
It is recommended to eat more of these dishes, which are nutritious, delicious and have a strong memory

author:Ji food culture
It is recommended to eat more of these dishes, which are nutritious, delicious and have a strong memory

【Stir-fried dried fish】


100g small dried fish 3 cloves of garlic

3 slices of ginger and 2 shallots

1 coriander and 2 coils of onion

Salt to taste: 1/2 tablespoon of chicken bouillon

1 tablespoon light soy sauce and 2 tablespoons cooking wine

Soybean oil


Wash the dried fish in advance with clean water, soak in boiling water for two hours, soak until soft and set aside, dry clean the soaked small fish, and drain the floating powder

Heat oil in a pan and fry the fish until golden brown

Fry the dried fish until golden brown Add the garlic and ginger shreds, shallots and onion rings and stir-fry for a while to bring out the fragrance Add cooking wine, soy sauce, chicken essence and stir-fry over low heat, sprinkle with minced coriander and green onions, and dry chili peppers Taste the taste The saltiness depends on your taste, add salt to taste and bring out of the pot

It is recommended to eat more of these dishes, which are nutritious, delicious and have a strong memory

【Stir-fried spring bamboo shoots with pickled cabbage】


3 spring bamboo shoots and an appropriate amount of pickled cabbage

1 green onion and 2 cloves of garlic

Appropriate amount of peanut oil and appropriate amount of salt

1 scoop of light soy sauce


Peel the shells of the spring bamboo shoots bought in the market, cut off the old roots of the bamboo shoots with a knife, and peel off the surrounding circle of bamboo shoot nails

Boil some water and add two spoons of salt to boil Put the sliced bamboo shoots into the boil, then you can take them out, wash them and drain them Tips: The bamboo shoots boiled in salt water will not numb the tongue when eaten

Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat it, add the shallots and garlic cloves and stir-fry until fragrant, add the sauerkraut and stir-fry. Then put in the drained bamboo shoots and stir-fry over high heat, turn to medium heat, pour a little boiling water on the side of the pot, and then put in a spoonful of extremely fresh soy sauce and a little salt and stir-fry to taste. Salty and light self-adjustment Sprinkle chopped green onions before cooking

It is recommended to eat more of these dishes, which are nutritious, delicious and have a strong memory

【Stuffed chicken wings with potatoes】


8 chicken wings and 2 potatoes

3 garlic cloves and 2 dried chilies

1 green onion

Peanut oil


Put the washed wings in cold water and boil After boiling, turn off the heat and wash in cold water Cut on both sides and wash again for later use Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces, wash them, soak them in water and set aside Hot oil pour them into the chicken wings and fry them for a while, put in the potato cubes and fry them together

Fry on both sides until golden brown, pour in the pre-adjusted juice (1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, and half a cup of rice wine), stir-fry, add a bowl of boiling water to submerge the chicken wings and simmer

Collect the juice and add some chicken essence to taste, sprinkle with chopped green onions and dried chili peppers before cooking

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