
It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50

It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50


Confucius said: "The future life is terrible, but do you know that those who come are not now?" Forty or fifty and no one is known, and Si is not afraid of it. ”

Those young people are worthy of awe, and who knows if they will gradually develop in the future? At the age of forty or fifty, it is still not out of the ordinary, it is not enough to be in awe.

In Confucius's view, being young is a person's greatest capital and a person's greatest blessing. When the stage of youth has passed, the fate of the vast majority of people is roughly like this.

Regarding the ages of forty and fifty, Confucius said, Thirty and Standing, Forty without Confusion, Fifty and Knowing the Mandate of Heaven.

As the saying goes, "If you don't break, you don't stand." Thirty years old is a stage of "breaking first and standing later", so most people can find the direction of their struggle around the age of thirty and gradually achieve their own fame.

Of course, some people are more "late", then he will not develop until he is about forty years old. In fact, it is very normal to do a career at the age of thirty or forty and to go to the top.

The golden age is also this decade. As long as we have stumbled through the years in this decade, the second half of our lives will only be more and more helpless. Because the elderly ordinary people do not have the youth and energy to realize their personal ideals.

You know, a person's qi number, as long as it reaches the age of 40 to 50, it is difficult to change.

It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50


40 to 50 years old, for 99% of people, is a decade of gradual silence.

Someone has put forward the idea that the number of people who can perform miracles in history is often not more than 1%.

By the same token, only 1% of the world's top people and geniuses, with 99% of the world's resources, are able to create amazing feats.

We all know the "rule of two and eight", but we don't know that among the 20% of the people, the top 1% of the people, the proportion of resources they occupy, and the share of wealth in the market, are the largest.

In ancient times, Jiang Ziya went out at the age of eighty to help Ji Chang's father and son stabilize the world. Of course, since ancient times, there has only been one Jiang Taigong fishing in Weishui.

In the last year of the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang led an army to fight the world at the age of forty-seven, and finally defeated Xiang Yu in his fifties, becoming the Han Gaozu of the "Hero of the Han Emperor for Thousands of Ages". Of course, there is only one Liu Bang in history.

Today, Huawei's founder, Ren Zhengfei, also founded Huawei in his 40s and 50s, getting bigger and bigger, making the world amazed. Of course, in contemporary times, there is only one Ren Zhengfei.

These three people can be said to be haojie who have achieved a career in the middle and late years. But can ordinary people become people like them? Unfortunately, 99% of people have reached the age of 40 and have already lived a tired life, so why change their current fate again?

It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50


We may wish to think about the question, why can 1% of people change their fate in middle age and old age, while 99% of people cannot change it?

Everything needs to look at "the time and place are favorable".

Those 1% of people, have courage, ability, vision, pattern, connections, opportunities, capital, luck, that naturally can create miracles.

And what about the 99%? Ability and courage alone have already lost.

When people reach middle age, they have bought a house with great difficulty, and they have worked hard to save a little money, and they are still on the verge of unemployment. So, let them take risks, and they don't have the guts.

Some people can afford to lose, and some people can't afford to lose, which is doomed to choose stability. Of course, choosing stability should be the pursuit of ordinary people, you and I are ordinary people, and it is particularly difficult to live a stable life.

In this regard, some people especially despise stability, and feel that people who are willing to be stable do not have great ambitions, then they will choose to start a business.

It is a pity to say that in today's environment, ordinary people choose to start a business, just like throwing money into a black hole, not to mention that they can't afford to make waves, maybe toss and turn for a few months, basically bankruptcy.

Success, and changing destiny, is not as simple as we think. Many times, without any one condition, then we cannot develop. This is the helplessness of ordinary people.

It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50


Is a person's "qi number" really impossible to change?

If we are still just workers, working in a private company, or in a certain enterprise, working for the boss, then we can only become a worker for a lifetime. And hit workers, no matter how to work, it is difficult to get ahead.

It is basically impossible for a part-time worker to become the "working emperor" in the movie. But let's leave the enterprise, we don't dare to leave, how can we talk about change?

Some time ago, I met such a friend.

This friend is a grassroots civil servant in a first-tier city, anyway, the more he lives, the more prosaic, there are many daily things, the salary is average, but he does not dare to resign, can only continue to stay up, and retire after more than ten years, spend the rest of his life.

I asked him a question, weren't you a person who didn't want to be bland before, and why are you willing to be bland now?

He only said this sentence: "Ordinary people, no background, no resources, no connections, from birth, they are doomed to be bland." As for the problem of seeing the head of the work at a glance, today, the inner volume is so serious, entering our unit has to graduate from Qingbei Doctorate, if I do not cherish this stable post, will I not be satisfied? ”

It turns out that a person's "qi number" is difficult to change as long as it reaches the age of 40 or 50

In fact, he said a truth, for ordinary people, a lifetime of stability is good. As for other pursuits, it can only depend on their own confidence. It's all up to you.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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