
The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

Although the trend of buying a car pursues a high level, in the actual household, economic and fuel saving is the king. If a car is good, but the fuel consumption is high, then in the long run, its economic and practical cost performance is relatively low, and it will be discounted in the choice of car purchase. Generally in our impression, Japanese and Korean cars are more economical and fuel-efficient, while American cars are often oil tigers, so after the big wave of the automobile market, what is the truth? Recently, a software announced the list of fuel-efficient car series, let's unveil the leaderboard.

The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

In this list, we may not have imagined that German cars actually occupy half of the top ten of the list. In fact, there is no surprise, if our impression is still stuck in the old Santana era of the masses, it is a big mistake.

The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

Later, German cars attached great importance to fuel consumption in the development process, and the new Santana, Sagittarius, Andra, which we are familiar with, are very "cutting the door". And even Volkswagen's sub-series Skoda Octavia, Xinrui and other models are also very fuel-efficient, and the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers in the actual measurement may only be a little more than 5L. In addition to the contribution of the maturity of fuel engine technology, small displacement turbocharged engines have also greatly reduced fuel consumption, such as Volkswagen's boss Huadan Sagittar and Skoda Octavia's 1.2T turbocharged engine, which has good power performance and reduced fuel consumption.

The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

However, Volkswagen's fuel saving king is Bora. The fuel consumption of this 1.4T turbocharged engine with Volkswagen's unique technology was tested in actual tests, and even simulated and tested high fuel consumption scenarios such as traffic jams, traffic lights, toll booths, etc., and Bora still showed a low fuel consumption of 3.5L against the sky for 100 kilometers. Speaking of which, when our riders buy a car, they should not simply consider the Japanese and Korean systems from the perspective of fuel saving, and the original German system is more powerful.

The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

Although the Ashkenazi system has been touted, the Japanese system is by no means a fuel saving lamp in terms of economic fuel saving. The Relatively Light Japanese Body, coupled with the maturity of naturally aspirated and turbocharging technology, makes it very economical. For example, Mazda Anksela, Nissan Xuanyi, toyota Ralink are all on the list this time. Axela's inclusion in the fuel economy rankings is somewhat surprising, but this is due to the combination of a 1.5-liter naturally aspirated engine and a 6-block hand, and even a strong head on the leaderboard. And we know that Xuanyi's technology is quite outstanding, to achieve accurate oil control in many aspects, the measured fuel consumption of about 6.83L has been quite outstanding, but Axela has achieved 6.78L. But the fuel saving must be Toyota Leiling, the fuel consumption of the twin-engine version is even reduced to about 4L, which really reaches the realm of letting the oil price start and sitting firmly in the Leiling fly.

The car fuel consumption ranking is coming, Leiling only ranks 5th, and the most fuel-efficient is actually the American car

However, the most unexpected thing about this list is that the champion turned out to be the American Chevrolet Covortz, with a fuel consumption of only 6.5 liters per 100 kilometers, thanks to the car's 1.0T turbocharged engine. However, the 1.0-liter three-cylinder engine is widely criticized by consumers, so although The Kowartz won the fuel saving championship, the sales volume was very average. From this point of view, the Route of American cars relying solely on fuel saving is not benign, but should be in line with the genuine fuel-saving technology of German and Japanese products.

Summary: Fuel consumption, one of the most important indicators of family cars, does have a greater impact on consumer choice. However, while saving fuel, the power output cannot be reduced, and models such as the Kowartz that take the three-cylinder route have won a certain reputation in terms of fuel consumption, but they still have no sales improvement or empty joy. In the game of fuel consumption and power, we must not play seesaw, one end is high and the other is low, and it must go hand in hand in order to truly enter the hearts of consumers. Ashkenazi and Japanese are the power of example.

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