
How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?

Kindergarten children, because of their age characteristics, are always prone to conflicts with other children when they play. As a teacher who plays an important role, how should I guide you?

How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?

In the collective life of kindergartens, conflicts between children are very common: they will argue over the temporary ownership of a small brick, they will fight back for others to bump intentionally or unintentionally, they will fight for who can help the teacher issue pencils, and they will even fight for the earth superman and the god of war King Kong, who is the most powerful...

Different children will choose different ways to resolve conflicts, because children are mostly self-centered, do not establish a sense of responsibility for their own behavior, and do not master the correct way to deal with peer conflicts, so it is easy to walk into the following "misunderstandings".

Take "sorry" as a master key

Doudou accidentally pushed down the building block house built by his little friend in the construction area, he quickly and loudly said "I'm sorry", then turned back to his own construction game, in the face of the angry expression of the little partner, Doudou said straightly: "I have said I'm sorry, you should forgive me!" As if saying "I'm sorry" resolves all conflicts.

Use "Tell the teacher" as a mantra

Guo Guo was in the senior class this year, and once he had a conflict with his friends, he shouted, "I will tell the teacher to go." "I hope that the teacher will help me punish the other children, and gradually, the children are reluctant to be friends with Guoguo." Some researchers have found in the survey that "complaint" is the most frequent means used by young children to resolve conflicts, and once there is a conflict between peers, they rely on teachers to help.

How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?

"Fight fists" become a small bully

There is also a category of children who, in the face of conflict, often choose aggressive means to solve problems.

For example, when queuing up for exercises, Duo Duo stood in the position where he came, and came to say to Duo Duo, "You are standing in the wrong position, this is my position." Duoduo replied domineeringly: "This does not write your name, so why do you say it is yours?" If you have the ability, you will push me away. Saying that, he shook his fist at the coming, and habitually attacked others, making him a person that the children were afraid of, and a person that the children were far away from.

Psychologists believe that conflict not only promotes the development of an individual's cognitive and adaptive abilities, but also helps to improve the individual's ability to cooperate with others. In the process of child socialization, as the circle of communication gradually expands, the focus of children's foreign relations is gradually shifted from parent-child relationship to peer relationship.

In kindergartens, children's conflicts certainly undermine the teaching order and rules of the game, and increase the burden on teachers, but conflicts between children are also a way for them to learn to communicate and learn how to treat people and things in their collective lives. For conflicts between children, teachers should pay attention and attention, and take effective methods to resolve conflicts.

How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?

So, how can the teacher resolve the skirmish between children?


Let the child know the reason for apologizing

When there is a conflict between children, the teacher lets the child learn not only a "sorry", but also let the child understand the reason and meaning behind the apology, and use the conflict to promote the development of the child's moral level.

The reason why children do not correctly resolve conflicts is largely because they have not established a correct concept of right and wrong, so the teacher can use the current conflict to patiently tell the child where his behavior is wrong and how to do it correctly, and can also let the child judge and discuss right and wrong by reading or observing the behavior of others, and talk about how he can avoid making the same mistake.


Properly guide the child of the "love complaint"

The reason why they make small reports is that they hope that the other party will be punished by the teacher and destroy their image in the teacher's mind; on the other hand, it is to attract the attention of the teacher and seek the teacher's love for themselves.

Based on this psychological characteristic of the child, the teacher should be unbiased, treat every child equally, and guide the child to express himself correctly. For example, if you tell a child that "the teacher doesn't like children who just see other people's shortcomings, I prefer children who will smile at others." ”

How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?


Take your child accountable for their actions

The teacher cannot think that the child is still young, it does not matter if he does something wrong, he will accommodate the child's wrong behavior, but should let the child be responsible for his own negligence.

As the basic element of mental health, responsibility is one of the important psychological qualities of children, and it is also an important part of children's personality and social qualities, which affects their learning and growth.

The cultivation of a sense of responsibility needs to start from small things, teachers should be rewarded and punished clearly, such as helpful children, should be praised and encouraged in time; if the peers are pushed down, the teacher should also give criticism and punishment in time, and let the children know the serious consequences caused by pushing others down.


Enhance your child's ability to resolve conflicts on their own

Kindergartens create opportunities for children to interact with their friends, teachers do not need to intervene and calm the "storm" immediately after the child has a conflict, and it is difficult to cultivate their communication skills by handling conflicts for children. Teachers can boldly let go and encourage children to resolve conflict problems on their own, allowing children to accumulate social experience through the experience of success or failure in solving problems.

Write in the last words:

In addition, teachers can consciously design some educational activities, simulate some conflict situations that often occur in real children, let children watch and discuss, let children think about why they have conflicts, how to solve them, and so on.

Random education can also be carried out by using the conflicts that are occurring in reality, and these activities can promote children's self-reflection, self-judgment, and can also promote the improvement of children's moral level.

How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?
How do preschool teachers resolve skirmishes among young children?


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