
10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

author:Wan Dad parenting
10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Constipation in babies is a problem that many parents will encounter, and dietary modification is one of the important ways to solve this problem. As a common ingredient, vegetables have a significant effect on relieving constipation in small babies.

10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

The main ingredients introduced today are pumpkin and radish. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Among them, dietary fiber is a key ingredient in relieving constipation. Dietary fiber can increase the bulk of the stool, making it easier to pass out of the body, while also promoting intestinal peristalsis and aiding digestion. Radish is also a rich source of dietary fiber, as well as nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium. Dietary fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and help with bowel movements, while nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin B6 can boost your baby's immunity and prevent disease. In addition, radish also has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, which is also very beneficial to the baby's health.

Mix and match common ingredients

Ordinary ingredients are properly processed

Today, Wan Dad introduces different production and matching combinations to mothers

Let's do it with Dad Wan first

10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Wan Dad brings a delicious and delicious combination today

Combine with tofu, cowpea and krill

Use cowpeas to match the texture of the tofu

Mix the color of the tofu with krill

Let your baby experience the changes in the hardness and softness of food

Thus whetting your baby's appetite

10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Other than that

Mix and match with pork tailbones, corn, pumpkin and radish

With the color of pumpkin and corn and the texture of radish

Complement each other with pigtailbones

Intestinal comfort is guaranteed after consumption

Provide the body with adequate nutrients

It can make it easy for your baby to digest, so as to ensure the body's needs

Common ingredients

Different combinations

Make it nutritious

Light and non-greasy



10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!
10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Golden jade tailbone pot

Emerald green tofu

Small steamed buns

Food / Material

Raw material:

80 grams of old tofu (diced), 50 grams of cowpea (diced), 8 grams of krill (minced), 60 grams of white radish (strips), 60 grams of pumpkin (strips), 6 slices of corn (half of a piece), and 2 pieces of pork tailbone (segment).

Suitable age: 10-12 months+

(2 servings)

Tools: steamer, saucepan

Proficiency time: 20 minutes

(Preparation time not included)


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Raw material preparation:

80 grams of old tofu (diced), 50 grams of cowpea (diced), 8 grams of krill (minced), 60 grams of white radish (strips), 60 grams of pumpkin (strips), 6 slices of corn (half of a piece), and 2 pieces of pork tailbone (segment).

10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

600 ml of water put pumpkin and white radish

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Add the nachos and simmer for 5 minutes

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Add the pork tail bones and simmer for 15 minutes

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

The pumpkin has a powdery feeling and can be fished out

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

The golden jade tailbone pot is completed

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Tofu, cowpea and krill add 3 ml of peanut oil

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Add 5 grams of starch

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Mix well and put in the steaming drawer

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Heat and steam for 8 minutes

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

Emerald green tofu finished

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10-12 months+ complementary food recipes | Don't be afraid of constipation! Pumpkin radish to help, nutritious and laxative!

1. Suitable for babies over 10-12 months old

2. Pork tailbones can be replaced with pork ribs

3. Tofu can be replaced with yam

4. Corn can be replaced with zucchini

5. Pumpkin can be replaced with tomatoes

6. The demonstration is for two servings, including the amount of grasping for the baby to eat independently. Baby ingredients with small amounts can be halved as appropriate.

7. The combination of two dishes, it is not recommended to choose only one dish to make, the nutrition, taste and color of the two dishes are complementary.

Dear! I am Wan Dad, a nutritionist and nursery, I like to share the knowledge of baby food production and feeding, and the baby food for different ages has been filmed into videos and graphics, which are included in my public account "Wan Dad Parenting", including staple food, soup, baking, food therapy and meal matching, etc., pay attention to me, no longer worry about what the baby eats!

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