
Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

#挑战30天在头条写日记#转眼就到了夏天, May is the beginning of summer, but also the coolest time of summer, to June, we are going to enter the hottest time, there are dog days behind, people are very uncomfortable, this time you need to take care of your body, in order to work full of energy, so that you are less sick, more healthy. Many people only know that spring tonic, summer sweating is very much, nutrients are lost quickly, this time you need to supplement nutrition on time, nutrition experts recommend drinking more soup to help faster absorption. Today, I recommend a must-drink soup in summer - old cucumber, carrot, cuttlefish, pork bone soup, a simple stew, the soup is very delicious. Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

【Detailed preparation of old cucumber, carrot, cuttlefish, pork bone soup】

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Ingredient list: buy an old cucumber (cucumber is the most popular vegetable in summer, divided into old cucumber and green cucumber, the old cucumber will be thicker, the melon meat is very sweet and delicious, you can stew a pot with various ingredients, don't be soft when you meet), a few red dates, 2 fresh carrots, a little cooking oil, a little cold and warm water, about 400 grams of fresh pork bones (pork bones are the most popular part of the pig, pork bones are very suitable for soup, the nutritional value is very high, and it reserves a lot of energy for our body), a number of shallots, A pinch of goji berries, a pinch of salt and pepper, a pinch of cooking wine, a dried cuttlefish, a pinch of warm water, salt and other condiments.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Detailed production process:

First: Buy old cucumbers, carrots, cuttlefish, red dates, tangerine peel and pork bones and other ingredients in advance, wash and core the red dates first, and cut the ginger into several slices for later use.

Second: Wash the carrot off the surface soil, remove the excess parts, cut it into pieces of the same size, soak the tangerine peel in warm water, and cut it into long strips.

Third: wash the skin of the old cucumber, cut it in half from the middle, dig off the gourd with a spoon, wash it, cut it into several small pieces, and put it in a bowl for later use.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Fourth: Chop the pork bones in advance, rinse the bleeding water with cold water, rinse it with running water, throw it into the soup pot, add green onions and ginger slices, add a little cooking wine to remove the fish, remove a layer of foam, and remove it for later use.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably
Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Fifth: Put the dried cuttlefish in a container, add a little warm water and baking soda, soak it for half an hour, remove the excess parts, tear off a layer of black film, wash and cut into small pieces, prepare some of the above ingredients for making soup, and start making this old cucumber carrot cuttlefish pork bone soup.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Sixth: Prepare the pot for cooking soup in advance, put the processed pork bones, old cucumber, cuttlefish, red dates, tangerine peel and ginger and other ingredients respectively, remember to add more water at one time, cover the pot and cook over high heat until boiling.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Seventh: Skim off a layer of foam on the surface, reduce the heat to low heat and simmer for more than an hour, wait until all the ingredients are cooked, season the soup appropriately (salt and pepper), and simmer until flavorful.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Eighth: Turn off the heat and serve, and the old cucumber, carrot, cuttlefish, and pork bone soup will be cooked.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Old cucumber carrot cuttlefish pork bone soup is a must-drink soup in Xiahou, made of old cucumber, carrot, pork bone and cuttlefish and other ingredients, the soup color is very good-looking, the freshness is doubled, the nutrition is very comprehensive, supplement a variety of nutrients, so that the complexion is getting better and better, the resistance is enhanced, and there is less sickness in summer.

Drink more soup in the summer, and Lang Zhong will help less! In May, you should drink this soup often to replenish your nutrition and spend the summer comfortably

Netizens, have you mastered the recipe of this old cucumber, carrot, cuttlefish, pork bone soup? (All the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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