
The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

Hello, hello everyone, I am Jiajia, pay attention to me to learn more emotional stories, so that every heart that needs warmth can be comforted, I hope that everyone can get a moment of relaxation and ease here, and better face the emotional life.

Brother Wang has always been indifferent to marriage, and he prefers to be single if he does not meet the right one, so the 53-year-old has not yet been married.

Big Brother Wang looks great, a table of talents, and the people who introduce him to him can meet him, so why did he fall alone?

Brother Wang's family conditions are not good, he graduated from the technical school at the age of 18 and was assigned to the local transportation company as a lathe worker, when he was 26 years old, the efficiency of the unit took a sharp turn, and after the layoff, Brother Wang racked his brains in order to find a way out for himself. He had sold vegetables, burned boilers, worked as a stevedor, and the eldest brother said that he was not afraid of being tired, afraid of not making money.

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

Marriage is not imminent, and the 53-year-old is still unmarried

When he was young, Brother Wang was handsome, but handsome could not be eaten as a meal, and it was over as soon as he mentioned the money. Brother Wang said that girls with good conditions can't look up to themselves, and those with poor conditions can't look up to themselves.

In brother Wang's view, life is short, he is not willing to live a life of marriage, and also said a surprising reason: "A poor boy, find a poor daughter-in-law, have a poor child, poor for generations, like a leek stubble to be slaughtered, this is not the life I want." ”

Brother Wang also met a girl with very good family conditions, he had dealt with the director's daughter, but the disparity in the conditions between the two made him very inferior, and he felt that he could not lift his head everywhere, and he broke up decisively.

Since then, he has made up his mind to make money, harden himself, and then start a family when he earns money, first, to give his wife and children a better life, and second, to change the fate of himself and his family.

The early death of his father and the lack of economic conditions made the young brother Wang develop an independent and sensitive personality. Emotionally insisting on Ning Que and never being promiscuous, he simply left the marriage event behind, and made money with one mind became the only belief of Brother Wang in the first half of his life.

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

Many years have passed, Brother Wang has sold furniture, opened antique shops, and accumulated a lot of money, and in big brother's own words, the money he earns now cannot be spent for several lifetimes.

Since the diagnosis of diabetes, Brother Wang has stopped doing business. He said that money cannot be earned, but people's lives are limited, and they cannot earn money and enjoy it.

The goals set for himself when he was young, Brother Wang has now achieved them one by one, and one of the driving forces for recalling his original efforts is: when love comes, you can straighten your waist and love straight.

But after so many years, he never waited for his crush.

For his own unmarried and childless situation, Brother Wang is very open-minded, everything follows fate, and if he does not meet the right one, he will never settle down. He even thought of his old age arrangements, when the time came, he would hire a nanny or go to a better home for the elderly.

Perhaps there is still a glimmer of hope for love, and Brother Wang now wants to find a companion to live with. He said that he didn't need to look for beautiful, he saw more of it, it was all over the clouds, and he just wanted to find a practical and able woman to live a life.

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

The eldest sister looks a bit "wild", but is actually a bitter woman

Red Lady helped match the 52-year-old sister Jiang, a personalized outfit, a neat alternative short hair, the big sister gives people a very neutral feeling, the big sister is full of style.

The eldest sister said that she has been short hair, feel that long hair is like a disease, people around her think that her dressing style is a bit wild, and the average man can't hold it.

Anyone who knows her well knows that there is a soft heart hidden under her cool exterior.

Friends around her praised the red lady: "She looks a little wild on the outside, no matter what she wears, it is like this, in fact, whoever spreads her will enjoy the blessings, and it will hurt people to live a life."

In the concept of Sister Jiang, as a hairdresser, dressing and dressing can not be too baggy, otherwise who will still look for you to get a haircut, doing business and living in people is not the same.

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

Sister Jiang got married at the age of seventeen, her ex-husband was an alcoholic and abusive, and she left her ex-husband with two children at the age of 31. In order to support her two children, Sister Jiang opened a shop during the day to make money, washed and washed at night, and how difficult it was to be both a father and a mother.

Now that the two children have married and started a family, with the support of their children, Sister Jiang has also considered her own personal happiness. She hopes to find someone with a good personality who is not abusive, and it is best not to be married and have no children, because there are no children and no daughters who can live a solid life with her.

