
The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

The uterus is a good friend of female friends, it is also an important organ to support women as mothers, so we must usually be kind to the uterus, especially after childbirth, the uterus after heavy work, should be carefully cared for, so that the uterus can rest and recuperate, and strive to recover as before.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

So how long does it take for the uterus to recover after childbirth?

Many people may not know that in fact, uterine recovery is not as simple as we think, and uterine recovery is actually divided into 3 parts.

The uterine body, cervical opening and endometrium are respectively, and the recovery time of these three parts is different.

Uterine bodies:

Before pregnancy, the uterine body is the size of an egg, about 5 to 6 cm long, about 4 to 5 cm wide, about 3 to 4 cm thick, and the overall weight is about 50 to 70 g.

From the day of pregnancy, the uterus will slowly become larger, long and long, and before childbirth, it will grow about 1kg, enough to hold the next 5 to 8 kg of fetus, 1-2 kg of placenta and 1-2 kg of amniotic fluid, about 20 times larger, weighing about 1000--1100g.

This process takes up to ten gestation months.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

Because of this, the recovery time of the uterine body is longer than the cervical opening and endometrium.

At the time of motherbirth, due to the contraction of the uterus, the bottom of the uterus is about one finger under the umbilicus when the placenta is delivered, and the bottom of the uterus will be slightly elevated on the first day after childbirth, about flush with the navel, and even slightly higher.

After that, the uterine floor will drop by 1 to 2 cm per day, and in about a week after childbirth, the uterine floor will be 2 to 3 cm on the pubic joint, and after about 4 to 7 days, the uterus can return to its original position, that is, in the pelvic cavity.

That is, when pregnant, the uterus will come out of the pelvic cavity after three months, and it will take about 2 weeks to return to the pelvic cavity after delivery.

However, the uterus at this time has not yet returned to its pre-pregnancy state, and it will take 4 weeks from now until the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size state.

In other words, after childbirth, it takes 6 weeks for the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy size, which is 42 days, so a puerperal period of 42 days is very reasonable.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?


Endometrium is a layer of mucous membrane in the uterine muscle layer, when there is no pregnancy, the endometrium will be secreted by the hormones secreted by the ovaries to undergo periodic changes, if the woman is not pregnant, the endometrium will periodically fall off, and will bleed, which is usually what we see as a big aunt whim.

After pregnancy, under the action of progesterone, the endometrium will no longer fall off, and it will also thicken, facilitate the implantation of embryos, and camp in the uterus.

During pregnancy, the endometrium evolves into a deciduous membrane and also splits into two layers.

After the baby is born, the surface layer of the endometrium will necrosis, fall off, and become lochia. The deep layer will remain in place and then form a new layer of endometrium.

This process takes about 30 days.

In other words, the recovery of the endometrium takes about 30 days.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

Cervical orifice:

The cervical opening is the only way to give birth to a baby, and this cervical opening is also a very magical place.

Usually, the cervical opening is generally closed, the diameter is only about 0.6cm, and it will only be slightly open when the big aunt comes to facilitate the discharge of dirt.

After pregnancy, in order to better protect the fetus, the cervical opening will always be closed, and some mucus will be secreted to seal the opening, that is, the cervical mucus plug, which can ensure that the fetus will not be contaminated by the outside world.

However, in the process of vaginal delivery, under the action of hormones, the cervical opening will expand from 1cm to about 10cm, and the degree of expansion has to be very strong.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

So the cervical opening is also a very large task during childbirth, because of such extreme expansion, it will be congested, edematous, and even tear.

Recovery takes time, and in general, the cervical opening can be slowly closed about 1 week after childbirth, but this is not real recovery.

For the next 3 weeks or so, the uterine inlets are recovering and can be slowly restored to their original state.

The whole process is about 4 weeks.

Of course, due to different constitutions and different conditions during childbirth, some pregnant mothers may take more days. However, after about six weeks, the uterus is basically restored as usual, at this time the mother must remember to go to the hospital to review her recovery status.

But if you consider the problem of the next child, it is best to give the uterus a year to continue to repair, and only consider having another child after a year.

Although the uterus has the ability to repair itself, as our closest comrades-in-arms, it is a very important task to protect the uterus well, and we can do more to promote the recovery of the uterus.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

What can we do to promote uterine recovery?

In fact, after giving birth, the medical staff has already helped us to do some things that can promote the recovery of the uterus.

For example, postpartum pressure on the stomach can help excrete lochia and promote uterine contractions and recovery.

For example, the postpartum contraction injection can also promote uterine contractions and help the uterus recover.

There are also some drugs provided after childbirth, such as the common biochemical soup, which can help the uterus recover.

Of course, these do not need us to consider, the doctor will use it according to the situation of the mother.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

But the mother herself can do this:


Some women will feel a lot of pain in the stomach when feeding after childbirth, how long the baby eats the milk belly hurts for as long, and even feel that there is a line between the stomach and breast milk, the baby will hurt every time she sucks a mouthful of milk, especially in the two or three days after childbirth, the degree of stomach pain is no less than the pain of childbirth.

In fact, this is because of the pain of uterine contractions caused by breastfeeding, that is, breastfeeding can promote uterine contractions and help the uterus recover.

As long as breastfeeding can be continued after childbirth, it can promote uterine contractions and speed up uterine recovery.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

Massage the uterus

Mothers can also stimulate uterine contractions through massage, so that the uterus can recover faster.

Specifically, after childbirth, you can apply some emollient oil to the lower abdomen of the umbilicus, and then massage in a clockwise direction to stimulate the contraction of the uterus.

When massaging, the palms of the hands should be as large as possible in contact with the lower abdomen, not too hard, so as not to cause other pain.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

Food "healing"

Women can also promote uterine contractions by eating the right food, such as eating kelp can promote the discharge of lochia, hawthorn can promote uterine contractions, etc.

Other foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, etc. are rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, so that the mother's body and uterus can recover as soon as possible.

It is also appropriate to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber to prevent and alleviate postpartum constipation, avoid uterine prolapse caused by the need for forced defecation after childbirth, and avoid other things that require force.

The recovery of the postpartum uterus consists of 3 parts, which 3 are each and how long does it take to recover?

Finally, during this optimal period of uterine recovery, that is, during the puerperium period, the mother should also rest appropriately so that the body can better recover.

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