
The resignation of the ancients: from Confucius's travels around the world to the return of the pastoral poet

author:Interesting history

Since ancient times, the resignation of the ancients has been like a profound picture, showing their unique thinking about life, career and ideals. Among them, Confucius's resignation traveled around the world, providing endless reverie and inspiration for later generations of literati and writers.

Confucius's resignation and traveling around the world: the road is difficult, it is better to return

The resignation of the ancients: from Confucius's travels around the world to the return of the pastoral poet

Confucius, the great thinker of ancient times, once said: "The Tao is not good, and you can float on the sea." This sentence not only expresses his helplessness about the difficulty of the road, but also shows his pursuit of freedom and ideals. When his political ideas could not be accepted by the rulers of the time, he chose to resign and embarked on a journey around the world. This decision not only demonstrated Confucius's personal tenacity and wisdom, but also set an example for later generations of literati to pursue truth and freedom.

Tao Yuanming's return: It is not far away, and I feel that today is not yesterday

The resignation of the ancients: from Confucius's travels around the world to the return of the pastoral poet

Tao Yuanming in the Eastern Jin Dynasty became a bright star in the history of ancient Chinese literature with his unique idyllic style. His resignation has become a good story for the ages. After serving as the county magistrate of Pengze for just over 80 days, he resolutely resigned from his official position and returned to the countryside. In his "Words for Returning", "Realize the past without admonishment, and know that the future can be traced." It's not far away, and I feel that today is but yesterday is not. and other words, expressing his awakening to the mistakes of the past and his yearning for the future life. This resignation not only reflects his adherence to his personal ideals, but also shows his love for nature and life.

Fan Zeng's sad resignation: begging bones to show resentment

The resignation of the ancients: from Confucius's travels around the world to the return of the pastoral poet

Unlike Tao Yuanming's pastoral feelings, Fan Zeng's resignation was full of sadness and resentment. After being misunderstood by the king and deprived of power, he chose to resign on the grounds of "begging bones". This decision is not only his dissatisfaction and rebellion against reality, but also his insistence on personal dignity. Fan Zeng's resignation, although full of helplessness and pathos, also shows his backbone and arrogance as a literati.

The sorrow of the doctor's resignation: the taste of vegetables is sweet, and the leisure is the most suitable

The resignation of the ancients: from Confucius's travels around the world to the return of the pastoral poet

In addition to the above-mentioned representative literati, there were many scholars and doctors in ancient times who expressed deep sorrow and emotion when they left their posts. They may have resigned voluntarily because of old age and infirmity, or they may have been forced to leave because of their unsatisfactory careers. But whatever the reason, their departure reflects a kind of nostalgia and reluctance for their past lives. At the same time, they also expressed their expectations and longings for their future life through poetry and songs.

In general, the resignation of the ancients is a unique thinking about life, career and ideals. Whether it is Confucius's travels around the world, Tao Yuanming's return, or Fan Zeng's sad resignation, they all reflect their adherence to and pursuit of personal ideals and dignity. At the same time, these resignation stories also provide us with valuable inspiration: in the face of difficulties and setbacks, we should stick to our beliefs and ideals, and bravely pursue our own happiness and freedom.

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