
The 2024 National Nutrition Week was launched, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier"

author:Xinjiang Net

Xinjiang Net News (Correspondent Zhang Jianling) Healthy China, nutrition first. On May 12, the launching ceremony of the 2024 National Nutrition Week was held in Aosen Park, Beijing.

The 2024 National Nutrition Week was launched, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier"

Yang Yuexin, President of the Chinese Nutrition Society, delivered a speech

The National Nutrition Week is organized by the Chinese Nutrition Society and is now the 10th year. Focusing on Article 3 of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) "Eat more vegetables and fruits, milk, whole grains, and soybeans", and Article 5 "Eat less salt and less oil, control sugar and limit alcohol", the theme of this year's National Nutrition Week is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier", aiming at the problem of low milk and bean intake and oil intake much higher than the recommended amount of mainland residents, advocating to improve dietary quality and reduce the occurrence and development of obesity and chronic diseases.

The 2024 National Nutrition Week was launched, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier"

Yu Kang, vice president of the Chinese Nutrition Society, explained the theme of the National Nutrition Week, "Milk beans add nutrition, less oil is healthier"

During the ceremony, the Chinese Nutrition Society announced that 13 projects won the bid for the "Special Fund for Breakfast Nutrition and Health Patterns of Reasonable Diet for Chinese Residents", encouraging professional scientific research teams to explore basic research on breakfast nutrition from the two directions of science popularization and scientific research, and promoting the popularization and awareness of breakfast nutrition and health patterns.

The 2024 National Nutrition Week was launched, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier"

13 projects won the bid for the "Special Fund for Reasonable Diet Breakfast Nutrition and Health Model for Chinese Residents"

Milk beans are good CP, less oil is healthier

Reasonable nutrition and balanced diet are the material basis of human health, and the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) put forward eight guidelines for a balanced diet:

1. Diverse food and reasonable collocation; 2. Eat and move in a balanced manner and have a healthy weight; 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables, milk, whole grains, and soybeans; 4. Eat fish, poultry, eggs, and lean meat in moderation; 5. Less salt and less oil, control sugar and limit alcohol; 6. Eat regularly and drink plenty of water; 7. Be able to cook and choose, and be able to read labels; 8. Divide meals with chopsticks and eliminate waste.

It is understood that a long-term diet high in oil, salt and sugar has led to more than half of mainland residents being overweight and obese, bringing health risks such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and some specific cancers.

During the National Nutrition Week, experts came to support: three subtractions, one addition and one addition, a variety of food to eat, and perseverance in exercise

l Reduce oil, use more healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, mixing water and oil, and reduce the intake of fried foods and foods containing trans fatty acids;

l To reduce salt, you can use a small salt spoon and replace salt with other seasonings;

l Reduce sugar, reduce the consumption of sugary snacks, such as pastries, ice cream, etc., and do not drink or drink less sugary drinks;

l Add beans, soybeans contain high protein, low cholesterol, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, soy isoflavones, B vitamins and other nutrients vital to health, about 300 grams of soybean milk, about 60 grams of northern tofu, about 110 grams of southern tofu, about 45 grams of dried tofu, can meet the daily intake of 20 grams of soybeans;

l Added milk, liquid milk, yogurt, milk powder, cheese, etc., are all sources of high-quality protein and calcium;

l Eat at least 12 kinds of food every day, up to 25 kinds per week;

l Stick to more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every week.

Nutrition starts "early" Breakfast has a special fund for scientific research

In August last year, the Chinese Nutrition Society, with the support of the Amway Nutrilite Nutrition and Health Research Center, compiled the "Breakfast Nutrition and Health Model for Chinese Residents". In December, Amway invested 2 million yuan to cooperate with the Chinese Nutrition Society to set up the "Special Fund for Reasonable Diet Breakfast Nutrition and Health Model for Chinese Residents" to promote the basic research of breakfast nutrition in the scientific community, and advocate people to develop reasonable dietary habits and cultivate healthy lifestyles.

Peng Xianwu, general manager of R&D and technical regulations of Amway (China), said that more than 10% of mainland residents cannot eat breakfast every day, and nearly 90% of adults have a single variety of breakfast, low quality, insufficient intake of vegetables, fruits and milk, and insufficient and uneven nutritional intake. The "Breakfast Nutrition and Health Model of Chinese Residents" gives scientific guidance on the importance of breakfast nutrition and the comprehensive, balanced and timing of nutritional intake. The winning project of this fund will further deepen the research on scientific diet, especially the research and popularization of breakfast nutrition and health patterns, and promote the public to "eat well", "eat right" and "eat healthy".

The "Nutrition and Health Model of Chinese Residents' Breakfast" proposes:

l The amount of food for breakfast should account for 25-30% of the total food throughout the day, and the energy supply should be similar to that for lunch and dinner;

l Breakfast should not only be quick and convenient, but also ensure the diversity of food, so as to achieve balanced, sufficient and comprehensive nutrition

1 serving of cereal staple food, 1 serving of milk eggs and other foods, 1 serving of vegetables and 1 serving of fruits; High-quality foods containing high-quality proteins, unsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids, etc.; Foods that contain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and plant compounds; foods rich in probiotics;

l Choose foods with high nutrient density

l Less fried and pickled foods and pastries that are high in oil, salt and sugar.

The 2024 National Nutrition Week was launched, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier"

Nutritional and healthy model of breakfast for Chinese residents

Advocating a healthy lifestyle, Amway promotes total health

Adequate and balanced nutrition to lay a solid foundation for health; Improving public health literacy and practicing a healthy lifestyle is the most fundamental, economical and effective way to achieve comprehensive health.

With a nutritious breakfast as the starting point, Amway advocates the concept of comprehensive and balanced nutrition, and promotes the life-oriented, scenario-based and community-based public health management. In the context of the macro policy of "Healthy China", Amway has positioned itself as a "comprehensive health promoter", increased product research and development and innovation, consolidated digital operation capabilities, built a strong and flexible supply chain system, and contributed to the construction of China's modern nutritional food industrial system.

Over the past decade, Amway has also carried out a series of health literacy improvement activities such as "Healthy China, We Action", which have visited more than 100 cities across the country and covered more than 100 million people. Professional empowerment training for its marketing personnel, the online "Health Public Welfare Academy" brings together 2.7 million students, and more than 60,000 nutrition and health consultants have been trained and certified by the Chinese Nutrition Society; We will build hundreds of thousands of "big health communities", disseminate scientific health knowledge, provide professional and personalized health solutions, support and encourage consumers to turn knowledge into action, turn action into habits, and develop healthy lifestyles, so that a vibrant and healthy community can become a grassroots unit to promote the construction of a healthy city and a healthy China, and drive millions of people to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

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