
The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

With the pace of summer quietly coming, we ushered in the small man in the twenty-four solar terms. It is a solar term that symbolizes the prosperity of all things, which means that the grains in nature are beginning to plump but not yet ripe. In China's traditional food culture, Xiaoman solar terms also have their own unique dietary characteristics, that is, they focus on lightness and health preservation to adapt to the climate change in summer.

In the small full season, people's diet should be light and refreshing, nutritious, and try to avoid greasy and spicy food, so as not to burden the body. At this time, fresh fruits and vegetables become the protagonists of the table, which are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins and minerals, which help to strengthen the body's immunity and resist the heat and humidity of summer.

Among many fruits and vegetables, pumpkin is loved by people for its unique taste and nutritional value. Pumpkin is rich in carotene, vitamin C and dietary fiber, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing heat and detoxifying. In the small full season, moderate consumption of pumpkin can not only meet the needs of taste buds, but also play a role in health preservation.

Today, we will combine the dietary characteristics of Xiaoman's solar terms and learn together a combination of traditional and modern cooking skills, crispy outside, soft and glutinous filling, rich taste layers, and people's favorite food - pumpkin crisp production method.

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients for the pumpkin crisp. The main materials include water and oil skin: medium powder: 110 grams, sugar: 20 grams, lard: 40 grams, water: 45 grams; Puff pastry: low flour: 85 grams, lard: 45 grams, pumpkin powder: 5 grams; Filling: Baby pumpkin (cooked): 500 g, milk powder: 25 g, sugar: 25 g, butter: 30 g.

Choose fresh, spotless pumpkins to make a more delicious pumpkin crisp. Glutinous rice flour is the main ingredient for pumpkin crisp crust, which can make the crust more crispy and delicious. White sugar is used to adjust the sweetness of pumpkin crisp, and it can be added in an appropriate amount according to personal taste.

Next, we started making pumpkin crisp. First of all, mix the materials of the puff pastry and water oil skin evenly and knead it into a smooth dough, seal and refrigerate for more than 40 minutes, divide the oil skin into 36 grams and divide the puff pastry into 22 grams; Flatten the oil skin and put it on the puff pastry, wrap it evenly, close the mouth and pinch it tightly; Roll out the wrapped dough into a rectangle, roll it up from top to bottom, seal and relax for 15 minutes.

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

The loose dough is rolled out twice, slowly rolled out from both ends, lifted and stretched, then rolled up from top to bottom, sealed and frozen for 20 minutes. After freezing, cut in half with a knife, press flat with the cut side facing up and vertically down, and then turn over and roll it into a circle with a diameter of about 6-8 cm.

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

Peel and remove the seeds from the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces and steam it in a steamer. After steaming, the pumpkin is pressed into a puree with a spoon, and an appropriate amount of sugar, condensed milk, and cheese is added, stirred evenly, and the filling is divided into small agents. Then wrap it in the finished skin, tighten it, and place it on a baking tray in turn, preheat the oven in advance, and bake at 165 degrees for 30 minutes.

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

At this time, the pumpkin crispy skin and soft filling are sweet and delicious, which makes people have an endless aftertaste. In addition to roasting, pumpkin crisp can also be made in other cooking methods. For example, pumpkin crisp can be fried in a pan of oil, but the pumpkin crisp baked this way is healthier and less fatty.

The outer skin is crispy and the inner filling is soft and glutinous, and the taste is rich in layers, which is deeply loved by people for making pumpkin crisp

In short, combined with the dietary characteristics of Xiaoman's solar terms, making a delicious pumpkin crisp can not only meet the needs of taste buds, but also play a role in health care. In the heat of summer, why not try this delicacy and let your taste buds enjoy a refreshing feast too!

In addition to pumpkin crisp, there are many other delicacies worth trying during the small full season. For example, stir-fried vegetables, cold cucumbers, and mung bean soup are all dishes that are perfect for summer. These dishes are not only refreshing, but also nutritious, helping to regulate the body's metabolic functions and maintain good health. In addition, during the small full season, we can also enhance the body's immunity through a reasonable diet.

I am Hui Food, updating different cuisines every day, so that more people can understand food culture and explore different food worlds, and I also hope to provide more food inspiration and creativity for everyone. If you are also a food lover, there are new delicacies waiting for you to discover every day, welcome to like, follow, and favorite! Your support is my biggest motivation, and we'll see you next time!

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