
Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

Parents always try their best to provide the best for their babies as they grow.

In recent years, carrots and pumpkins have become the "darlings" of many parents.

Not only are they nutritious and sweet, but they are also believed to boost your baby's vision and digestion.

However, pediatric experts remind parents that while carrots and pumpkin are good choices, it doesn't mean they can be given to their babies all the time.

Li Lanzheng, a professor of pediatrics at a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Guangzhou, once treated many "Minions" on his personal platform.

These children seem to be eating carrots and pumpkins on a regular basis.

It's funny that mothers still think their children are sick.

The professor said don't give the child carrots and pumpkins.

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

Why do parents like to give their children carrots, pumpkins and other foods so much?

When we step into the world of baby food, it is like entering a colorful rainbow paradise.

Carrots and pumpkin are typical examples.

On the one hand, these two vegetables are rich in β-carotene and dietary fiber, which have certain benefits for your baby's vision and digestive system.

On the other hand, their taste and color tend to attract the baby's attention and make parents feel that the baby will be more receptive.

Moreover, these two ingredients are simply "zero difficulty" to make.

Whether steamed, boiled, or stewed, they do the job with ease and the taste is consistent.

For those new mothers who are new to the kitchen, this is undoubtedly a "savior".

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

They no longer have to worry about making their babies hungry because of poor cooking.

Just put these two ingredients in the pot and cook them slightly, and a plate of delicious baby meals can be easily baked.

When parents add complementary food to their children, they are lazy in these aspects, which will trap their children

Every step on your baby's journey is full of challenges and opportunities.

The addition of complementary foods is undoubtedly one of the most important steps.

Myth 1: Feed food that is difficult to digest

Some parents are too anxious to add complementary foods to their babies and feed their children some foods that are difficult to digest early.

For example, hard lumpy foods, high-fiber vegetables, etc.

These foods will not only increase the burden on the baby's stomach, but also may cause problems such as indigestion and constipation.

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

Your baby's digestive system is not yet fully developed, so you need to choose foods that are easy to digest and nutrient-dense as complementary foods.

Myth 2: It is too simple to make baby food

Some parents are too simplistic when making baby food, just steaming or boiling the ingredients and feeding them to their babies.

While this is convenient, it ignores the fact that babies need different kinds of nutrients to meet their needs as they grow.

In addition, some parents will choose ready-made commercial complementary foods because they are busy, and ignore the freshness and quality of the food.

All of these practices can lead to undernutrition and affect your baby's healthy development.

In addition to the above two aspects, some parents also have other common misunderstandings when adding complementary foods to their babies.

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

For example, some parents pay too much attention to the baby's taste and add too much salt, sugar and other seasonings;

Some parents are too concerned about the amount of food their babies eat, ignoring their baby's satiety, resulting in overfeeding;

There are also parents who lack patience and attention when their babies are eating, and let their babies eat by themselves or while playing.

So, how should we feed as parents?

First of all, we can't blindly follow the trend or feed the baby according to our own preferences.

We need to carefully observe your baby's reactions, understand their preferences and needs, and then choose the right food and feeding method.

Secondly, we need to focus on the nutritional needs of our baby.

As babies grow, they need a wide variety of nutrients to support their development.

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development

Therefore, we need to provide our babies with a variety of foods, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

We also need to pay attention to the freshness and hygiene of the food to ensure that the baby can eat healthy and safe food.

Finally, we also need to pay attention to your baby's eating habits.

Good eating habits are essential for your baby's healthy development.

We must cultivate the baby's regular and quantitative eating habits to avoid overeating or picky eating.

At the same time, we also encourage babies to eat by themselves to develop their independence and self-confidence.

Pediatrician: Don't always give your baby carrots and pumpkin, it will hurt the baby's spleen and stomach and affect the child's development


In short, carrots and pumpkin are nutritious ingredients, but they can't meet all of your baby's nutritional needs.

Parents should pay attention to the methods and principles when adding complementary foods to their babies to provide comprehensive and balanced nutritional support for their babies.

Adding complementary foods is an important part of your baby's growth process, and parents need to take it seriously.

By avoiding common feeding myths, we can provide better nutritional support for your baby and promote their healthy growth.

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