Big Brother Wang is unmarried and has no children, just in line with Sister Jiang's wishes, I don't know if the two can rub out the spark of love when they meet.

The woman has no intention of not knowing that you are not my dish

After the two met, Sister Jiang and the friend who accompanied her fell in love with Brother Wang at a glance, and felt that it was difficult to meet such a pleasant man.

Red Niang noticed a detail, from the moment she opened the door to see Sister Jiang, Brother Wang did not have any smile on his face, and even shook hands with great reluctance.

Sure enough, Brother Wang said to the Red Lady: "I can't accept her dress, it's not appropriate to see anything."

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

After learning that Brother Wang did not like his dress, Sister Jiang, who had long been mentally prepared, said that she would use practical actions to change her opinion of herself.

Sister Jiang bluntly praised Brother Wang for looking like a person who was passing through the day, looking at the good character and real, especially if he was unmarried and had no children.

"I just want to find a big brother like this," Sister Jiang confessed directly.

For the confession of the eldest sister, the eldest brother Wang on the side nodded perfunctorily, and his face was piled with an unnatural smile.

Brother Wang said to Sister Jiang: "Don't hide from you, I am not in good health, I have diabetes, my blood pressure is high, my waist disc is not good, and my blood pressure of nearly 200 is not good!" Let's say something, don't flash it for you halfway, you think about it. ”

Listening to the eldest brother's words, the faces of Sister Jiang and her friends were covered with sad clouds, and the enthusiasm retreated for a long time.

The eldest brother told the truth to the red lady privately, the blood pressure is not so high, the high pressure is 140, he is so enthusiastic to see the woman, embarrassed to directly refuse, so he made up a white lie.

The 53-year-old blind date big brother is still unmarried, and the reason for not marrying is too amazing, netizens: ordinary people can't do it

Big Brother Wang's kindness and polite refusal, the delicate Elder Sister Jiang saw it, she asked the eldest brother if he was frightened by her dress, the eldest brother hurriedly said no, bluntly saying that the two were not suitable.

The eldest sister is not willing to end the blind date just began, and it is rare to meet such a pleasant person, she continues to fight: if the two hold hands, she is willing to change her dress for the eldest brother, and even give up the beauty industry.

Who knows the big sister's sincerity or did not impress The big brother Wang, the big brother bluntly said that he did not feel inappropriate, and also advised the big sister not to change himself for whom, that is too tired, people will have to live by me.

Sister Jiang respected The idea of Brother Wang, saying that the feelings of this matter could not be forced, and the two failed to go on a blind date.

Sister Jiang regretted to say to the Red Lady: "Today, if I don't wear makeup and wear ordinary points, I may be able to do it."

Friends on the side advised: "Don't change for anyone, just show your usual appearance, agree to agree to pull, radish greens have their own love, maybe some men like you this." ”

Big Brother Wang is not willing to settle down in marriage, and has always insisted on his own ideas, which is really not something that ordinary people can do. In our view, not getting married and having no children is a pity, but Brother Wang believes that without children, he will worry less, do not have to worry about buying a house for his children and marrying a daughter-in-law, and do not have to worry about saving money for his grandson.

I have worked hard and saved enough money to be dashing, so isn't it more comfortable to live for myself?

Brother Wang's open-minded attitude to life is admirable, how many people, in order to get married, unhappy is still on the verge of it, living a popularly recognized mode of life in a disciplined manner, losing themselves and losing happiness in marriage.

Although Sister Jiang has a big sister style, she has a delicate and loving heart, and she is not afraid of suffering or tiredness for her children, and she pays hard. When her daughter was a child, she said that she did not want her mother to find a partner again, and she did not look for divorce for decades until her children nodded in agreement.

I especially admire Sister Jiang's courage in her feelings, strive to fight in front of the people she likes, and dare to say love without twisting.

It's just a pity that the woman has no intention of doing so, and the emotional thing can't be forced. Sister Jiang's friend said very well, don't change yourself for others, radish greens have their own love, this big brother doesn't like you, maybe there are other big brothers who are rare in you.

Yes, the most comfortable love is to attract and appreciate each other at the beginning, rather than changing yourself for the sake of each other, and loving your most authentic appearance. Well, today is here, Jiajia hopes that each issue of the story can bring friends a little emotional thinking, like Jiajia please pay attention to me, to the article like collection recommended Oh, thank you we will see you in the next issue ~

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