
【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

author:Healthy Shenyang
【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body
【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body
【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

May 12 to 18, 2024 is the 10th National Nutrition Week in mainland China, and May 20 is the 35th "May 20" Chinese Student Nutrition Day in mainland China. The theme of this year's event is: Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier. It aims to advocate reducing oil, increasing beans and adding milk, and jointly practice the concept of "Healthy China, Nutrition First".

【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

At present, the intake of milk and legumes in mainland China is low, and the theme of this year's event aims to promote milk and soy foods as a source of high-quality protein, so as to improve the quality of diet. The intake of edible oil in mainland China is much higher than the recommended amount in the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, which has become a key influencing factor for the occurrence and development of obesity and chronic diseases in mainland China, and reducing cooking oil intake can help reduce the occurrence of obesity and chronic diseases.

【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

In recent years, the intake of milk and soybeans in mainland China is still at a low level, and the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents recommend that adults should consume more than 300ml of milk per day or an equivalent amount of dairy products, and should consume 105g of soybeans per week. Both milk and soy products are rich in high-quality protein and are important foods in the diet. Common milks include cow's milk, goat's milk, mare's milk, etc., but it should be noted that lactic acid drinks are not dairy products. It is not difficult to achieve a daily intake of 300ml of milk, you can use a glass of milk (200-250ml) for breakfast and a glass of yogurt (100-125ml) for lunch. Children should develop the habit of drinking milk from an early age and increase their intake of high-quality protein and calcium.

【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

There are hundreds of soybean products in mainland China, which are divided into fermented soybean products (fermented bean curd, tempeh) and non-fermented soybean products (tofu, soy milk). Various soy products can be eaten often in different ways, such as soy milk and tofu brain can be selected for breakfast, and tofu and dried tofu can be eaten for lunch and dinner, which can not only change the taste, but also meet the nutritional needs.

【National Nutrition Week, Chinese Student Nutrition Day】Nutrition with eating for a healthy and good body

Cooking oils, including vegetable oils and animal oils, are important sources of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. When choosing cooking oil, it is best to change the variety frequently, and the diversity of edible oil varieties can provide us with nutritional balance. Cooking oil should be used in a certain amount, and it is best to use less frying methods. In your daily life, you should eat less fried foods and limit the intake of processed snacks.

Author: Liu Chang

Source: Shenyang Anning Hospital

Editor: Wang Songyan and Huang Chuanhao

Proofreading: Wang Huiqiu, Chen Zeming

First trial: Gao Dejiang

Review: Xu Jiang

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