
Complementary food is not only added for eating, the addition is reasonable, and the baby is healthier physically and mentally.

author:Lactation nutrition Wang Wenli

The benefits of complementary food supplements should include at least 3 aspects.

The first benefit is the timely provision of nutrition.

That is, the most basic - supplemental nutrition, when the baby is 6 months old (premature birth, growth and development delay, acute and chronic diseases and other special circumstances need to follow the doctor's instructions to determine the time of adding complementary food), the nutrition obtained from breast milk has been unable to meet the needs of normal growth, and the addition of complementary food in time will increase the risk of anemia, iron and vitamin A deficiency in infants.

The iron stored in the baby's body can probably maintain the needs of 4-6 months, so the first bite of complementary food should be rich in iron-rich meat puree or rice noodles, based on the dietary habits of Chinese people, at the same time, rice products are not prone to allergies, many mothers choose the baby's first bite of complementary food is rice noodles (products).

So how do you choose rice noodles?

Complementary food is not only added for eating, the addition is reasonable, and the baby is healthier physically and mentally.

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1. Look at the fortified iron content.

Commercially available rice flour is fortified with bivalent iron (ferrous iron), and the fortified amount is more than 4 (mg/100g), 5 points, 6 points, and I have even seen 7.0 iron-fortified products.

With a lot of iron, when the baby eats it, the color of the stool will be more dark green (there are also individual babies who will have intestinal discomfort at the beginning, and the amount of addition needs to be gradually increased).

2. Look at the ingredient list.

There are many manufacturers of rice noodles, and competition allows everyone to seize customers and seize the market. In addition to the price war and brand war for mothers, the taste and taste of the product are a competition for babies. To make the product delicious, and the baby likes to reject other brands, which is a place where food manufacturers put a lot of effort into it.

But is it really good if the baby thinks it tastes good?

Complementary food is not only added for eating, the addition is reasonable, and the baby is healthier physically and mentally.

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Your baby has a natural sweet craving, so you will find that after feeding her/him sweet foods, less sweet foods will be rejected. Foods with strong aromas will also make it easier for babies to fall in love with it.

Therefore, it is best to consider the supplementary food with XX sweet, XX honey, XX essence and so on.

If you don't buy iron-fortified rice noodles, you can also boil the rice porridge, add it to the nutrition pack, mix it well, and then feed it to the baby (many counties and cities have free nutrition packs).

For the first bite of complementary food, you can also choose meat puree, choose lean pork, beef into meat puree, and then add water to steam or boil into a puree for the baby to eat.

Complementary food is not only added for eating, the addition is reasonable, and the baby is healthier physically and mentally.

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The second benefit is that eating complementary foods has a positive effect on the development of smell, taste, touch, vision, nerves, and oral cavity.

Babies need to grasp and touch with their hands, and through hand-eye coordination, in order to bring food to their mouths.

The process of eating food requires hands, brains, and mouths. The flexibility of the fingers will also be exercised, and the baby's small palm will become more flexible from the beginning of only knowing how to clench, to being able to open and close the fingers later, and then to finally using the fingers to pinch the food in the granular state.

The texture (soft and hard), length and size of the food added at different age stages will be different, and the baby's oral chewing and swallowing ability can also be exercised, which is also beneficial to the healthy eruption of teeth.

Different food colors, smells, tastes, and textures can bring different sensory stimulation to babies and enrich their cognition of food.

Complementary food is not only added for eating, the addition is reasonable, and the baby is healthier physically and mentally.

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The third benefit is that it promotes the development of mental health.

Eating food is playing, playing, exploring, and learning for little ones.

Babies learn more about the world by touching food.

The process should be joyful when she/he learns and imitates mom and dad when eating. When she/he is able to eat successfully, it gives the baby a sense of accomplishment and she/he feels like I can and I did it!

This is helpful for the development and shaping of your baby's self-confidence.

Food not only nourishes our bodies, but also brings us spiritual comfort.

When the baby and the food have established an emotion, know the food, understand the food, and love the food, they will be able to choose the right food.

Only by knowing how to eat can we help your baby have a healthier body.

Exposure to natural and healthy foods from an early age also helps you develop good eating habits, and your adult diet will be healthier and less prone to disease.


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