory, in the end, is it in line with our own hearts? If not, then what can we do?

Ordinary people who make money will feel that this life is not in line with their own hearts. However, we can only accept this reality. Just like the arrogant us in the past, we will eventually accept the fact that we are ordinary people.

Life depends not only on your personal efforts, but also on your resources, background and luck.

Some people are lucky enough to make a fortune before they reach the age of fifty. Some people are lucky, and at the age of fifty, they still can't change this cruel fate.

If a person wants to succeed, it is essentially necessary to rely on "the right time and place". However, the vast majority of people can't even do anything, so why change their future?

What's more, when people reach fifty, there are old people, there are small ones, and they have to buy cars and houses for their children in the middle, which is a huge pressure that we cannot bear, and it is not solved by saying a few words of chicken soup with our mouths.

In fact, your life, at most at the age of 50, cannot be changed

Truth, never good. And false words will always be liked by others. I can only say that I live my own life well and cherish the people in front of me. The rest is left to fate.

Because everyone's future has already been marked with a price tag.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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