
After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide: Every year after summer, both in the north and south, the heat is unbearable, especially in the south, the climate of high temperature and humidity is really uncomfortable. Although the high temperature will affect the appetite of many people, but in the summer, we still have to cheer up our appetite, because if we eat well, we will have energy all day long, if the food we eat, can not meet the energy required by the body, the physique will only get worse and worse, so every summer, no matter how hot the weather is, I will still insist on making some dishes with high nutritional value for my family. For example, in the summer, I recommend that you eat more fish, because most of the fish are low-fat and high-protein foods, and eating more in the summer can not only provide enough energy for the body, but also not be afraid of gaining weight!

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

In fact, after entering the summer, these two kinds of fish have just finished spawning, and their own meat is not much, and these two kinds of fish have more spines, and the weather is hot and the mood is more irritable, and eating these two kinds of fish is a little bit of snack, it is easy to get stuck, so after entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp should stand aside! And the fish I shared today is "ginseng" in summer, and it has fewer spines, thick meat and high nutrition, it is the loach that many people love to eat. From May to July every year, it is the time when a large number of loaches are listed, and the vegetable market generally sells for 10-15 yuan per catty, and you can make a plate by buying 1 catty!

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Don't underestimate loach, it contains more protein, sugar, minerals, vitamins than fish and shrimp, and it almost does not contain fat and cholesterol. Although there are many ways to eat loaches, but in the summer, many people are reluctant to do stir-fried dishes, today I will share a "sour soup steamed loach" method to everyone, if you like to eat, you must make more for your family to eat, because after a while, loaches will be expensive.

[Ingredients preparation]: 1 kg of loach, 100 grams of rice flour, sesame oil, Sichuan pepper, dried chili, pepper, green onion, minced ginger, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, aged vinegar, salt, lard, minced garlic.


Step 1: When buying loaches, try to choose thumb thick, this kind of loach meat is thicker, then chop off the loach fish first, then kill the belly of the fish, remove the internal organs, and finally use the back of the knife to pat the loach into a sheet and rinse it.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Step 2: Rinse the loach, be sure to rinse the blood inside and outside, which is the source of the fishy smell, then put the minced ginger, salt, black pepper, chicken essence, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, and a spoonful of sesame oil into the loach and stir evenly, and finally marinate the loach for 15 minutes, so that the loach can eat more flavorful, and there is no fishy smell.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Step 3: Put the prepared rice flour into the plate, put the marinated loaches into the rice noodles one by one, and dip the loaches on both sides with a thin layer of rice flour.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Step 4: Put the loaches wrapped in rice noodles into the steamer one by one, then cover the pot, wait for the steamer to gasp, steam the loaches for 8 minutes on high heat to turn off the fire, the loaches can not be steamed for too long, otherwise the loaches will be very lazy to eat, and the taste is very poor.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Step 5: Put a tablespoon of aged vinegar and an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil the water over high heat, put a little salt, pepper light soy sauce and oyster sauce into the water and stir well, then pour less water starch and hook the soup with a thin layer of sauce.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

Step 6: Pour the sour soup sauce on the steamed loach, then put a little minced garlic, Sichuan pepper, dried chili pepper segments, and chopped green onion into the loach, then put a spoonful of lard in the pot, burn the lard until it smokes, and pour it on the dried chili pepper to eat.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

[Lao Hu has something to say]:

1. When marinating loaches, be sure to put a little more black pepper, because black pepper has a very good effect on removing the smell and flavor, adding black pepper can obviously remove the earthy smell in the loach, you must remember that you can not replace it with white pepper.

2. Don't use five-spice powder for steaming loaches, you must use white rice flour, this kind of rice flour has no flavor and will not suppress the sweetness of the loaches themselves.

3. The steamed loach is best eaten while it is hot, and the time can not exceed 1 hour, if the loach becomes cold, not only the fishy smell will be aggravated, but also the taste will become worse, and it is the most fragrant to eat while it is hot.

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, this fish "race ginseng", with few spines, thick meat and high nutrition!

After entering the summer, the grass carp crucian carp stands aside, the loach fish "race ginseng", the spines are less, the meat is thick and the nutrition is high, and it will be expensive after a while. If today's article is helpful to you, please follow and like, this is my greatest support. In the follow-up, Chef Hu will explain more cooking tips and health maintenance skills to everyone, and finally thank you for watching.

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