
The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

Intensive reading mother: Truly excellent parents always follow the good examples, teaching their children to face mistakes and take responsibility.

Author:Yue mo Weilan (Parents Intensive Reading Author)

A while ago, Liu Xin once again rushed to the hot search because of the first-instance judgment in the Jiang Ge case.

She held a press conference and claimed that the verdict of the first instance was too hard for her.

Looking at her pitiful face, people can't help but ask what kind of parents would raise such a conscienceless child.

Since Jiang Ge's death, Liu Xin's parents have not criticized, accused, or apologized for their daughter's evasion of responsibility, threats, and slanders against Jiang Ge's mother.

Liu Xin's parents not only did not have any gratitude to Jiang Ge, who saved their daughter's life, but instead said such a sentence to Jiang Mu: "Your daughter was originally short-lived!" ”

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

On the one hand, Liu Xin's parents hired a lawyer and filed a lawsuit for Liu Xin, and on the other hand, they insulted why Mother Jiang had always refused to let go of her daughter.

Only because Jiang Mu exposed her information and made her insulted and attacked by the whole network, they took it for granted that Liu Xin was the victim.

With such three views of injustice and no distinction between right and wrong, it is no wonder that Liu Xin is arrogant to the extreme, openly flouting justice and the law.

The indifference and cruelty in Liu Xin's human nature just confirms that sentence: Behind the children with three improper views, there is a pair of parents who do not distinguish between right and wrong.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

Parents blindly favoritism is burying a pit for their children

A famous educator once said:

"What really ruins a child's life is not a game, not a greedy game, but a result of the excessive favoritism of parents towards their children."

Some parents always think that their children are still young and that it is harmless to make mistakes, so they let it go.

During this year's Spring Festival, a girl in Xinyang, Henan Province, returned home, opened the door, and found snacks and garbage on the ground.

What made her blood pressure soar even more angry was that all her cosmetics were "tragically poisoned".

The powder box, mashed up, spilled on the ground.

A lipstick, broken off, used as a paintbrush, and the floor was full of graffiti.

Liquid foundation, perfume, liquid flow everywhere...

The girl said that she was not at home, her mother was cooking in the kitchen, and she could not look after the two boys of the relatives' family, so this unbearable scene occurred.

Afterwards, the girl filmed the video and sent it to relatives.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

However, the relatives only replied with an understatement: "The child has been seriously criticized." ”

Not only was the child not asked to apologize to the girl, but there was no mention of compensation at all.

In desperation, the girl could only endure the anger and consider herself unlucky.

The indulgence of parents toward bear children is essentially an educational dereliction of duty and short-sighted selfishness.

Educator Spencer wrote in the book "Family Education": "The irresponsible excuse of parents subtly reinforces the impression that the child is not wrong. ”

The mistakes that children make today may not be great, but if parents do not correct and restrain them, they will encourage children to make big mistakes in the future.

Truly good parents always follow the rules and inducements, teaching their children to face mistakes and take responsibility.

Parents without principles will only blindly protect their calves, thinking that they have protected their children, but in fact, they are burying pits for their children.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents
The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

Parents who do not distinguish between right and wrong will only make their children go more and more crooked

Educator Sukhomlinsky once said: "For a family, parents are roots, children are flowers." If the root is broken, the flower will definitely wither. ”

Remember the Zhengzhou "drug king" Guo Weipeng who destroyed a city by one person?

At the beginning of March 2020, during the epidemic period, Guo Weipeng flew to Italy to watch a ball game, traveled to four countries in 7 days, took 6 flights and 2 high-speed trains, and traveled a total of more than 24,000 kilometers.

After returning to China, he deliberately concealed his travel history abroad, did not stay at home, but took the subway to work as usual.

Subsequently, the police found that he had traveled abroad and called to verify, but he denied it. What is even more infuriating is that the police called Guo Mu for verification, and Guo Mu also refused to admit it.

Guo's mother knew that her son had gone abroad, but on the grounds of no symptoms, she deliberately did not report to the community, and when her son had symptoms such as fever and sore throat, she boiled medicine for her son at home.

It was not until the police came up with evidence that Guo's mother was forced to admit that her son had gone abroad.

After that, Guo Weipeng was diagnosed and was investigated at the same time. For his own selfish interests, he broke the record of zero new additions in Zhengzhou for 19 consecutive days, causing all 43 close contacts to be isolated, and the city was once again under martial law.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

In the end, Guo Weipeng was sentenced to one year and six months in prison on suspicion of obstructing the prevention and control of infectious diseases.

Guo's deliberate concealment of the facts is like a pair of invisible hands, personally pushing the child into the abyss of illegal crimes.

Scholar Bodas said: "People's concepts and standards are deeply influenced by parents and are rooted in their minds. ”

How can parents who can't distinguish between right and wrong and can't keep the bottom line give their children a correct three views?

Parents' three views are biased, and no matter how they can not teach educated children.

As the most important teacher in a child's life, if the parents do not correct the child's wrong words and deeds in time, but condone the mistakes, then the child's path will only go more and more crooked.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

Only when parents know the book well can they educate children with good behavior

The old saying goes: "Parents are virtuous, children are good teachers." ”

The words and deeds of parents are crucial for children to understand the world, understand the rules and parenting.

Netizen "Yu Brother Yu Di" shared such a story on the Douyin account.

His son was naughty and spilled the whole bottle of ink directly out of the window, and as a result, all the downstairs residents suffered.

The clothes hanging on the balcony downstairs were all splashed with ink, and what was even more infuriating was that the exterior wall of the building and the floor at the bottom of the building were also stained with ink.

When netizens figured out the origin of the matter, they helplessly sighed: "What is this life!" "Immediately gave my son a vivid education lesson with his own practical actions."

The child's mother took the child to apologize to each neighbor, and took all the ink-stained clothes home to wash, and the clothes that could not be washed bought new ones were paid to the neighbors.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

Netizens are responsible for cleaning the exterior walls of downstairs households and the ground floor on the ground floor. While he was cleaning up, his son stood in the daylight and watched his father.

Netizens said very seriously: "Children can't do this job, but we as parents must make him realize how serious the consequences of his actions are." ”

The couple's method of disciplining the children has been praised by many netizens.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

With their own words and deeds, they have taught their children the bottom line and boundaries of being human.

Song Qingling once said: "In the final analysis, a child's personality and talent are most deeply influenced by the family and parents. ”

The child's character and will are often implanted in the child's concept through the parents' behavior and become the inner flesh and blood.

If parents ignore their children's small mistakes, they will eventually lead to great disasters over time.

Smart parents will definitely help their children recognize their mistakes and correct them in time during the critical period of their children's character shaping, so as to give their children the greatest protection.

It can be seen that only when parents are reasonable and pay attention to rules, and children will become people with good conduct under the influence of their ears.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

I once saw such a sentence: "The most expensive educational resource is not the school district room, but the three views of parents." ”

The impact of the parents' three views on the child's life is immeasurable.

What kind of person your child will become depends on what kind of person you are.

It is the responsibility of every parent to be born and nurture and to teach.

Parents love their children, not to help their children escape punishment, but to guide them in time when their children make mistakes to avoid him from making bigger mistakes.

May every child be fortunate to meet sensible, educated parents and receive the right guidance. Let children benefit from the infiltration of their parents' good character for life.

The most expensive educational resource is not the school district house, but the three views of parents

About the author: Yuemo Weilan, parents intensive reading columnist, the copyright of this article belongs to Fushu, unauthorized, may not be reproduced, infringement must be investigated

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