
The weak complain, the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people

The weak complain, the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people

Author | cherry

Anchor | Fan Deng Reading · Children

The well-known writer Mai Jia wrote in the book: "Life is the sea and the sea, the mountains and the rivers. ”

A person's life is like the vastness of the sea, but also like the mountains and rivers.

You will encounter storms and rains, go through ups and downs, and fall into confusion, overwhelmed and helpless.

The final result is good or bad, it all depends on how we go to "cross".

One Hundred Years of Solitude says:

"We are tired, but we can't stop; we are bitter, but we can't avoid it."

No one's life is easy, and suffering is the norm in life.

Everyone has the desire to complain to people, but in fact, you can't help me, and I can't help you.

Truly mature people have long adjusted their lives to a silent mode, turning setbacks into motivation and silently moving forward.

Only the weak will tell people about the pain and tiredness of life, hoping that someone can feel empathy and try to get comfort.

But in the end, you will find that there are very few people who care about you, and the days will only become more and more bitter.

In Lu Xun's novel "Blessings", there is a tragic character named Xiang Linjie.

At the beginning of the story, the widowed Xianglin sister-in-law is sold by her in-laws to a man who has never met and has a son.

Originally, her life could still be lived, who knew that her man suddenly died of typhoid fever, and then her two- or three-year-old son also died tragically.

The grief-stricken Xianglin sister-in-law told everyone about the misery of life and the injustice of fate.

At first, the listeners sympathized with her past and came to comfort her.

But people listened to these negative energy words a lot, and they were afraid of her, and even very disgusted.

Slowly, Xiang Lin's situation became worse and worse, and after being expelled from the Lu family who was working, she became a beggar on the street.

As Yishu said:

"It's useless to complain, and many things are on your own."

When the weak go around telling their misfortunes, they will inevitably fall into a situation of self-hatred and self-pity, hindering others and dragging themselves down.

Strong people have long swallowed suffering, bitterness, pain is silent, rely on themselves to resist the ups and downs of life, live a prosperous life.

Therefore, don't complain about suffering everywhere, learn to carry everything yourself, and one day you will make the bitterness in your heart into a mellow wine.

The weak complain, the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people

Ji Xianlin said:

"There are thousands of situations in the world, bittersweet and sorrowful, stumbling and undulating, except for self-crossing, others can't help it."

When they are in a low valley, everyone wants someone to help them out of their suffering, and they look forward to having a noble person to help them.

But the bittersweetness of life, only the word self-transit, is the most brilliant way to solve problems and get rid of difficulties.

The real strong have learned to be their own ferryman quietly.

In The Shawshank Redemption, the protagonist Andy's wife and lover are killed.

Even in the absence of evidence, he was falsely imprisoned and sentenced to life in prison.

While the new inmates cried all night, Andy accepted it all calmly.

In the face of an unjust fate, he always adhered to his faith and hope, and never forgot to redeem himself.

So he helped the prison guards evade taxes, won the opportunity to work in the prison library, and spent 19 years digging escape routes.

He even used the warden to create a new identity for himself, and after regaining his freedom, he could spend the rest of his life on the island and drink beer in the sea breeze.

Each of us may encounter sudden blows and failures.

In it, I was tormented, and sometimes I gritted my teeth and persevered for a long time, but I still couldn't find a way out.

But you have to believe that only by crossing yourself can you save yourself and embrace a better life.

The Tao Te Ching says, "The rain is great, and the grass without roots is not moistened; the Tao is wide, and only those who have a fate are crossed." ”

The so-called people with a relationship mean that the karma is cultivated, not sought.

In the face of many hardships in life, those who can be healed are those who cross themselves and those who are willing to get better.

The hardships you eat today, the things you carry, and the pain you endure will eventually become a beam of light that illuminates your way forward.

The weak complain, the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people

There is an old saying: "The heavens and the earth in the belly are wide, and there are often ferry boats." ”

If self-crossing is an ability, then crossing people is a kind of mind and pattern.

The strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people.

On the road of wind and rain life, we must be strong in our hearts, pull ourselves, and also have the power of compassion and pull others.

Crossing people is a light in the heart, illuminating others and warming themselves.

Zhang Guimei is like this.

She has no children and no daughters in her life, and she has worked hard to teach and educate people, so that girls in the mountains have books to read and roads to go.

At that time, Zhang Guimei's husband died, and she was sick and painful, but after learning about the tragic experience of many girls in the mountains of Yunnan, she resolutely decided to stay and build a free girls' high school.

She said: "A girl's education can change the fate of 3 generations, this thing is done, everything is worth it." ”

As a result, she became the most dear mother of the children and the most strict teacher.

After 13 years of perseverance, Zhang Guimei exhausted all of herself, changed the fate of one girl after another, and gave them a bright future.

The poet Tagore said:

"The world kisses me with pain, but I sing in return."

This is not optimism, but bravery, is to see the truth of life, still willing to pay warmth and love.

It is true that no one's path is easy to walk, but even in the dark, as long as you want, you can become the sun and cross yourself.

You know, the world is an energy field, and the giving and receiving between people and people are all fluid and mutual.

To cross one's person is to cross oneself, to perfect others, and to perfect oneself.

Today, you build a bridge for others, and in the next day, others will pave a longer road for you.

The weak complain, the strong cross themselves, and the saints cross the people

Balzac once said: "The things of the world are never absolute, and the results are completely different from person to person." ”

Suffering in life is inevitable, but the results are very different.

Different people, taking different paths, have different lives.

The weak complain of suffering, it is shallow, if only care about self-hatred, it is difficult to seek a happy ending;

The strong self-crossing is the wisdom that makes the heart always strong and heals all the pain;

The sage crossing the people is the pattern, which can dispel the haze of the human world and reach the prosperity of the heart.

Click "watching", I only hope that everyone: in the ordinary world, even if there is a storm, life does not give up, can cross others to cross themselves, stay sober, keep warm, and meet with the beautiful unexpectedly.

Author | cherry

Typography | Zheng to the north

Music | Wenwubei - Chengdu

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