
Eat these dishes when the college entrance examination is coming to enhance your immunity

author:Ji food culture
Eat these dishes when the college entrance examination is coming to enhance your immunity

【Braised Chicken Nuggets】


Three yellow chickens (tender chickens are OK) 2.5 pounds and half a red bell pepper

1/2 green bell pepper 10 cloves of garlic

8 slices of ginger and 2 star anise

3 dried red peppers and 1 garlic sprout

A pinch of coriander A pinch of carrots

Cooking oil for banquet friends


Chop the fresh chicken into pieces, put a few slices of ginger in a pot of cold water, put in the chicken pieces, burn the switch, wash the chicken pieces, drain the floating powder, and set aside All the ingredients are ready

Pour oil into a clean pot and heat it, add garlic cloves, ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in chicken pieces and garlic sprouts, and stir-fry together

Half a cup of rice wine, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 3 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of soybean paste, a pinch of salt, a little chicken essence, mix well, pour into the pot and stir-fry

Pour a bowl of boiled water, submerge the chicken, add star anise, dried chili peppers, cover and cook

Add the chopped ingredients and stir-fry before collecting the juice

Sprinkle coriander and garlic sprouts before cooking

Eat these dishes when the college entrance examination is coming to enhance your immunity

【Braised sea bass】


1 sea bass 3 cloves of garlic

Appropriate amount of shallots and appropriate amount of ginger

1 coriander 3 dried chilies

Salt to taste, cooking wine to taste

1 tablespoon seafood soy sauce 1 tablespoon bean paste

Cooking oil for banquet friends


Wash the sea bass, scrape the back of the sea bass a few times, heat the oil in the pan, fry the sea bass until golden brown, add the shallots, garlic and ginger shreds, and stir-fry

Put cooking wine, seafood soy sauce, bean paste and stir-fry for a while, add half a bowl of boiling water, reduce the juice over medium heat, salty depending on your taste, add salt to taste

Sprinkle chopped coriander and dried chili peppers before cooking

Eat these dishes when the college entrance examination is coming to enhance your immunity

【Dry-roasted prawns】


500g prawns 6 dried red peppers

10 grams of minced ginger and 6 cloves of garlic

3 green onions and 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce

3 tablespoons of cooking oil and 20 grams of cooking wine

A pinch of salt


Wash the shrimp with scissors and open the back to remove the shrimp line, then cut off the sharp shrimp whiskers, wash and drain

Heat the oil in a hot pan, put the dried shrimp in and stir-fry for a moment to change color, turn to medium heat and fry slowly, fry on both sides until golden brown

Heat oil in a pot, stir-fry chives, ginger, minced garlic, dried chilies, pour in shrimp, stir-fry, pour in cooking wine, fresh soy sauce, stir-fry, finally add some salt, chicken essence to taste, sprinkle chopped green onions, and remove from the pot

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