
How to eat during pregnancy? What should I pay attention to during pregnancy diet?

Pregnancy is a very important and special period in a woman's life, not only psychologically, but also physiologically has undergone tremendous changes, requiring special care in all aspects, especially diet.

Pregnant women are very different from ordinary people, and the diet required should be more refined, not only to be able to supplement nutrition, but also to pay great attention to the choice of ingredients and dietary hygiene and safety. So, what is there to pay special attention to during pregnancy?

How to eat during pregnancy? What should I pay attention to during pregnancy diet?

Two principles of diet for expectant mothers

1. Eat regularly and do not overeat

Expectant mothers should adhere to a regular diet throughout pregnancy and cultivate good eating habits. An irregular diet can cause excessive hunger, causing central sluggishness, overeating, and eating too much. Each meal should be chewed slowly and avoid eating too fast and inadvertently overeating. By avoiding poor eating habits, achieve overeating and control weight.

2. Eat less and eat more meals, thick and thin collocation

Many expectant mothers choose to eat more vegetables and do not eat staple foods, which is actually incorrect. The staple foods are rich in carbohydrates and are a major source of energy, as well as b vitamins, minerals, proteins and dietary fiber. Sufficient staple foods can ensure the energy needs of expectant mothers, and at the same time, an appropriate amount of whole grains should be added to each meal, which will be integrated into our staple foods and dishes, with thick and thin, and more balanced nutrition.

How to eat during pregnancy? What should I pay attention to during pregnancy diet?

Points of choice for expectant mothers' diets

1, choose fresh fruit, to the appropriate amount

For the selection of fruits, as far as possible, it is preferable to select locally grown and produced seasonal fruits, which can maximize the freshness and nutrition of food. Fresh fruit should not be consumed in excess, and fruit products can not replace fresh fruit, if the sugar content of the prolapse is higher, the vitamin loss of dried fruit is more, and the vitamins and dietary fiber of fruit juice will also be lost more. In short, fruit products are easy to lose more nutrients and taste, try to choose fresh fruit.

2, fried, smoked food should be limited

Due to the high temperature, fried foods lose a lot of nutrients and are prone to some carcinogenic compounds to contaminate food. Although smoked food has a unique flavor and promotes appetite, it not only uses more table salt in the production process, but also has some food safety problems, which are easy to bring risks to human health, so try to eat less. When cooking food, choose steaming, boiling, stewing, stewing and other methods as much as possible.

3, avoid drinks, scientific drinking water

Most drinks contain a lot of sugar, and drinking more sugary drinks can easily change tastes and food choice habits, and produce "dependence". The best way is to drink boiled water, safe and hygienic, and not to worry about the risk of "sugar" excess. Drinking water should be done in small quantities, multiple times, allocated at any time of the day, and not waiting until thirst to start drinking.

How to eat during pregnancy? What should I pay attention to during pregnancy diet?

Safety Tips:

Be sure to stay away from smoking and avoid second-hand smoke. Tobacco and alcohol have obvious toxic effects on all stages of embryonic development, which can easily cause miscarriage, preterm birth and fetal malformations. At present, there is no safe value for alcohol and tobacco intake, so expectant mothers must not try, especially usually must pay attention to stay away from the smoking environment and avoid second-hand smoke.

In addition to ensuring adequate nutrition in terms of diet, expectant mothers also need to maintain enough rest and moderate exercise to accelerate metabolism and keep the body in good shape.

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